Questions for Biden supporters

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by 0U812USA, Oct 27, 2020.

  1. Seth Bullock

    Seth Bullock Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 26, 2015
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    There was a time when if you told me Democrats would censor free speech and information, that they would denigrate the working man in favor of the intelligentsia, that they would ship out manufacturing jobs to foreign countries, that they would use the military to attack countries that were no threat to us, I would have said you were crazy.
    quiller likes this.
  2. quiller

    quiller Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2006
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    To the out-and-out parasite who receives it, it's not for nothing, it's the object of the shakedown.
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2020
  3. quiller

    quiller Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2006
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    Same here.

    My own start-point was Lyndon Johnson threatening my life by attempting to draft me for an illegal war declared over an imaginary Gulf of Tonkin incident. Which, might I add, by the time Tricky Richard Nixon ended it 58,000 men and women had died for a Democrat lie. There is no other possible explanation. A lie.

    Nah, I'm not bitter about lying scumbag Democrats. Not much I'm not. I lost friends in that war. People I served with. But what got me really going was that halfwit Georgia cracker Jiminy Peanut, giving away the Panama Canal and trying to claim there'd be no national defense problems for the larger aircraft carriers now required to go round the Horn, adding days to any response.

    Leftists are fools about national defense. Fools or active enemy agents --- and in politics it's easier to assume the simplest explanation. Then decide which applies.
    Seth Bullock likes this.
  4. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    How many lives will be saved? That easy not a damn one. Sad that your idea of a functional adult is a gutless pandering buffoon who can't remember what state he's in or what office he's running for and keeps talking about wishing he'd beat up Trump when he, Joe was in high school, sure high school senior picking on 8th graders that's classy. Butt then Joe probably can't do math any more either.
  5. Seth Bullock

    Seth Bullock Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 26, 2015
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    You have got to be kidding!

    The man is slipping into dementia.

    And he is the one who called shutting off travel from China "hysterical xenophobia" while Nancy Pelosi was encouraging everyone to come to Chinatown for a grand old time.
    quiller likes this.
  6. Professor Peabody

    Professor Peabody Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 19, 2008
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    They raise the taxes on the rich, but they have armies of CPA's to make sure they don't pay them.
  7. Distraff

    Distraff Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2011
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    Its a fact. When you make a change to healthcare, you can't expect everyone to keep the doctor they had before. That is a completely unrealistic expectation.
  8. Distraff

    Distraff Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2011
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    The rich generally pay higher taxes than everyone else. You can't lawyer yourself out of all your taxes.
  9. Professor Peabody

    Professor Peabody Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 19, 2008
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    It's where we differ. They are charged higher taxes, they pay the least their army of CPA's can get away with.
  10. Chuck711

    Chuck711 Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2017
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    A complete lock down for 6 weeks would slow and maybe stop the virus

    However we never had a top down response from the Federal Government so we wasted the time we spent during the Lock down

    Instead Trumps urging the citizens to fight the lockdown was just unbelievable

    So here we are the Worst Country in Virus deaths and virus spread

    Americans suffer with deaths and economic hardships

  11. DentalFloss

    DentalFloss Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2013
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    Karl Marx would be so proud of you right now!! Let me rephrase what you've written, and see if you can still justify it. Reworded, your statement says:

    "What we're going to do is force evil, rich people, who DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU, to pay for YOUR health insurance, and to make sure they comply, we're going to do it at gunpoint."

    We have another way of conveying that message, too. It's called "Armed Robbery". Are you sure that's what you want to go on the record as being in support of?


    Healthcare should be paid for by the people receiving the benefits, and it should be a "reasonable and customary" charge, as previously discussed.

    Schools should be paid for by a per student tuition, paid for by those children's parents. Not total strangers paying to educate OPKs. If you "can't afford" it, simple. Don't have kids, or make other arrangements besides public schools. Merit based scholarships are fine so long as they are funded privately. Likewise, voluntary contributions are fine, whether directed at a specific person or persons, or to the overall budget. Key word: VOLUNTARY.

    Roads should be paid for by a weight mile tax for every mile driven by every vehicle on that State's roads, that completely funds all construction and maintenance needs, but neither subsidizes anything else, nor is subsidized by anything else. That way the roads get funded 100% in a fair and equitable manner.

    Fire Departments should be paid for by insurance companies, who would each contribute an equitable portion to a single non-profit cooperative FD in any given geography in which they voluntarily sell policies. Insurance premiums should then be used to cover the costs, plus a reasonable profit. If people choose not to have insurance, they don't get services to stop any fires (except as necessary to protect the properties of those close by who are insured), nor would they be reimbursed for any damages. This is actually close to how we do things now, except we remove the government from the financial obligation of running the fire departments.

    Beyond fires, insurance companies and their customers can negotiate on what expenses are or are not covered, and again, for "reasonable and customary" premium charges, with no government subsidies (for example, federal flood insurance) except from individuals, groups, and/or organizations who decide to contribute voluntarily. But governments should not be allowed to voluntarily contribute their constituents money. If elected officials, appointed executives, or other stakeholders wish to contribute, they should do so with their private funds and any they can raise from anyone else willing to contribute on an individual basis.

    ALL OTHER governmental expenses should be paid for by a combination of Sales Taxes, user fees (which should actually cover the costs of the services provided, and not be subsidized by anything else as they typically are now), and at the federal level, perhaps even tariffs.

    I'm not the biggest fan of tariffs in general, but at least they give us a mechanism to disincentivize companies from offshoring their labor needs for the sole purpose of paying 12-year-olds $0.15/day to build their products. (Apple, I'm looking at you here...) If we strategically use tariffs not so much as a revenue enhancing tool (though it can and will do that), but to make it just as expensive for companies like that to keep their labor needs here on US soil at a prevailing wage for such work, that's a win/win. And if it causes iPhone (or whatever, we're just using those as an example) cost to rise, or profits to fall, so be it. It already costs just as much for a 6" phone as a 75" TV (which is ~25x bigger, but lacks the cellular chip (which costs pennies), and is obviously less portable), something isn't adding up right.

    Income taxes should be prohibited, as should property taxes, at least on a person/couple's/family's primary residence. As should all forms of "corporate taxes", because all they are is hidden sales taxes that corporations collect and remit, but that we the people actually pay. The same holds true for death taxes, cigarette taxes, booze taxes, and all other forms that aren't sales taxes, user fees. or tariffs.

    Above all, we need to get away from this cradle to grave sense of entitlement, and back towards rugged individualism and personal responsibility. I label this as "above all" because ALL the rest of the suggestions I've made here will naturally follow if we take that one simple step. So stop being a mooch, and expecting evil, "rich" strangers to pay your bills and take care of your own responsibilities like adults do. Or used to do, and should do again. Do take note that I'm talking about able bodied and able minded individuals. For people who, for whatever reason, are LITERALLY not capable of taking care of themselves, we should have a safety net of some kind in place. But like everything else, it should be funded by sales taxes, user fees, and possibly federal-level tariffs.
  12. DentalFloss

    DentalFloss Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2013
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    OK, fine, I give in, you can apply after getting arrested.

    But you know what's going to happen? You're still going to get arrested, you're still going to jail, if you have minor children with you, you'll still be separated from them, and they'll still be either placed with a parent, other relative, or become a "ward of the State", and in any event, they're going to end up at least for some amount of time in the holding facilities that were built pre-Trump that you label as "torture", and by extension, accuse Trump himself of being a "child torturer".

    And it's almost a virtual certainty that when your asylum claim is reviewed, it will be declined, just as the overwhelming majority of them are.

    Then, you'll be tried for your crime, hopefully convicted, do your time (if you get any which sadly, most won't), and more importantly, be deported back to wherever it is you came from in the first damn place.

    I've said this before, but we absolutely MUST gain control of our borders, and begin to vigorously enforce our immigration laws. I hear that illegals are "scared" because they might be deported if they get caught, but I'm OK with that. They SHOULD be scared, and they SHOULD be deported. Every. Last. One. Of. Them.

    And barred from legal reentry for a period of time, up to a lifetime ban if you get caught enough times. THIS is actually part of the law as it presently exists, but it seems it goes almost completely unenforced. Just as MOST of our immigration laws are, especially by super leftist States like CA and NY, where they seem to think enforcing borders and laws is some sort of human rights violation. Sorry, it's not. Nobody that isn't born a citizen has a right to live here, or to become a citizen. It is a privilege, and ought to be treated thusly. America is, first and foremost, for Americans, even if that grammar isn't completely correct or accurate. But the sentiment remains unchanged regardless of sloppy grammar usage.

    Please take note that my usage of the word "you" in this case does not mean YOU personally. Rather, I'm talking about the criminals who have broken our laws and violated the sanctity of our borders in an effort to live a criminal lifestyle in the first place.
  13. DentalFloss

    DentalFloss Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2013
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    This I gotta hear. Please explain to me exactly what I'm getting in return for my money being removed from me at gunpoint and used to pay other people's bills? In detail.
  14. DentalFloss

    DentalFloss Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2013
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    The US Federal government does not have the authority to order something like that. It's also very questionable whether or not States or local governments do, either, but they got away with it in any event. There may even be some cases winding their way through the process right now to get some judicial precedents set, but that won't change the past. And in any event, it will literally take years to be settled one way or another.
  15. Lee Atwater

    Lee Atwater Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 15, 2017
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    Do you need to be disabused of the idea Trump's self-serving tax cut did anything more than cause a temporary bump in GDP? Do you know what the pre-COVID estimates were for GDP growth in 2021? The same kind of growth we had in the last few years of the Obama admin.........without the crippling debt/deficits of Trump's tax cut.

    "The Trump administration has a dirty little secret: It’s not just planning to increase taxes on most Americans. The increase has already been signed, sealed and delivered, buried in the pages of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

    President Trump and his congressional allies hoodwinked us. The law they passed initially lowered taxes for most Americans, but it built in automatic, stepped tax increases every two years that begin in 2021 and that by 2027 would affect nearly everyone but people at the top of the economic hierarchy. All taxpayer income groups with incomes of $75,000 and under — that’s about 65 percent of taxpayers — will face a higher tax rate in 2027 than in 2019."
  16. DentalFloss

    DentalFloss Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2013
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    But it won't save me any money, much less "thousands". The BEST CASE scenario that I could hope for is that it will have no effect on me. The worst case is my costs will go up, possibly dramatically. Which one of those two happens depends upon details we don't yet know.
  17. Lee Atwater

    Lee Atwater Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 15, 2017
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    Civil society. Anything else? BTW, drop the hyperbole.

    As an aside, do you have the full Ayn Rand bobblehead collection or are you still working on it?
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2020
  18. Lee Atwater

    Lee Atwater Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 15, 2017
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    For the sake of the country, please extricate yourself from the right wing media bubble for a day or two in order for you do better see through the haze of talking points. You'll be surprised at what you find. Like Repubs seeking to censor free speech and information, denigrating the working man in favor of the 1%, shipping out manufacturing jobs to foreign countries over the objection of Dems, and aligning the country against our allies and with despots.
  19. Cybred

    Cybred Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2020
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    Healthy citizens=healthy county and economy. Things don't have to benefit you directly.
  20. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    If you can't (or refuse to) understand that children were (are still being) tortured and that the separation of children regardless of age from their parents were deliberate and that these constitute human rights atrocities which violate the Constitution and multiple international treaties (see Supremacy clause) you never will. Additionally, your apologist lunacy that these atrocities (not atrocities in your delusional world) are a part of some kind of "SWORN DUTY" despite that the Oath of Office IS IN FACT what is truly a sworn duty and a primary mandate is also your admission that you are complicit with these crimes via your gross ignorance and/or your assent to these human rights atrocities. The Bill of Rights and all international treaties (which again are incorporated into the Constitution via the Supremacy clause) specifically prohibit human rights atrocities committed for ANY PURPOSE, including but not limited to enforcing laws. Human rights atrocities committed as part of an agenda to enforce any law are actually civil rights violations committed under color of law.

    The above constitutes my only response to your Nazi mentality to set the record straight on these human rights atrocities. There is no point for me to even discuss this issue and try to reason with such a barbaric mentality. Believe what you want, it isn't my job to try to convince you to try to think like a civilized and enlightened human being.
    ChiCowboy likes this.
  21. quiller

    quiller Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2006
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    (*shakes head, wanders off elsewhere*)
  22. quiller

    quiller Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2006
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    Trump caught COVID and was back on his feet in three days. It's not as serious as liberals make it out to be. Sure, wear a mask. Distance. And wait it out, not punish us with unlawful imprisonment.

    You want America closed down --- meaning people left without groceries because TOTAL lockdown is just that. Otherwise you would offer a positive and common sense way to FEED those under lockdown.

    Liberal governors aren't talking about that because they just don't care who their flaunting of power may actually hurt. Gretchen Whitmer has managed to ruin Michigan's restaurant industry with a new edict beginning Monday requiring every patron to sign in for tracing. Over-reach, invasion of privacy, unlawful harassment...all Democrats at play. All wrong, every time, any where.

    If you can lock me up for something that at the very worst has a 1-in-20 chance of killing me, then I have the right to lock you up to protect you from the unintended consequences of your own liberal overreach.
  23. DentalFloss

    DentalFloss Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2013
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    So it's not armed robbery, it's extortion. "Pay our bills or we'll burn down the local CVS." Something along those lines?
  24. Golem

    Golem Well-Known Member Donor

    Feb 22, 2016
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    So far lack of leadership has cost at least 70 thousand lives. This due to lack of response. And if Scott Atlas gets his way (i.e., if Trump wins) the number of lives lost that could be saved will be over a million.
  25. Golem

    Golem Well-Known Member Donor

    Feb 22, 2016
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    I see you're a big fan of Hannity/Rush/Fox/Alex Jones echo-chamber talking points. But not so big a fan of checking the facts.

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