No they were dispatched in the field on site. reporters get the news on location not in the studio because the wtc isnt small enough to fit in a studio.
I surely haven't studied the films of that day but from everything I've seen online it would seem deformation happens at POI. That would coincide with bullet impact videos also. I can't recall seeing a bullet impact video where penetration occurred and the body of the bullet deformed towards the rear of the body before penetrating.
The feel free to produce public statements from these people that nothing hit the Tower and it "Just exploded" - - - Updated - - - Like many I was watching events on TV
send me a check, I dont cite whats easily available common knowledge that has been posted for you countless times in the past, do it yourself.
"After the first plane hit the World Trade Center, New York City firefighter Craig Gutkes was part of a ladder company in Brooklyn that was called in to Manhattan. When he was still on the Brooklyn side, his company saw the second plane roar over their heads, "It sounded like a freight train," he said. They watched that plane plow into Tower No. 2. Source" Oh, unless he saw "Flight 175" written on the side of the jetliner, he really didn't see it, right? You level of intellectual honesty is non-existant.
If the hijacked airliners story isn't true and really it isn't, therefore the whole bit about the angry Arabs ( etc .... ) totally falls apart. so the story must be supported at all costs, that is maintain that angry Arabs hijacked airliners (etc.... ) but really the whole hijacked airliners story is unsupportable. sorry about that.
Please check this out: and if anybody has any hard data, and real facts that constitute a rebuttal ..... please post what you have.
WTF? Why would any eyewitness have stated that the specifically saw "FLT175" crash into the tower? No specific airliners were identified and reported as being hijacked until nearly an hour after the planes hit the towers. But here's a answer for you (click on it if you don't know the question):
I'd still like to know out of those, & not "Thousands" of interviews, how many people reported sighting an airplane ( missile? ) or? .... and how many people either simply didn't see anything or omitted it from their testimony? There is a possibility that the attack was carried out with missiles, however, most certainly not with hijacked airliners.
LOL, so the airliners that people saw, filmed, were followed by ATC, called by people on the airliner, were miraculously transformed into missiles now eh? More magic from the truthers.
The facts still speak for themselves, the "FLT11" "FLT175" "FLT77" & "FLT93" crashes are uncharacteristic of airliner crashes. It is not sufficient "special circumstances" to allege that hijacking the airliners could account for the anomalies in the crash sites. The attack was not done with hijacked airliners. This then discredits the whole creation of DHS & TSA as allegedly valid entities. in fact, they are NOT.
and now for one of the huge gigantic anomalies The Pentagon, do you actually believe that a Boeing airliner crashed into the PENTAGON? and at the angle that was alleged to have happened? this is NOT "argument from incredulity" this is a matter of common sense, were is the aircraft? what happened to the Big Boeing? are we to believe that the bits on the Pentagon lawn constitute all that is to be seen, in terms of wreckage out side of the building? I'm sorry, my leg hurts from being pulled by the mainstream media.
There are limits, What if you witnessed a truck crash, some huge truck hit a retaining wall at full throttle and the result was mass quantity of little metal squares as if it had been diced by Martin Yan .... or? Wouldn't people wonder WHY? There are limits, like I said, and the events of 9/11/2001 are way beyond the limits, 4 airliner crashes where the airliner is as much as made to disappear, and people are simply expected to accept without question what is going on around here?
Made up scenarios aren't evidence. Way beyond limits? Because you say so? Show us your math on the limits, not more feigned incredulity.
You demand "math" as proof of something that is not defined by numbers. The fact is, 4 airliners were as much as made to disappear and also 3 skyscrapers "collapsed" into total destruction, and I know, you are going to say that what I claim isn't true, so then how about the supporters of the official story, prove that the "collapse" events didn't produce total destruction of the buildings WTC 1, 2 & 7 and also where is the PROOF that there even were hijacked airliners crashed at any of the 4 locations? what, no inventory of bits? no checking of serial numbered parts to match-up with the alleged flight? No Flight Data recorders for "FLT11" & "FLT175" .... this is NOT incredulity this is simply a request for real evidence that the flights in question were real, and so far, the evidence is very much lacking.
Example. You have been shown FEAs of the plane impacts into the facades and all your rebuttal can be is "they were cartoons". You have no proof of why they are cartoons. You have no engineering proof they were cartoons. You have nothing.