For years the scuttlebutt has been that Hillary's lover is Huma Abedin. Those in the Clinton inner circle have been saying for decades that the last time Hillary had sex with a man was around the 27th of May 1979. Does the heavy use of cocaine by women lead to cankles ?
Oh God... not the "American Mirror" again... a website for people who are gullible enough to believe anything, and I mean ANYTHING that some polemic dumpster-diving idiot could think of and write a semi-literate "article" on.
You didn't think MSNBC was going to cover this, did you? The Clintons can respond to her claims in their defamation lawsuit.
Because I have some familiarity with the "American Mirror." It's pure made-up garbage pandering to gullible right-wingers - who would believe Clinton and/or Obama (and his family) are alien invaders who have taken human form - if somebody posted it on their FB page.
Tell, you what, you look for it on Fox News; that's right, I said Fox News, the bastion of the right-wing infosphere. Find an article with some substantiation and not just the made-up garbage of this right-wing garbage tabloid. THEN we'll consider the potential implications. Until then, I have to just assume that everything and anything posted on AM is just pure biased and acerbic fiction.
Obama used coke so it's not a stretch that the Clintons did. A quick search turned up a bunch of stories about Bill's coke use but I didn't catch any for Madam Secretary, but I didn't look past the first page.
Only Trump fanbois would believe it if Trump started spouting this nonsense. Probably about the number of people who believed Trump when he alluded that Cruz's father was involved in the assassination of JFK. Of course we know two things to be facts: 1)Trump has a tenuous relationship with the truth and 2) Trump fanbois and gois will eat any low-brow pablum up as the gospel truth.
Wierd, the only "source" of this is the "American Mirror;" a right-wing tabloid well-known for publishing complete bull(*)(*)(*)(*). I'm SOOO shocked!!! Just kidding.
Being a coke addicted bi-sexual would explain sooooooooo much about canks. I can hear Trump saying it now-"folks, she's a cocaine addict. Her and Obama loved the coke. Maybe she used her "charities" to fund her habit, could be, right?"
Well, as much as I despise Hillary, I have a question for her hubby. It had been reported that he told someone that he 'shoots blanks b/c he had the mumps when he was a kid" can't father kids. Here he says he got her pg and she got an abortion....which way is it? Why didn't she abort Chelsea? M/b b/c she's Webb Hubble's daughter? After seeing the pix of Webb & Chelsea - sure looks like he fathered her. And if she was as horrible as he describes from the beginning of their marriage - hating kids, perferring women for sex, etc - why did he stay w/her? I DESPISE Hillary - the pathological liar is corrupt and evil right down to the core........but I see flaws and questions in his story.
She has a lot of dirt on him. They lead completely separate lives. Hillary is a lesbian, and Bill evidently enjoys 25 documented trips to a convicted pedophile's private island for sex orgies with underaged girls. .
Do you see a biological father & daughter? I read somewhere where Chelsea was asked if she wanted to take a DNA test and she refused.
Much of this information, Hillary's psychotic temper, her lesbianism, the Clinton's dabbling in drugs, has been reported on before in various places. Your denial is self serving and if you think Time or Newsweek (if they are even still in business) are going to print anything that puts the Clinton crime family in a negative light then you feed right into a partisan circle jerk of denial where only "good" sources print the truth and if you don't like the truth then, obviously, it did not come from a "good" source. Your pathology is well known and doesn't make much sense.
Yeah, they have a marriage of convenience and I'm sure have a ton of dirt on each other......what a pair! This is one pair that this country absolutely does not need back in the WH. When they had moved out, they even swiped Thomas Jefferson's desk! I'm surprised they returned it when told to bring it back...I hope Trump throws that at her. The horny old goat will eventually get caught, somehow, some way w/one of Epstein's underage victims and Hill will rush to defend him again............
Conservatives have absolutely no shame dumpster diving for trash. They'll pretty much believe anything other than the truth. Poor guys, no wonder they keep losing and poll terribly among the general public.
It's pretty simple, Bill Clinton in college decided on becoming a politician. It was his political advisors who suggested that Hillary take on Bill last name and have a child. Bill was part of the countercultural movement during the 60's and 70's but Hillary was a big time part of the counter culture movement who helped bring down a President. First I've heard of Bill shooting blanks but I suppose one can shoot a live round occasionally. But there have been enough tell all books published by Secret Service agents, White House FBI agents and even the Air Force officer who carried the "football" for President Clinton and all said Hillary was a real out of controlled foul mouth (*)(*)(*)(*)(*). It's the 1990's and Hillary is still calling law enforcement officers "PIGS" !!! I bet she still uses the "N" word. But again I hear that Michelle Obama and Valerie Jarrett use it all of the time. Even today the Secret Service says the worse detail in the Secret Service is the Hillary Clinton security detail.
I've read that women who use a lot of meds have cankles. Cocaine is a drug/medicine. One can get a prescription for pharmaceutical cocaine just like morphine.