Sure, various places like "The Blaze," "Drudge," and every Hillary-hating right-winger on Facebook. So that means it MUST be true. Well, I read from various places that said Donald Trump has more military training than most soldiers, fought his own Vietnam war, uses his mom's hair as a toupee, and ocassionally likes to get intimate with his daughter. Sorry, I can't substantiate it but it MUST be true.
Sounds like your standard...I don't believe it therefore it must be false. You're some hypocrite, pal. It could be true. Some of it. The difference is I don't automatically discount things I can substantiate...unlike you! So guess who has the moral and intellectual high ground here? Not you!
You miss quoted Trump. He said he had more military experience than the 17 other GOP candidates standing on the stage at one of the debates. It would be true if Lindsey Graham wasn't standing on the stage since Graham is still an officer in the U.S. Air Force Reserve. All of the other GOP candidates had no military experience. Trump attended the New York Military Academy which was an Army ROTC school. As Trump pointed out days later that military schools in America were completely different before the 1970's when many Americans (on the left) went anti military. One can say, Trump has more military experience than the other GOP candidates except for Lindsey Graham. The New York M.A. before the 1970's was a high school level of the VMI or the Citadel. George Patton and Chesty Puller both attended VMI.
More drip, drip, drip about the Clinton's and their shady past. Sure Trump may have had a few affairs, but he didn't go to Epstein's pedophile island and he never smoked, drank or used illegal drugs.
I'd read that Hill was a lawyer, working w/a group of other lawyers in regards to Nixon's Watergate and she was fired, the head of these lawyers said he caught her flat out lying and making up stuff about Nixon..... I really don't think a guy who was left sterile from mumps as a boy can ocassonally shoot out a live round and look at the pix of Webb & Chelsea. Now, about the secret service guys. I've always believed if you want to hear the truth about a particular person/couple, listen to the people who work w/them behind the scenes.......then you'll hear the truth. I've heard several articles written by those guys, who worked for the Clintons and none were complimentary to Hill at all. One guy said Chelsea was a sweet kid and always greeted them, but when her momma heard her being nice to them, she snapped at Chelsea, telling her not to talk to them. Yeah, they were called names right to their faces by the nasty, foul-mouth (*)(*)(*)(*)(*). One agent said one time he greeted her, she said "F*** you!" and walked on by....... what NORMAL 1st Lady would want to go down in history being known to talk like that to the very people who protected her? Or to anyone? A normal one would NOT.....
That incident of the Secret Service agent being told by Hillary "(*)(*)(*)(*) You" was a uniform member of the Secret Service. There was another incident when Hillary was in the hallway of the \White House she passed a military general who said "Good morning Mrs. Clinton" and Hillary responded with "(*)(*)(*)(*) You" !!! When the Clinton's first moved into the White House the Clinton's didn't allow members of the military to be in the White House while wearing the uniform. That only lasted for a couple of weeks when the Clinton's were told that they had taken political correctness to far. But there are dozens of Marines who confirmed that the Clinton White House staff would laugh, point and make fun of the Marines dress blue uniforms. As one FBI agent assigned to the FBI White House office that took care of security clearances for Clinton's staff, he said the Clinton White House was more comparable to National Lampoons movie "Animal House." I think starting in August Trump is going to start using Hillary's past on her.
I don't believe the moon is made of cheese or the Earth is flat. Does that mean I'm a hypocrite too? "It could be true." "I don't automatically discount things I can substantiate" You have yet to substantiate any of it.
His biographer stated that Trump said: "I always felt like I was in the military. (I got) more training militarily than a lot of the guys that go into the military." No mention of the other candidates. That doesn't discount the other statements that must be true because I saw them somewhere.
I thought you were referring when Trump said I have more military experience than any of the other candidates on the stage during one of the early GOP debates. Yes I familiar with your quote taken from Trumps biographer. If Trump felt that way, that's how he feels. Before the early 1970's this is the way military schools were like in America. A historical perspective -> [video][/video]
The first thing that you should ask yourself is, "Who is Sally Miller?" The second question should be, "How does she know the Clintons so intimately?" Sally Miller first appeared when she authored this article. There are no other traces. Perhaps she's John Miller's sister. Hate to bust your bubble, but, Hillary is not a lesbian. Neither Clinton had anything to do with cocaine nor did they kill anyone. Everything was all made up.
Gawd, I sure HOPE he does! She and that pervert she's married to would deserve every descriptive word Trump blares out about how they treat those who serves and protects them....both of them are PIGS. Disgusting, gutter-mouth I REALLY despise them!
No. It means you've made an absurd argument. You are dismissing things out of hand. Hardly a wise thing to do.
In that photo he looks like Samson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...!
Hillary really has issues. She's also quite violent and has hit Bill while he was POTUS. If that woman can't control her emotions as first lady, why would she as POTUS? She's too emotional.
Nice to see the mods put this where it belongs! They should just call this Conservative News instead of Conspiracy Theories
Please tell us why you bash Trump and support the Clintons when it's plain fact that Bill and Hillary both are longtime proven liars, [MENTION=17477]toddwv[/MENTION].
It's where the dems and their propaganda machines live. We haul them out into the light of day and pour salt on them.
That's hysterical coming from a dumpster diver. The only thing you find in a dumpster is trash. On second thought: the dumpster is the perfect place for cons and pubs.
Is there NOTHING you pubs and cons won't stoop to in order to smear this family? Its obvious that the answer is a resounding NO. Look at all the flies swarming to this to crap on the Clintons. Pathetic and juvenile.
Know what's funny? You're obsession with her ankles. Do you have pictures of them? Do you sit alone in a room with your pictures of her ankles? Does it excite you? How pathetic.
Trolling? As in what YOU JUST DID HERE? This thread isn't about Todd. That makes what you're doing trolling and you a TROLL.