What's pathetic is to see various forum trolls and hard core leftists support and idolize the Clintons when their entire political CAREERS have been steeped in lies, cover-ups and corruption. Their low character, gold-digging, law-breaking, and in her case selling US Policy while SOS, is only trumped by the massive Clinton Foundation of power buying/selling and money laundering. Anyone who chooses to overlook their many scandals and corruption is at the very least disingenuous and to be blunt - values political power no matter what laws are broken or who gets hurt. Chelsea is growing up as a carbon copy of them. And obviously; at least so far, she has remained above the law. It's disgusting. - - - Updated - - - I don't have to defend Trump. It's off topic here. YOU defend the Criminal Clintons. Go ahead. I'll wait.
I dare you to find one post where I have praised or supported Hillary. Just one. And you've got a lot of room calling anyone a forum TROLL. I've consistently been here for years. You? You're here trolling for members for your deadass, lame echo chamber. Why don't you Go back over to your cesspool and talk about me some more? You're good at that juvenile (*)(*)(*)(*). You're a joke...just like your signature. - - - Updated - - - Nah, it's EXACTLY what I expect of y'all.
Go for it. I'm sure you have plenty to share. - - - Updated - - - Blah blah blah. Believe what you lamely want to believe.
As someone with a medical degree. She also has hypothyroidism which explains her baggy eyes and horse voice.
A medical degree is a vocational, or even technical, degree awarded for studies in fields associated with medicine and surgery.
I have 2 associates, a bachelors, masters, and doctorate. And I practice medicine for a living. That must seem like superman to a woman from south texas.
What, EXACTLY, is that supposed to (*)(*)(*)(*)!ng mean? My dad AND 2 of my sisters have doctorates...everyone one of them received right here in my awesome state. Next time you get it into your tiny mind to level insults at someone I suggest you don't try the scumbag way by taking a potshot at their state. Even the lowest of lowlife's in Texas are above such (*)(*)(*)(*)ty tactics. I would put you on ignore by that's a (*)(*)(*)(*)(*) move and I'm above that nonsense.
And here at Political Forum, we have posters who would create a thread ab0ut those two alien invaders. Because they can! You know, I was brought up better. I don't spread crap about people whether they are famous or just co-workers or neighbors , just because I can trash their characters with anonymity. It lacks class if nothing else.
My last line was harsh, and I don't actually believe it. But you did say a few nasty things about me above, so I responded in kind. I am correct about her thick ankles and baggy eyes, but I haven't even mentioned the most concerning of her known health issues-the head bleed she suffered, and its potential consequences.
Your character was just established when you pressed 'like' on that OP. You have zero evidence that Hillary Clinton uses cocaine now or ever did. Someone spreads this kind of garbage on an internet site, and you endorse and encourage it. Its despicable.
There is evidence that she did. Because there is no way to go back in time, and because its only in your system for a few days, we won't know unless she admits to it. Her health issues can certainly be caused by cocaine use.