This would be a win win for everybody if the new look exposes the truth. The Senate could regain some credibility if they get serious about what is contained in the link. Maybe there's still hope for truth seeing the light of day. Anybody think this will go anywhere??
And if a new investigation happens, and it inevitably comes to the same conclusion as the last one, what then?
Isn't that flame baiting? The truthers are mostly asking questions to determine the truth because it is obvious to most of us that buildings just don't fall down from fire. We are not trying to tell the truth. We are seeking the truth. I think this is good news OP. I doubt TPTB will be able to cover-up the facts about 9/11 for 50 years like they did the JFK conspiracy. It is my opinion that the same group, not the same individuals, but the same group who killed Kennedy pulled 9/11.
Well, it would take the lamestream media to get more involved to some degree for the bulk of the lazy minded people will take notice. Don't know if that will happen, given that it's largely controlled so tightly, but maybe the 50 year anniversary of JFK's conspiracy will prompt something more illuminating. We'll see, but if even some members of the senate make some noise, that would certainly help.
I've been thinking maybe a national 9/11 occupy media event would work. Truthers across the nation meet at their local TV station all on the same day and interview the local broadcasters then put them on YouTube.
Isn't that flame baiting? How am I supposed to respond? I believe in the truth. I seek the truth and want to know the truth. If I had an employee that lied to me I would get rid of him because accurate information relies on the truth. We are not troofers. That is just flame baiting and I've already been banned from one thread so I'm just going to cool my jets for a while.
You are seriously deluded individuals who think fabricating the truth from whole cloth will help solve the so called 'deficiencies' you see in the 9/11 narrative Nothing more.
More flame baiting from truth deniers. Again we are asking for truth. A proper investigation into the facts surrounding the events of 9/11 is in order.
NO,you are NOT asking for truth.....You're busily making up your own VERSION of the truth,bereft of any facts
We are asking for a proper investigation. There is no possible way for you to know more about me than I know about myself. Truthers are truth seekers. I do not know what happened on 9/11. But as a former building contractor I know buildings do not go into freefall unless all vertical columns are cut simultaneously. It is impossible for fire to do that to steel columns. A proper investigation into the collapse of Building 7 is in order.
NO,you are NOT asking for a 'proper investigation',you want to waste time and money looking for something that isn't there. And NO building went into 'freefall'
Do you feel the thread title is truthful? Did you read the link in the OP? Does the link show that the 'senate is to get involved in 9/11 investigations?
Headlines are attention getters. The Senate is being lobbied to get involved. The Senate may not take action for a while but they are learning that the truth movement is growing and interested in a proper investigation. The liars have been getting away with too much for too long.
I do not have a problem with it. Newspapers do it all the time to grab a bigger audience. It is not really all that misleading. While the Senate itself is not taking direct action at this time, they are getting involved by learning about the events surrounding 9/11 from the experts and professionals. "Experts Speak Out" is a quite well done documentary. It is two hours long, but if people don't have two hours to learn what the truth movement is all about, then it is their choice to stay in the dark. However, people seeking the truth do not deserve to be ridiculed. These experts speaking out have a great many years building experience from all over the world. [video=youtube;X-V1CiuGMJo][/video]
No newspaper with any integrity intentionally misleads.....far easer to print the factual account of a story....
Truthers are under their own self inflated opinion that they are indeed "seeking the truth", and some may genuinely be doing that. But there is a big difference between asking a question, and "Just asking questions" (JAQing off). Here is the difference between the two; Asking a question: "Why did WTC7 fall? JAQing off: "Why did WTC7 fall at free fall speed symmetrically into it's own footprint after not being hit by a plane and suffering only small fires when fire has never bought down a steel framed building every before in history?" The former you are genuinely asking a question, and are interested in the answer. With the latter, you are just JAQing off by firing loaded questions already derived from conspiracy dribble, and are more attempting to make a point than actually ask a sincere question, because you've already made up your mind. 99% of truthers fall in the JAQing off catagory. The only reason they are even asking the question is because they've already been influenced by conspiracy theory material. In effect, they have already made up their mind. So that when the appropriate answers are given, truthers chose simply to ignore them and continue JAQing off elsewhere. Ask Questions; Recognise Answers. Sadly most truthers are just the usual breed of conspiracy theorists and thus are not interested in facts unless they can use or twist it to fit their predetermined belief. As for Jonathan's comment that the truth movement is "growing", that is a clear sign of either delusion, ignorance, or that you've been swallowing too much truther propaganda. The truth "movement" is dead. They peaked in 2006 with hundreds of people marching in New York on the September 11 anniversary. After that it declined. In 2011 there were about 150 people. Last year there was around 40. This year there was basically no one. There are no mass out door demonstrations. Most 9/11 conspiracy websites have practically no activity on them any more, with the exception being AE911. Basically 9/11 truth seizes to exist when I turn my computer off at night. It is dead. Most its founders have either gone quiet, jumped ship onto other movements, or changed their minds away from conspiracy theories (such as Dylan Avery, the creator of the Loose Change films). To say truth movement is growing is laughable that you would fool yourself so heavily. There is no movement any more. The only time 9/11 gets discussed is on obscure internet forums such as this one. Dead and buried.
Any local news agency would simply ignore any such event, I'm sure. They're paid to cover what they're told to cover, and not a thing else. Always worth a try though. - - - Updated - - - The rules seem to vary, depending on who it is, and what opinion they represent.
The last thing they want exposed is the truth, hence, the dance of the disinformation specialists. - - - Updated - - - This is the part where they tell you that you're just a crazy building contractor who knows nothing about buildings, I think.
From the link: We even met up with Senator Jay Rockefeller in the hallway and walked awhile with him, telling him about the third tower that fell on 9/11, and provided him a VIP packet of DVDs and literature. Take that, Jay! The most memorable experiences involved giving ReThink911 presentations to both of the Arizona senators offices. At the office of Arizona Senator Jeff Flake, we met with his legislative correspondent, Ben Sundholm. We walked in without an appointment and talked to him for over 45 minutes, tag-teaming him with vital 9/11 information led by Gage and Honegger. Sundholm asked intelligent questions and seemed quite engaged during the entire presentation. Who could blame him? He was surrounded by two of 9/11 Truths top speakers! Looks like somebody is trying to engage Senators, to me, and the topic is revisiting 9/11, and some ARE.
"Engaged" meaning he was being polite until they got out of his face. Can anyone explain to me why the Rethink911 petition only got 15,500 signatures? When combined "other supporters" and AE memberships total over 20,000? They couldn't even get all their own members to sign it. And this was a global petition. Anyone could sign it. What a fail.
I doubt it.the establishment always gets rid of the good people in congress and puts in the corrupt ones.this is good news though and gives a glimmer of a LITTLE bit of hope.