I found 16 in NASCAR and drag racing so the rest are all open cockpits cars There have been great improvements in safety in nascar since Earnhardt died http://www.jcs-group.com/racin/living/deaths.html
Well, I also wrote an OP advocating banning Islam. Would you call THAT "liberal" too ? http://www.politicalforum.com/polit...-islam-banned-usa-asked-us-citizens-only.html
Have an issue with the car I'm looking into buying? So now you are saying that we car enthusiasts can't own cars that have an ounce of sporty styling or a sporty name? Should we all just buy a Vaz?
Invalid (and downright silly) analogy. Driving on the highway doesn't have the same risk as auto racing - OBVIOUSLY.
42 deaths (in all Auto racing) since he died. Doesn't sound too improved to me. When it can match major league baseball's record (Zero deaths in 91 years), then I'll consider it acceptable (or at least safe - I'll still think the whole idea of it is stupid).
It is self-evident to any intelligent person. Especially those who have observed young people, and their driving habits. Want some proof though ? Check the ages of automobile deaths, and what kind of cars were involved, or ask your insurance company - why do you thing sports cars rate higher insurance rates ? Statistics, pure statistics.
Well, if you really don't like the car maybe I won't, wait, never-mind. I will buy the car I like no matter what you think of it. Oh, and a VAZ is an authoritarian car to meet your authoritarian beliefs.
You haven't made your case. You have said Auto racing deaths are too high and then compared it to Major League baseball- stating there have been none(I know there have been spectator deaths but lets not get distracted). So how high is too high? Every sport in which there are any deaths? Just sports involving speed? Involving gasoline? Set your parameters so they apply to all sports and then tell us which sports you think should be banned. And let us compare the mortality rates. Personally I am for adults making adult decisions. I thought the mountain climbers who died on Mt. Everest leaving behind small children were selfish idiots and as a father I would not be a professional auto racer for the same reason. But we allow people to do many risky things, and frankly I think we should.
Authoritarian ? No, the people collectively decide to ban whatever they decide to ban. Islam, auto racing, air shows. It's the people's will, not mine alone.
OK so I disagree with what you think we should. As for parameters, I've already shown that auto racing is way beyond acceptable with 182 deaths in just 5 particular races. I also said I'll accept it when it attains the record of Major league baseball - NO deaths for 91 years.
Okay just to be clear then- you think Auto racing should be banned unless it is as safe as major league baseball. But you don't care about the safety of any other professional sports. Just auto racing. And maybe airplane racing. Because they are more dangerous than baseball. And have engines I guess.
I would call that as stupid as this is. It could be liberal since they hate the constitution and religion
Yes it does and more. Those that race are well trained and have tons of safety equipment. As a truck driver I see the lack of driver skills on the highway every day. That is why you see only a few die in racing and tens of thousands each year on the highway
Wrong. It is because of the power and speed not the driving habits. I own a Harley do want to ban that to?
^Not sure if you're trolling here, but I'm bored so I'll respond anyway. http://sports.espn.go.com/minorlbb/news/story?id=2945798 ^This incident 4 years ago prompted a new league rule that first and third base coaches had to wear batting helmets instead of the traditional ball caps they had worn for eons. http://sports.espn.go.com/dallas/mlb/news/story?id=6747510 ^And then there was this incident earlier this year that left a 5 year old kid without a father. Baseball is dangerous for players and fans alike.
Let me get this straight. Here the liberals want to ban auto racing and in another thread they want pot legal and claim it does not impair driving. It appears the left has screwed values and ideas. The priorities of liberals is screwed up in my opinion.
That's the kind of mentality that needs to be erased. Pheeeeeww !! (high- pitched whistle, eyes rolling around in head).
You have no basis to make any assumption about what I "care about the safety of any other professional sports" I haven't said anything about them positive or negative. Don't make groundless assumptions. You'll become a "boy who cried wolf" in the forum if you do.
HA HA. That's what i've always thought too. That the Libs should be on my side for that very reason. But NOOOOOOOOO ! They've got to back up a minority group, no matter how ludicrous the cause - that's hardwired into liberals and their politically correct bloodstreams.
I suppose it never occured to you that the number of people driving on highways is far greater than the number of auto racers on race tracks ? Sheeesh !