Bullsh-t. The source of the trouble comes from the auto racing industry and the politicians negligent in not banning this screwball abomination. And it really isn't even much of a sport either. Baseball and football are complex, interesting games. How UNinteresting and simpleminded is a bunch of cars driving round and round on a track. A sport for idiots.
I've always said air shows are an absolute abomination, even worse than auto racing. So now they've worsened it more still to including air racing. HA HA. Shows what happens when you have lots of money in the hands of idiots and no responsible government overview. Air races. Sheeeeeeeeshhh !!!
Do you kids decide what job you do? Do you not drive because you might get killed on I 4 or I 75 or at malfunction junction
They should be banned too. I've been saying that since i quit smoking in 1969. And BTW, pot smoking is very harmful too. Maybe worse than cigarette smoking because of the method of it. Sucking the smoke down into the deepest part of the lungs. Funny how some liberals who do this, then go out and crab about air pollution. HA HA HA.
Funny how the quote you responded to is also the response to your response. (Originally Posted by protectionist View Post "I'm thinking about Dan Weldon's 3 yr old and 6 month old sons, not "most people" (who haven't suffered any loss)".
FALSE ! You're distorting the point. Auto racing is unecessary endeavor which is getting people killed at a very high rate. That's not true of travel, vacations, etc. INVALID ANALOGY. What you call a "free society" is one where misguided people are free to harm themselves and others. I don't think that's a good thing. And auto racing DOES cause "direct, tangible, harm to others who did not consent to that behavior" - looks like you haven't been reading the thread either.
No part of it. What part of NON-consent (like Dan Wheldon's 2 baby boys) are YOU "finding difficult to comprehend" ?
Definitely air racing. I've always said air shows are an abomination worse than auto racing. Didn't know about air racing until just now. No limit to how stupid these things can get, apparently. No, you don't have that right. Your life isn't only YOUR life. You got family ? You got friends ? You got pets ? No man is an island. Time to wake up to that.
Huh? Why? The guy wanted to be hit in the face. The girl did what he asked, how is it her fault he ended up dead?
I think smokes should be banned as well. Not because the kill the smoker, but because they harm non smokers and are bad for the environment. Everything is dangerous. Do you want to ban people from having fun? If you think it is harmful, don't do it, and don't tell other people they can't do something just because you think its dangerous. Who the hell cares.
And because of that, I shouldn't be permitted to engage in any activity that could lead to my premature death, correct? Mountain climbing, bicycle riding, jogging, canoeing, snow skiing, water skiing, hang gliding, off-road ATV/motorcycle riding, and a whole host of other activities should be banned because of the risk of my death. You probably should log off the Internet and turn off your computer - don't want to risk any exposure to low-level electromagnetic radiation, do we?
Drunk drivers or excessive speeders are harming others -- that's not protecting consenting adults from themselves. It's not an analogy -- it's true that children die from car accidents more than anything else. Driving is not a necessity, since people in big cities often don't have cars; however, under your logic, we should outlaw... -Driving to a museum -Driving to see a movie -Driving to the fair -Driving to the circus -Driving to a trip -Driving to Chuck-E-Cheese -Driving to a restaurant etc., etc., etc. Children die from those things a hell of a lot more than they die in auto racing. Yeah, without the charismatic politicians regulating parenting, 95% of parents would rape & kill their kids and no one would be able to stop them. Thank God for those those courageous bureaucrats!
Hmm, so I guess you would outlaw all extreme sports for people with children. Read my sig. It indicates what I feel about your views.
I completely disagree on this. Race car drivers make the choice to pursue a profession that may indeed result in getting them killed. Truck drivers and cab drivers (just using a small example of dangerous jobs) face risk in accidents also, should we ban those professions? We start banning dangerous and risky things, we'll infringe on personal and public liberties... it's a pandora's box that is best kept tightly shut.
You exaggerate and BS all over the place. It is a very low rate of deaths. Racing is big business and you are the minority.
Ban what is harmful to anyone? Wow.....let me just start listing some of the recreational activities that would apply to: Snow skiiing Running Bicycle Riding Motorcycle Riding Baseball Football Hockey Sex Dancing Roasting marshmallows Matter of fact, pretty much every recreational activity with the possible exception of Bridge has the potential of being harmful to someone. Government is going to be very, very busy making sure none of us are harming ourselves, under your rule.
No you just posted your ridiculous statements again. You haven't refuted anything- you have just stated your opinion that you want an authoritarian government that restricts what adults freely choose to do with their lives. You are proposing an intrusive nanny state government which is the anti-thesis of what any true Conservative would want.
And you don't really understand what direct tangible harm is. You discuss the children of this race car driver- tell me what proof you have that they have suffered a direct, tangible harm as a result of his decision- as a father- to pursue a dangerous profession? Do you know for a fact that their income level has been reduced? Do you know for a fact that the rest of their childhood will be worse? You don't know- you are projecting your disdain for motor sports and using this as an excuse to ban something you find personally objectionable. You are using these children for your own objectives. I think it is tragic for these children to have lost their father. As a father it is not a risk I would take. I won't even ride a motorcycle until my child is grown and independent because I believe it is my personal responsibility to take reasonable precautions to ensure that I am here to support my child. But- I do not think that the government should ban parents from riding motorcycles just because there is an increased chance the parent would die.