Study on antibodies proving Covid jab might kill us eventually.

Discussion in 'Viral/Biological' started by CV70, Jul 22, 2021.

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  1. UntilNextTime

    UntilNextTime Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2022
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    On the contrary, it is the other way around. See, I and many others have not taken this toxic crap, there is no gamble contest for us in the terms of what that jab would do to us. However, if you wish to open your eyes and remove your earmuffs, you'll have heard the loose change falling everywhere. Many deaths and injuries have been caused by the toxic junk you and so many others put their blind faith into. Get messed up by a cocktail of god knows what, over a virus with a survivability rate of 95% for 70+ and 18 - 40 a 99% survivability rate. Who is the insane one? Not me. I've not gotten COVID ever & never will. Because it's all BS.
    As explained above, your gullibility for taking that junk jab. Nothing wrong with me, as I watch the bodies hit the floor.
    You can remove your blind at any time you know? You might as well berate yourself for such a foolish decision and listening to the dodgy salesman selling you snake oil.
    Two threads, two topics and 1 Darwin Award nominee for two categories. No, the maths is correct.
    Do you believe in the COVID theatrics? Do you believe that the COVID jabs will save you and humanity? If the answers are yes, then you're gullible.
    And or severely messed up, slightly at best. Because if you'd have done any research before plunging those jabs of toxicity into your flesh, you'd have run the other way. mRNA vaccines are not vaccines. Pfizer had changed the definition of 'vaccine' to suit their narrative/agenda. mRNA injections alter the body's DNA. Turning the body on itself. But you'd have known that if you were a critical thinker and played pin the tail on the donkey?
  2. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Conspiracy garbage alert.

    It's neither toxic or crap. You and the "many others" are not qualified to judge with your hopeless understanding and even worse research capability.

    But there is a much worse gamble on what the virus will do to an unprepared immune system!

    Conspiracy garbage alert.

    Complete conflated bullshit. You rely on the failed research from some other conspiracy failure. The number of injuries compared to the number of vaccinated is a tiny figure and presupposes that the person who experienced any reaction would not have had a far worse one from catching the virus!

    Survival rates do not include long term disability from the virus. In a million people 50,000 die! And you think that is ok? Or maybe amongst the younger "only" 10,000 die!

    Nobody is insane, just profoundly ignorant and stupid.

    So on the on one hand you admit that the virus kills between 1 and 5% depending on age then the next sentence it is now bullshit? How dumb a statement is that.

    Deaths of anti-vaccine advocates from COVID-19 - Wikipedia

    There is no gullibility in preparing the immune system for an onslaught from a fatal virus.

    An incredibly stupid statement. There are no bodies hitting any floor anywhere near you.

    Conspiracy garbage alert.

    Troll. You have neither the right or the intelligence to nominate anyone for an award, especially when it requires the nominee to be dead in the first place.

    I disbelieve the conspiracy garbage you gullibly fall for.

    I never thought humanity was in danger in the first place. Vaccines protect and educate the immune system, that is what they have always done.

    When someone like you makes such a statement, the reverse is guaranteed to be the case.


    Have to laugh at the conspiracy theorist talking about "research", especially when they think "research" lies in the search for confirmation bias and exists on batshit websites.

    Bullshit, total bullshit. Pfizer was not the only company who used the extremely efficient method of mRNA delivery for a vaccine and only clueless conspiracy theorists make noise about it altering DNA!

    mRNA vaccines aren’t gene editing and don’t alter your DNA - Full Fact


    You are the expert on pinning tails on donkey's backsides. Please don't confuse critical thinking with blindly following batshit and confirmation bias.

    Your whole post was a big pile of crap. You basically typed half a page and said precisely nothing.
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2022
  3. UntilNextTime

    UntilNextTime Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2022
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    Blah blah blah. It's obvious you're not a critical thinker. Never questioned anything, other than," when can I get it". It is a conspiracy, but far from a theory. Too much evidence that you and many others are willing to ignore because it challenges or will break your paradigm. Scared of being wrong, the wrong decision and choices made. That's what it's all about. Denial and you know deep down in your subconscious it is.
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2022
  4. Chrizton

    Chrizton Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2020
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    The effectiveness of all vaccines wax and wane it seems. It is why many adults get their childhood shots again after about 20 years, we need a tetnus shot at least every decade, why people over 55 who got the smallpox vax back in the day probably won't be protected from monkeypox by it, etc etc.

    We are all gonna die from something and take the same dirt nap as all those who came before us. All we can do is best guess our way to a few more days, weeks, or years.
  5. UntilNextTime

    UntilNextTime Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2022
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    I'll choose my death, as it won't be one by deception.
  6. Chrizton

    Chrizton Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2020
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    If that is your best guess, you stay with that. I'll just hang out here as a fridge magnet with my three shots and all that and see where the day goes.
    UntilNextTime likes this.
  7. UntilNextTime

    UntilNextTime Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2022
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    Bahaha. Typical words from the deluded. Swap it round, then you've got it right.

    It is for you. You don't even know why you do, sweetheart. It's called denialism. You should look it up. It'd be a start on your research journey that you've abysmally failed at previously.
  8. UntilNextTime

    UntilNextTime Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2022
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    Can Ask your age, please? Just so I have an understanding of what shots you may have gotten.
    As I'd like to do a study. You, please, are the guinea pig, metaphorically of course.
  9. UntilNextTime

    UntilNextTime Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2022
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    My bad, it's the CDC who did it, covering for Pfizer.
    CDC changes definitions of “vaccine” and “vaccination” to cover up lie about vaccines being 100% effective
    The CDC Suddenly Changes the Definition of ‘Vaccine’ and ‘Vaccination’

    You might want to take off your bullshit goggles off then.
  10. Chrizton

    Chrizton Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2020
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    I turn 27 this year not that it has any bearing on what shots I have gotten. I had 3 moderna jabs. I also had the flu shot for the first time last year. I get a tetnus shot about every 5 or 6 years. I got revaccinated with my childhood vaxes when I started college because my pediatrician had croaked and I couldn't get the records and my high school just had that I was vaccinated and not the actual documents. I also have had the HPV vax although it wasn't required for boys when I had it. I think I may have had a pneumonia shot once but I am not 100% certain on that. I just recall having to get some shot before I had to have a surgery that had me on a vent for a couple days and recall the word pneumonia being discussed between the doc and my mom. Hell it may have been a flu shot IDK.
  11. UntilNextTime

    UntilNextTime Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2022
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    I asked because in my corner of the world, Aus, the way the jabs were dished out. Age-related. I was keeping an eye on the age groups and keeping an ear to the ground for deaths or adverse effects. I found that hardly any died for whatever reason, dodgy data collection or dissemination. As the age groups lowered, I saw more and more hit the floor, injuries and deaths. I was seeing a pattern. My in-laws 75 & 85 M & F respectively, have had no issues, hmm. Yet the rest of my wife's family has had issues. 31 yo niece, no family history of anything, bang a few weeks after the shot, myocarditis. Her mother, thin as a stick, sooner, had swollen joints all over. Elephant woman, all of the rest have had covid at least once since their shots. My family, no jabs, no covid, nada.

    I just want to keep in touch on the forum and monitor your journey. Being honest would be helpful, you can PM me if you wish and do it that way. I'll disclose it now, I am far from any medical professional, more like an investigative journalist, but not. I don't write papers or journals. It's just for your & mine info. Cool?
  12. UntilNextTime

    UntilNextTime Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2022
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    Ahh, you've finally realised what you are. Good for you. That's the first step in dealing with denialism.

    AHAHHAHAHA:roflol:. Are you kidding? Using Wikipedia to back your claim. Very amateurish. Try some hardcore sites like BMJ, the Lancet, then you'll be not only educated, but way cooler. Because you get to sit at the back of the bus like with all the tuff kids, the conspiracy theorists. I prefer spoiler alert.

    No, not one.
    Truth Being Ignored – Victoria Australia Records 867 New COVID Cases, 375 in Hospital and 95% of Those Hospitalized are Vaccinated
    Almost all of Australia is fully jabbed for covid but deaths are spiking

    BAHAHAHA :roflol: . Nonsense. You bought the snake oil from the dodgy salesman, not me.

    Yes, humanity has been in the crosshairs for quite a while. You've just not been paying attention. Now, this time, listen to uncle Bill what he says between 3:50min-4:50min. It's only one minute. You'll get a kick out of it, trust me like you did Fauci. Mmm, trust the science, trust the nutters (Bill Gates)

    Bill Gates: The Psycho

    Where did you not read that?
    Bayer executive says covid mRNA shots are “gene therapy” falsely marketed as “vaccines” Oops.

    Got to laugh at the ones who sadly do NO research, ask any questions and just get led over a cliff. Information is information, it's what you do or don't do with it that counts. I've done heaps, what your count 0.

    Do you know why? Because you've got your blindfold on and I don't type brail. It's nothing to you because you can't associate any information that doesn't come from MSM, hey? And their info is the mis and disinformation purveyors of bullshit. You'd know that, chowing down on it each and every night.

    Might want to check this out. You'll have to take off the blindfold first.

  13. Chrizton

    Chrizton Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2020
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    I have been upfront here about my shot experiences from the get and have never had an issue with anyone who decides for themselves they don't want them. I just want people to make informed choices. The synopsis of my jabs is this: 1) I was able to jump the line here because they were initially being given out by age too. I used a contact I had been working with to get high risk people who wanted the jabs to get them because a lot of pharmacies were age nazis about who they would give them to. I eventually jumped in line once nobody else I knew at high risk wanted one and they were giving the moderna one (no way I was taking the pfizer one. Their reporting nothing adverse in the trials made me suspect they were covering up information). I had been hopeful the AZ one out of Oxford was going to be the ticket but we all saw how that one went south. The first shot did a weird number on me but that was before the heart issues were being discussed. I have no idea if that is what happened with me but I had a massive disoriented hot flashy fainty feeling spell after leaving the shot that lasted for a few seconds. Over the next two days I had one episode a day in which I could feel my heart briefly flutter in my chest. From there, I got completely exhausted for three weeks and had no energy whatsoever. That ended the week before my second shot. I even told people at that time that I felt like I imagined it would feel to be in heart failure based on what those who had it said about its effects. I would have to sit down and nap just after walking through the house or out to the mailbox. Second shot was a little draggy in Day 2 but then I had a massive energy boost for a few days after that. I was just insanely productive for those few days. Wasn't planning to do shot three but my circumstances had me going into a nursing home fairly often that had had a ton of COVID cases at one point and I felt it better for them and me to have the booster. It made me sick for a week. Like proper flu sick (part of the reason I never want another one). Then last Christmas, an infected coworker who already suspected they had covid decided to attend the office christmas party, sit right across from me at the dinner table, and then not get tested positive until the following day. I then had to quarantine to be safe, ended up testing positive on a home kit, but never was sick enough to go to the doctor and my ten days were up so I tested again at home and got a negative before I went back to work. It was more like a light cold at its worst with me other than I think laying around for ten days with nothing to do but sleep accounted for my body aches and pains as that is something I just have low tolerance for---doing nothing all day or sleeping more than I usually do. Anyway, my Christmas and New Years plans were shot because of it.

    I would do the first 2 shots again in retrospect. I knew there were potential side effects (well except for the myocardial one when I took them) If I could change the past, I wouldn't have done the third shot. It will take something huge to get me to do a 4th shot unless they come up with a new one. Like I said before, I don't care if people do or don't but I think they should try to make an informed decision and weigh that information however they want based on their own circumstances. I was never worried about me dying from COVID. I have a co-worker who was deemed at very high risk of dying if she got it based on what was known at that time which was why I wanted one to begin with. I didn't want to be the Typhoid Mary to infect her. She has whatever that illness is that Dr. House always brught up on that TV show--something like sarcodosis (can't spell it).
  14. UntilNextTime

    UntilNextTime Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2022
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    I'd like to start, by saying thank you for sharing. Much appreciated.

    Thank you. It's appreciated.

    Did you do any research prior or did you go with the flow and trust the information given by MSM, bureaucrats & politicians? Did they make your mind up for you or did you make the informed decision, Or both?
    If that happened, why didn't you stop after that? Was that enough of a scare to stop with the now-known madness?

    I can't believe you're still kicking after all that's been going on with you. What is your prognosis, if I may ask?

    I know you stated it before about respecting people's decisions, but what would you say to anyone if you didn't state that? Would you warn them?

    I empathise with you dude, I truly do. It's not what anyone expected, except the obvious ones, the architects of the scam/jabs and the spoiler alerts, me and many others. I hope you do well brother. May God's light shine on you.

    Thank you for sharing your incredible story. I am and others who read your story are and will be so appreciative of you to share your story. As I hope this sheds light into the minds of many. Thank you again Chirzton :angel:
    Chrizton likes this.
  15. Chrizton

    Chrizton Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2020
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    I found out as much information as I could, looked at side-effects, etc. Unfortunately Pfizer was acting like nobody ever had any reported side effects which never happens in a drug trial which made me highly suspicious of theirs. I read a lot of articles about who was most at risk and any anecdotal stories I could find. The reason I took the second one was quite frankly because I lied to get the first one. I had an active sinus infection which I was being treated for but didn't report it so I wasn't sure if that was at play in what came next, plus like I said, I was back to normal (practically overnight) before time for shot 2 but I was honestly very nervous about getting that one.

    I have never had any heart tests done or anything. Never saw a need to because of my age and whatever it was seemed to have resolved.

    Now all that said, I was taking flak from both sides at the time. The dems acted like I was making up my adverse side-effects experience and the "You gonna be stuck to the fridge" crowd were acting like I had signed my death warrant. I just tried the best I could to sort through the information, determine if any of the reported anecdotal people had other conditions I don't have that may have been a factor, etc etc etc. Plus, and this sounds stupid, but literally nobody in my gene pool had had the shot at that point so I kind of felt like it was my turn to be the guinea pig since I use them for that usually before I will take or try something.
    UntilNextTime likes this.
  16. UntilNextTime

    UntilNextTime Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2022
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    I'll be keeping tabs on you. If you've not shown up for roll call after 2 weeks, I'll presume you've fallen off your perch.
    Chrizton likes this.
  17. UntilNextTime

    UntilNextTime Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2022
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    From reading (researching) and finding out Pfizer was a dud, why did you continue taking the shots if they began to mess you up?

    Can you answer this one, please?:below:
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2022
  18. Chrizton

    Chrizton Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2020
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    I didn't take the pfizer one. I refused to. I could have gone a week earlier but didn't because that was what they were using. All 3 of my shots were the moderna ones and they did stop their trials at one point over some concerns after I think a patient died. I also looked at the mrna thing. The have been creating animal vaccnes with it for awhile so I figured if it was good enough for my dog's rabies shots, it might likely me okay for humans. We aren't that different than other animals.

    As for your other question, I would say the same thing regardless. I can only tell them about my experience if they so desire and don't mind sharing it no matter what side they are on. I do know a few other people in my same age group who had the weird exhausted for weeks side effect after that first shot but not tons of them. I mentioned before that I had the HPV vax. I know a lot of people really sweat that shot--9,999 out of 10,000 people may have no problem with it but that one may have their lives turned upside down by it so it is all a crap shoot and I am fine with people's decisions either way. Quite frankly, if the shots do work, then I am protected so it really won't matter what anybody else does. If they don't work, then there is no point taking them so no need to sweat anybody. Also, and as harsh as it sounds, it really doesn't affect me in any meaningful way if some stranger lives or dies so I see no reason for me to have any interest, vested or otherwise, in their decisions. I have known people who got shots and died from COVID or got really sick from it. I know people who never got shots, had mild covid and some who had pretty bad covid.
    UntilNextTime likes this.
  19. UntilNextTime

    UntilNextTime Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2022
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    When did you begin getting issues, if it was after the 1st one, why didn't you stop at that? Are you a sadomasochist? :D
  20. Chrizton

    Chrizton Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2020
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    Stubbornness is in my genes for sure. That woozy spell happened about 45 minutes after that first shot. The heart fluttery episodes more or less happened almost exactly 24 and 48 hours roughly after the first shot. The tiredness didn't come on like a ton of bricks. It escalated over days. And like I said, that I lied about not being sick to get the shot made me think that maybe that was a factor in that side effect (and nobody else I knew at the time had that side effect). The other thing I didn't mention was my arm was ungodly sore the next day after shot 1 and it lasted several days and that pain also radiated into my shoulder and chest so I wasn't sure if that was a factor in the heart fluttering thing. Shot 1 was right arm. Shots 2 and 3 in the left (with no meaningful pain). It wasn't until after I had shot 2 that I started to hear stories about myocardial issues anyway and it was only then that my side effects started to make sense.
    UntilNextTime likes this.
  21. UntilNextTime

    UntilNextTime Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2022
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    Even being stubborn, after getting woosy, then the heart going nuts, didn't the alarm bells ring loud enough for you? Did you think the next round would take the edge off the last? Man, that's loco.
    James California likes this.
  22. UntilNextTime

    UntilNextTime Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2022
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    After all that you're going through, have ever thought that you've been betrayed, deceived and lied to by your government, bureaucrats and big pharma?
  23. James California

    James California Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 25, 2019
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    :confuse:' ~ If the Covid-19 vaccines are effective at preventing death, why was there a 40% increase in all-cause mortality among the 18 to 64 year-old people last year in the USA ?
    The Covid 19 virus has mutated many times – yet we continue to use a vaccine designed and made for the original strain . Why .. ?

    From UK Gov: Vaxxed kids are 8,100% more likely to die! US: Calculated VAERS data 5,040 vaxxed kids dead! [ Rumble ]

    :w00t: Vote FACUI 2024 !:party:
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2022
    UntilNextTime likes this.
  24. UntilNextTime

    UntilNextTime Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2022
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    That was like a similar question I asked earlier in a covid thread. Yeah, why? Because the current vaxes are still doing their intended job, maiming and killing those who are taking them.
  25. UntilNextTime

    UntilNextTime Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2022
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    Fauci and the rest =


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