Yes, unlike you and the other trufers I will readily admit that I'm no construction engineer or anything of the sort, though I certainly do have a grasp of how evidence and reason work. What have you posted of value here so far? Nothing, seems to me. Just some ad hominem nonsense and some pretty pictures that fail to be relevant to the matter at hand. - - - Updated - - - Are you trying to demonstrate just how different the WTC7 collapse was from a number of controlled demolition attempts? Because it's working.
ummm you do know that media wasnt the only one recording the events right? there were a good amount of home video being recorded and NONE of them caught sounds like a control demo either. but let me guess, the government detained those videos and edited them , OR even better the home recording were taken by government spies and plants right? YOU CAN IN NO WAY MISTAKE A TRUE CONTROLLED DEMO OF 2 OF THE BIGGEST BUILDINGS IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't have any idea why you want to believe the official conspiracy theory. It is impossible for those buildings to have collapsed from fires. The truth is right here for people willing to do their homework. The 9/11 Toronto Report NIST is making fools of anyone who believes their story. Your choice.
It would seem impossible if you didn't understand the physics involved but face it, if you don't understand what you are talking about, you make something up. That is what truthers have done. Some of it is absolutely hilarious.
I do understand the physics involved and I understand building construction. The truthers are telling the truth. Read the report for yourself.
sundar and gross et al are guilty of criminal fraud I can see it now, The People of The North American Continent v The United States of America. [video=youtube;kpiVv8tQdmY][/video]
Excuse me, but NO! This is only proof positive that Jones and Harrit are senile SOBs who do not know the different between paint chips and and unicorn poo. Bentham is a journalistic fraud. There is no kaolin in a militarily useful thermite compound. Stop trying to tell the grown-ups that there is. Nobody has shown us a militarily useful thermite product recovered from Ground Zero or anywhere within miles of it.
the same reason i dont understand why you want to believe truther BS that defies common sense and all logic. the toweres were sure as hell not brought down by a controlled demo, it would have been 100% obvious if it was considering the physics and attributes of a controlled demolition. - - - Updated - - - now do them with sound and you will see the extreme difference.
Of course you don't.....the clueless usually aren't aware that they are.... - - - Updated - - - Evidently NOT..
Yes absolutely, the report indicates pan caking was not the initial cause of collapse. It also states the collapse commenced from top to bottom. Put those two pieces of evidence together and we logically know pan caking occurred but was not the initiator. Pretty simple really, unless you have pictures showing all the floors still standing after the collapse there is no other possibility.
Why do you find this puzzling? Did some deceitful djinn whisper into your ear that you need high explosives to create a dust cloud in falling concrete floor slabs. That is retarded. The Balzac-Vitry verinage job produced copious amounts of concrete dust and that was only from about five floors and involved ZERO HE of any kind. You people had better learn something about building materials before you start lecturing men who were putting up buildings and dragging hoses on structural fire before you stopped peeing in your diapers. So freaking WHAT? The pancake theory is not essential to the production of concrete dust. There is no reason for a rational human being to assume that it is. They did not test for traces of unicorn poo either. Why would they test for what obviously was not there? What would they test, and you need to be very specific as to the tests that you think were supposed to have been performed and how they could have done so without getting in the way of people who had far more important things to do, like saving lives and putting out fires? Have you any idea how they do fire investigations? I have DONE fire investigations. Stop playing teacher here. You do not have the credentials and neither have Little Dickie, Chucklenuts Jones or the slimey toad Harrit. I have no use for an alleged chemist who cannot recognize kaolin crystals on sight. All of my training in geology was informal and I can tell the difference between kaolin and elemental aluminum. Jones, Harrit, et al have long since lost their marbles and should be under the care of an Alzheimer's specialist.
It makes all the sense in the world. You can debate all you want about wether pan caking initiated collapse. You cannot debate that pan caking occurred.
grown ups dont expect 99.9999999% pharmaceutical grade purity after a building was blown to hell and back, only single digit IQ dablunderers expect something that crazy. My question is why are you speading dablunder trash?
Again, for all honest debaters about 9/11. Read The 9/11 Toronto Report. The truth is right there in black and white. - - - Updated - - - Go to his YouTube channel. It becomes obvious.
No, you do not. You seem to have totally failed to grasp the concept of "failure weight," i.e., the maxi,mum load that can be p[laced on a floor before it falls down and goes "BOOM" on the next floor. Only a very stupid child could study construction and not get that. You have very clearly, therefore, never studied construction of fire science. Stop trying to teach those who have studied them that your model of reality applies outside the space between your ears. No rational adult who was within 15 miles of the Kingdome when it fell believes you.
Shame they didn't see fit to include some engineers or construction experts on that panel. Psychologists and anthropologists conducting investigations into building collapse??? I'll save my money.
but a failing floor due to heat does no fall down and go BOOM on to the next floor. What dablunder site did you dredge that up from? Here is how it really works very slowly things sag and tip, if things go BOOM then you know explosives were used. Well unless of course you want to use explosives to INSTANTLY demolish all the conections, under which conditions it would fall down unto the next floor and go boom. So you are you really saying that the floor connections were demolished. - - - Updated - - - Do you believe everything you see with your eyes?
There were plenty of building experts and professionals in Toronto. You can ignore it if you like. Others, however, will read it and learn the truth about 9/11.