WHO would announce it? The evidence was destroyed, remember? It would be just another unsubstantiated claim of which truthers are so fond. Well, the whole conspiracy thing would have required a lot of people. How many do you think were in on it? Nope. Just too scared to sit in a building if I know it's going to be hit by a missile. Well, my opinion is backed up by way more facts, logic, and credible evidence than yours. What in the world are you talking about? Your paranoia is showing again. Was he vulnerable? Did he get injured there? How outlandish of him to help the injured. Would you not help the injured? Did his presence there prevent him from giving an attack authorization to protect the country?
Good Lord!! A 54 minute video?? It'll take like 54 minutes to watch that. But I've got some time to kill/waste today. So, just to humor you, let me go grab something for lunch and I'll come back and watch it. It better be good. I got up kind of early today so I might have a tendency to nod off if it gets a little boring. You know, presents the same old previously debunked cockamamie theories.
Well I made it about 40 minutes through then I couldn't take it anymore. Conspiracies to cover up conspiracies that cover up conspiracies are a little hard to believe without proof. Just adds more moving parts that ALL must work perfectly to succeed. Then when he started babbling about the no plane at the Pentagon BS that has been debunked time and time again, I gave up on it.
A missile? What the... Barbara Olson was on the plane that crashed in the Pentagon. At least according to the official story. So if it was a missile, what happened to the plane and passengers? Barbara Olson was somewhat famous in Washington policy circles, she isn't a made up identity. What happened to the plane and people?
I'd like to edit my previous theory about it being innocent civilians on 757 shaped missile because you've now given us definitive proof that the passengers HAD to be in on it! Therefore, I propose that all the passengers AREN'T dead, but are merely living new lives with fake identities, or in massive underground bunkers, or actually, they might not have been in on it and actually have been innocent victims in the government's scheme to take over the world! But personally, I like the one about underground bunkers, so I'm sticking with that theory.
That's true. 'Truthers' who refuse to look at the evidence can't even get that far. The rest of the world figured it out 10 years ago.
The "rest of the world" was duped....big time, at a very vulnerable moment. Wait till they finally wake up and look for themselves. Not going to be a pretty sight.
Well, as you "workers" always say, the evidence is there on Google for anybody that wants to look. The horse, the water, etc,etc.
I found an interesting thread on Barbara Olsen at the Let's Roll forum. http://letsrollforums.com/barbara-olson-9-11-t20525.html? There are plausible explanations for the passengers; we just don't know which on is the correct one. At the 44:00 time mark of this video a plausible theory is put forth. [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5wkyEDIxTk"]9/11 - Painful Deceptions - (Full Length). - YouTube[/ame] We already know that a 757 didn't hit the Pentagon because the craft that hit it was too small... http://www.bcrevolution.ca/911_part_iii.htm ...and the nose of the craft that hit the Pentagon was not the nose of a 757. http://www.g7welcomingcommittee.com/blog/wp-content/images/pentagon1_plane.jpg Now we just have to figure out the other details such as the passengers, etc but these details are about how the government carried out the attack. They are not about whether the government carried it out.
You lost any credibility you were looking for by refrencin a 'theory' by that nutcase,phil jayhan,who thinks the jumpers from the towers on 9/11 were staged....
I understand your feelings. I've seen the "official" BS report, and its never ending "notes", even ten years later. You'd think the truth would be the truth, and need no modifications.
To understand the complexity of 9/11, you should go back to the 1993 failed attempt at bombing the World Trade Centre. The answers are right in front of everyone, unfortunately, the American media solidified this into everyones mind that if you don't accept the official story you're "anti American" and a "terrorist supporter". Judging from the responses of some in this topic, I stand corrected. It's true, 9/11 was a devastating event, everyone was shocked by that day. But what about the daily 9/11s that happen in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine? Nobody seems to care about those 9/11s. And, correct me if I'm wrong, but did the 9/11 commission ever mention anything about WTC 7 and how it "fell down"?
And you wonder why you're not taken seriously. Can you, for once, just state your case without links to other opinions? Just once. But since you brought the garbage to the table; why not just stage the crash a t a higher angle of impact to avoid the poles? By doing so, you don't have to worry about planting the poles. This should be obvious, even to you.