Watts Up With That? Top Ten 2022 Media Climate Stories – Fact Check December 28,2022 Excerpt: Guest Post by: The Competitive Enterprise Institute, The Heartland Institute, the Energy & Environmental Legal Institute, the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, and the International Climate Science Coalition Editor’s note: This summary serves as a fact check on the top ten disasters that mainstream media attributes to climate change. These topics, and others, have been thoroughly reviewed by Climate Realism as well. For more detail, click the links to read more about Pakistan’s flooding, Hurricane Ian, major droughts, heat waves, Lake Mead’s water level, flooding in Yellowstone, and snow extent. LINK ========= Better to read and research than be a warmist/alarmist lemming who parrots climate cult baloney.
Climate Divestment: Kentucky Boycotts Woke Anti-Fossil Fuel Banks Eric Worrall Will woke fossil fuel hating banks like BlackRock have to disclose the risk of being boycotted by GOP states on their SEC climate risk declarations? . . .
Vital Energy Lessons for Virginia and America Guest Blogger Legislators shouldn’t Californicate Virginia or America on EVs and Green Energy . . .
The professor won't bend. Extraordinary Resignation by a Geology Professor: ‘I feel the profession…is no longer worthy of my efforts’ Anthony Watts On Twitter, there is a openly raw admission of why academia has decended into little more than intellectual tribalism, with ‘climate change’ being at the center of the issue. Dr.…
Heartland Institute Ships ‘Climate at a Glance’ Book to Thousands of Teachers Across America Anthony Watts Book intended to be “supplemental” to standard curricula and counter alarmist narrative with facts on the climate that reflect current data and research ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, IL (February 2, 2023) –…
The Models Are OK, the Predictions Are Wrong | Dr. Judith Curry | EP 329 Charles Rotter Dr Jordan B Peterson and Dr. Judith Curry discuss climate change, the major error in current models and future predictions, academic fraud, and the need for dissenting opinions. . . .
My interview with Jordan Peterson Posted on February 6, 2023 by curryja | 26 comments by Judith Curry My interview on the Jordan B Peterson podcast is now available. Continue reading →
“Cognitive Dissonance” and Climate Change: A Takedown Guest Blogger What you note as “warnings” 40 years ago are more accurately labelled as falsified speculations produced by climate models observably unfit for duty. . . .
From the Department of Debunking: Climate Fact Check: January 2023 Edition Guest Blogger Seven pieces of climate propaganda from January 2023 exposed and debunked. . . .
Climate alarmists are quite willing to lie to attack skeptics. Kevon Martis Responds to ‘Heated’ Ad Hominem Guest Blogger Climate exaggeration and extremism is okay, but not Martis’s fact-based presentations and follow-up that exposes the economic and ecological downsides of government-enabled, dilute, intermittent energy sources. . . .
The Senator can hang a couple of alarmist skins on the wall. Senator Kennedy Shocks Climate Cultists Charles Rotter Senator Kennedy sends unhinged climate cultists into utter state of SHOCK, short circuit after GRILLING them on radical climate agenda pic.twitter.com/74TF9OPINK— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) February 20, 2023
They are such OBVIOUS charlatans, if not outright con-men. How much longer can their con be sustained?
The Resistance musters their forces. Farmers Blockade EU Capital to Fight Fertiliser Restrictions Eric Worrall Green policy obsessed European leaders are ignoring the implications of Sri Lanka’s organic farming food crisis. . . .
Appellant Brief Filed in Young v. EPA Guest Blogger Round 2 gets started in the only lawsuit that can derail the Biden EPA’s PM2.5 railroad. Read the opening brief of appellants Stan Young and Tony Cox.
A Dutchman on a tractor is the new symbol of peoples' resistance. Netherlands Votes NO to the Climate Activist War on Farmers Eric Worrall A new political party which represents farmers who are fed up with police shooting at their kids and threatened evictions for daring to work the land has won a “monster”…
Whenever the alarmists can be forced into the open for debate, they lose. Koonin wins in Cornell Oxford Style Debate Andy May Steve Koonin is still undefeated! The Steamboat Institute hosted a Campus Liberty Tour Oxford style debate at Cornell University on Mar 15, 2023. Drs. Steven Koonin and…
Challenging the NSTA’s Position Statement on Climate Change Charles Rotter Unfortunately, the NSTA has taken a strong position that is antithetical to the scientific method, critical thinking and open scientific debate. . . .
Professor Curry will not be intimidated. Senate Budget Committee Hearing: JC responds Posted on March 26, 2023 by curryja | 38 comments by Judith Curry Last week’s Hearing was a sad example of what passes for debate and deliberations by the U.S. Senate. In any event, it provides an interesting case study of why the U.S. cannot bridge the partisan divide and figure out how to deal sensibly with the climate change issue. Continue reading →
EU War on Agriculture Pushback Protests Spread Eric Worrall Emboldened by the recent BoerBurgerBeweging electoral victory in Netherlands, Farmers in Slovenia, Germany and Flanders are staging large protests against the EU’s war on agriculture. . . . .
Body Blow To Activists: Whopping 82% Of Berlin’s Voters Refused To Support 2030 Climate Neutrality By P Gosselin on 28. March 2023 Share this... The results of Berlin’s Climate Neutrality By 2030 referendum tell us that FFF and Last Generation are fringe movements, remote of even Berlin’s mainstream. It’ll take a longtime for the radical climate activists to recover from this major setback The movement’s leaders reacted in disbelief and sourly to the defeat, as Twitter account holder Georg tweeted: . . . . Crushing defeat Last Sunday’s “Berlin Climate Neutrality By 2030” referendum failed resoundingly despite the more than a million euros spent in a massive run-up campaign that included plastering the city with posters, concerts by famous performers, huge support and propaganda by the media and hefty donations coming from left wing activists from the east and west coasts of USA. Once the dust of the referendum had settled, it emerged that the “yes” side fell way short of the quorum 608,000 votes needed to pass the measure. Only 442,210 cast a vote in favor, which represents only 18% of Berlin’s eligible voters. The activists expected a far greater turnout. 82% refused to lend any support. Berlin’s rejection of the climate neutrality by 2030 mandate is a massive body blow to the the radical Fridays for Future and Last Generation movement in Germany, and it will take months for the radicals to recover, it ever, from this setback. The Berlin initiative to make the city climate neutral by 2030 was led by rich, upper class youths like Luisa “Longhaul” Neubauer. But Berliners, having been harassed for months by activists gluing themselves to the streets and blocking traffic, saw the folly of the initiative and the high costs it would entail politically and financially. They decided resoundingly they’d wanted no part of it. Lashing out at the majority The agony of referendum defeat was palpable as some of its leaders reacted by lashing out and insulting those who refused to vote “yes”, In a video, movement co-leader Luisa Neubauer sank into cynical accusations against the majority, even calling the uncooperative Berliners “fossil cynics” and “climate destroyers”. Neubauer added: “There are forces in this city that are doing everything to get the last spark of climate destruction out.” In Neubauer’s view these forces include the vast 82% of Berliners who refused to vote “yes”. So troublesome democracy can be. “Bubble has finally burst” Germany’s Pleiteticker here commented on the Berlin referendum: Social Democrat Dario Schramm wept on Twitter at the gloating that would now come from the other side. But he and other supporters of the green ban politics need not be surprised. For years they have been spreading their ideas of good politics for years in a self-righteous, arrogant and sometimes aggressive manner. They, mostly members of the upper middle class, have declared war on the lower and lower middle class with their destructive climate measures. Outside the Berlin political bubble and the other urban feel-good oases of Germany, the Neubauers of this world never possessed much support. And now the bubble has finally burst. In the Marzahn, Köpenick and Lichtenberg districts, the majority of voters voted against the referendum. The normal working population of Berlin decided against the journalistic and political elite.” But don’t expect the climate radicals to go away. They’ll be back at it soon enough.
Speaking of Germany....... https://www.politico.eu/article/how-germany-e-fuel-push-save-combustion-engine-car/ For the non-automotive engineers, efuels are something that's been around for a while. Basically you capture CO2 from the atmosphere and then use massive amounts of electricity to remove hydrogen from water or hydrocarbons (like say, diesel fuel) and then you take another massive amount of electricity to combine those to make something similar to, well, gasoline. Yes, it is the most recent version of a perpetual motion machine looking to solve climate change by taking CO2 from the atmosphere to allow an ICE engine to make more CO2 like it always does. So Germany, with some of the greatest IC engines in the world is saying rather than kill internal combustion, why not just outlaw normal fossil fuels? The strategy's elegance is a true thing of beauty built on the inherent absurdity of "climate change ".
Remember him with fondness and reverence. RIP Lord Lawson: One of the Great Sceptics of Net Zero and Climate Science Insanity Guest Blogger He set up a think tank, the Global Warming Policy Foundation, designed to challenge international attempts to mitigate the impacts of global heating. . . .
Climate Hysteria in The Dark Age: Are We Seeing Glimmers of Light? Guest Blogger Whether these glimmers of light in the West’s dark age today are real indicators of an emerging rationality or merely the dying throes of those who are fighting an invincible…