Disagreed, but I always like a good conspiracy theory. Who is behind this plan to impeach or impose the 25th Amendment. Not the Russians, of course.
Agreed. I don't recall if I ever did. I certainly commented on several. Doubtful, but I would readily agree that such threads have a lot of Lefties supporting Obama on them. Echo chambers quickly die. There are a couple threads right now on this forum started by RWers which have 5-10 posts by RWers and that's it. I'm sure there are Lefty threads which are the same.
Whatever it is, it'd have to be big. Money (massive amounts) or a sex scandal along the lines you mention. The Russian GDP is over $1T. Tossing Trump a billion a year for 10 years might be big enough. A video of him strangling a hooker might do it too. Russians have always been good at "Honey Pots". They could have loaded him up with coke and/or meth then let him have at it with a Russian hooker whom he ends up killing (or death faked). It'd wouldn't be below Putin to let a hooker play act being killed, then later actually kill her and dump the body to be found as later proof she was actually killed.
He already has "**** you" money. Far in excess of it. Doesn't seem like much of a motive given the risks. It has to be negative, not positive. Like a video of him raping children. I can't think of much else. A video of him raping a woman maaaayyybee, even thats a stretch. Itd have to absolutely destroy his life, wealth, and freedom if revealed.
Money = success to him. The more money, the more successful a person must be in his mind. This is why he became upset when people said he was only worth 2-4 billion, not the 10 he had always been claiming. I have little doubt he'd sell out the country for $20B. Raping and killing a woman would do it.
Money is success to a poker player. But if you push all in with Jack, 8 offsuit you're going to lose. The risk isn't worth the reward, especially when he couldn't spend any of it without attention.
Nothing. The very idea is a desperate and baseless supposition from the left that allows them to push their "We Hate the Hillaryslayer" narrative.
Of course the LWLs are going to jump on any bandwagon that trashes Trump just like the RWNJs jumped on any bandwagon that trashed Obama. However, there are the middle 60-80% of Americans who are sane and patriotic enough to put country before party. It's those who are expressing concern about and questioning Trump's actions. Example; who here thinks Newt Gingrich is a RINO or a member of the left? http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-brief...-press-conference-was-most-serious-mistake-of Former Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.), a longtime supporter of President Trump, declared on Monday that Trump's performance at a news conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin was "the most serious mistake of his presidency." President Trump must clarify his statements in Helsinki on our intelligence system and Putin. It is the most serious mistake of his presidency and must be corrected—-immediately. — Newt Gingrich (@newtgingrich) July 16, 2018 The comments from the former Speaker came after the U.S. president challenged his own intelligence community's conclusion that Moscow interfered in the 2016 election during a joint news conference with Putin. "They said they think it’s Russia. I have President Putin — he just said it’s not Russia," Trump said, adding that he does not "see any reason why it would be" Russia. Trump has repeatedly criticized the special counsel investigation into possible collusion between his campaign and Russia. But his remarks on Monday were an extraordinary break from his own administration, which last week indicted 12 Russian officials on charges of hacking Democratic servers in 2016. The president's comments prompted criticism from both sides of the aisle and a statement from Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats standing by the intelligence community's determination that Russia interfered in the 2016 election. "We have been clear in our assessments of Russian meddling in the 2016 election and their ongoing, pervasive efforts to undermine our democracy, and we will continue to provide unvarnished and objective intelligence in support of our national security," Coats said.
[ That's all well and good - but what's that have to do with the supposition that Trump only acts as he does towards Russia because Putin hols something over his head?
You claimed that Trump wasn't doing anything wrong and it was only the LWers who were saying so. I just proved that wasn't true, that many RWers are concerned about Trump's attacks on Americans yet fawns over Putin and Russia.
No... I said the idea that Trump does what he does and did what he did he did re: Russia because Putin has something on him is leftist fantasy, offered to the public as a means to continue a narrative.
It's ashame that his entire first term is going to be wasted on false narratives and MSM propaganda. If lefties put a fraction of the effort they put into bashing Trump on curing disease the medical industry would go under. In your heart of hearts, is your personal life any different now than it was 3 years ago?
Thanks for the clarification. So why do you think Trump takes the word of Putin over our own intelligence agencies?
Trump does it to himself with his Tweets. Examples: The Fake News Media wants so badly to see a major confrontation with Russia, even a confrontation that could lead to war. They are pushing so recklessly hard and hate the fact that I’ll probably have a good relationship with Putin. We are doing MUCH better than any other country! The Fake News Media is going Crazy! They make up stories without any backup, sources or proof. Many of the stories written about me, and the good people surrounding me, are total fiction. Problem is, when you complain you just give them more publicity. But I’ll complain anyway! Some people HATE the fact that I got along well with President Putin of Russia. They would rather go to war than see this. It’s called Trump Derangement Syndrome! The meeting between President Putin and myself was a great success, except in the Fake News Media!
I think Trump plays a different game than anyone else and does a lot of the things he does to put focus where he wants it. Also, imagine the reaction from the left if Trump had added "... and I think he's lying". And so, I don't think he believes Putin over our intel services.
That's one way of putting it. Do you know what the psychological term is for people who wander off into the weeds and "plays a different game than anyone else"? He said so in his remarks. The intell services said Putin and the Russians committed cybercrimes by hacking emails and trying to influence the election. Putin say "Nyet" and Trump tells the world he believes Putin.
What the heck do imaginary Nazis and white supremacists and evil Russians have to do with anything? I want to respect your service as a Marine, but you are showing some extreme gullibility, for believing this nonsense.
Ya think? This OP is the most illogical, false rabid TDS assertion yet. AFM has already destroyed these infantile, silly, blatantly lying leftist opinions in this thread but you touch on something here I want to reinforce. President Trump is playing his own game and he doesn't believe a word Putin is saying. No more than when Obama called Merkel and said he didn't know the NSA was bugging her phone. Merkel didn't believe him but let it go. Why? Because it was in her countries best interest to do so. Just like now.. Due to Susan Rice w the NSA and Obama once again pervasively Fkn up by stopping counter measures to Russian election interference? Now Trump is playing it super smart. He is being overly nice and establishing a great repoire with Putin meanwhile our policies particularly trade are destroying Russia's economy and are tougher than ever were under idiot Bopeep. Which is super smart because it's not a bad idea to avoid another cold war over something we allowed and we do ourselves to Russia and even our own allies... Haha Leftism is synonymous with stupidity Really. Zero critical thinking skills. Just blah blah blah
You think nazis and white supremacists are imaginary? Who told you that falsehood? Here, let me show you what they look like, but you are free to claim it's all in my imagination and that I'm just a gullible Marine:
The crisis is that hillary voters and fence sitters cant get over the fact that hillary lost You and many others are becoming unhinged and completely hysterical Meanwhile the nation stumbles along in spite of you