There are twelve nutjobs there, and they haven't beaten anybody up for their political beliefs. I want you to fight for American values. I want you to support free speech by opposing the anti-Constitution Antifa-terrorist nutjobs.
We have infinitely more hate threads of liberal, Hillary, Obama, Bill Clinton, Bernie derangement syndrome.
Yes, they did. The Chinese hacked the 2008 election so badly that the secret service had to issue McCain and Obama new laptops and cell phones. Never hear about that one though, do you?
Then perhaps you should ask yourself why people who hate the Constitution are putting in so much effort to take Trump down with nonsense narratives like in your OP.
Translation: You are right, Max. The Nazis and White Supremacists are real. Thought Criminal was wrong. Thanks, Mac.
There is no physical evidence to prove the russians hacked anyone Our CIA can imitate any other country on the internet But our enemies are beginning to show superior internet skills than we have in America And that scares the piss out of me
They're no more prevalent than Black Nationalists who say the exact same thing. Yes, there are a few thousand KKK members in the country. It's probably about the same number of people who worship the Spaghetti Monster.
If you just discovered the 20 KKK neo Nazis in America I feel your pain It must have been quote a shock for you
Political partisans almost always put party politics ahead of patriotism. If they didn't, they wouldn't be political nutjobs. FWIW, trying to make sense of why nutjobs do nutty things is a waste of time. Better, IMO, to just work with sane people on doing what is best for the nation. You are free to agree or disagree.
That's right. You don't hear about it, because the MSM doesn't want you to know about it, because it helps destroy their bullshit narrative. NO ONE has hacked the US more in the last 8 years than China.
Agreed, but I don't see you or anyone else screaming that the Black Nationalists are imaginary. Thanks for admitting that Thought Criminal was wrong.
Clearly you're not thinking through these things. No one would make the claim "they don't exist", what he meant was that the constant "OMG KKK EVERWHARE" from the MSM is pure fantasy. The KKK and "resurgence of white nationalism" that they parrot non-stop is the lie.
Another lib lie There is no evidence that bush ever said that Besides he hates trump almost as much as you do
If libs were right even 10% of the time they used the rise of far rightism America would have far more than 20 neo nazis today
Thanks for the link. BTW, "the Hill" is part of the "MSM"...and so is NBC News. "U.S. officials have determined that the Chinese government hacked into and spied on the 2008 presidential campaigns of Barack Obama and John McCain, according to NBC News" and CNN: and Newsweek: and the Atlantic, among several others: I fail to see why you are claiming "the MSM doesn't want you to know about it". Is this an intentional error on your part or are you just repeating something you were told?