Correct. It's just another internet meme passed around by partisan nutjobs as you often do yourself. From Factcheck, a website you've often denounced as "lib media":******ned-piece-of-paper/
Correct....and you falsely claimed that the "MSM" didn't want me to know. Which is worse? Not knowing or lying?
Old news, the well informed already knew this just as it's no secret that the Chi-Com (Communist-China) government funneled tens of millions of dollars into the DNC and the Clinton's reelection campaign during the 1990's. Think of Chinagate. The Mexican government has been meddling in our elections in California and Arizona, Texas, New Mexico and now even Nevada for more than a couple of decades now. The Democratic National Committee has been in collusion with the Chinese government since 1992.
The MSM doesn't want you to know. Sure, they'll put a story out there on it, but you won't hear anyone talking about it on the news. Do you think that maybe, just maybe, the fact that there was a major hack by the Chinese in 2008 is EXTREMELY relevant to the discussion we're having in 2016? Why isn't it being brought up, at all?
Thought Criminal did: OTOH, after your post falsely declaring that the "MSM" want me to know about it, I can't trust anything you say anymore.
Another good point. The reason they don't talk about the Chinese, is that the Chinese are pouring money by the bucket load into US politics.
They are imaginary in the way they are portrayed, and the scope of the problem. You are being sold a lie. Then go be a Democrat. See how that works out for your family.
I did not need a liberal confession to tell me it was a lie But if Factcheck reassures you then I dont mind
Thanks for confirming that vman12 was wrong, at best, about the MSM not reporting the hacking. I have little doubt the Clintons are corrupt and had relations with the Chinese that were not in America's best interests. Why didn't Bush do anything about it? Why isn't Trump doing anything about it now?
Like you tried to sell me earlier about the MSM? Sorry, but I can forgive people who make mistakes, but I can't forgive liars.
Liberals ars slow learners The MSM has to scream CHINA HACKING! for months and years before the left catches on
How about you go pound sand ya rock. I don't need or want your forgiveness. Your inability to engage your brain and think is punishment enough for whatever nonsense you're on about now. I told you the MSM doesn't want you to know about something, and you had no ****ing idea it ever happened. Clearly you need to learn some basic logic.
Bush did do something about it. If you remember when the Chi-Coms were rattling their sabers when they believed to could sink two U.S. Navy Carrier Battle Groups (CBG) Bush was able to put 10 CAG into fleet AOR's and the Chi-Coms backed down until Obama became President. Under Obama the Chi-Coms occupied and militarized the South China Sea and Obama did jack **** about it. By 2016 when Obama did decide to pivot in the Western Pacific it was to late, China owned the South China Sea. The biggest threat America faces today isn't Russia or North Korea or even Islamist jihadist but China and progressives in America. Have you looked at the hermit kingdom of California lately ?
Hummm, I do not know which is worse..., is putin pulling puppet strings.... or is the puppet doing these. Things all on his own
The Chinese are light years ahead of another country when it comes to hacking of US information. It is estimated that ~ 30% of their gdp is the result of stealing technologies from foreign companies. They will do as much as they can situationally get away with before backing off. The threat from Russia is infinitesimal compared to China.
This one is a great example. But the claim is that there are infinitely more on political figures from the left.
Sorry if I hurt your feelings. RWNJs are very sensitive people and hate to have anyone disagree with them.