The following associations and organizations all feel that the ideas esposed by 9-11 Truth regarding the collapses of the World Trace Center towers, are crap: the Structural Engineers Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers American Institute of Steel Construction American Concrete Institute the National Fire Protection Association Society of Fire Protection Engineers National Institute of Standards and Technology Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat Structural Engineers Association of New York these are the experts.
The experts are clear as day: The WTC towers collapsed due to impact damage, fire, weakened steel, and gravity.
I went to each of their websites and found no recent papers from any of them that back up your claim. Can you link to their current stance on 9/11 truth? New evidence was recently found that NIST lied in their report on Building 7 when they claimed that column 79, the first column that they claim failed, was unrestrained when in fact it was restrained which invalidates NIST's entire theory of WTC 7 building collapse. Any paper you present should be within the last year or so. Link please.
Truthers spend a lot of time claiming they have facts and evidence but all of their bogus claims have been shown to be false, time and time again. There is good reason that no matter how hard they try, they can't convince the world that 09/11 was a conspiracy; the scientific community doesn't even take them seriously. All they do is convince themselves of a conspiracy. I have asked this question and seldom do they take it head on - Why did our government decide to bring down a US landmark like the Twin Towers and kill 3,000 Americans? There really is no sane answer to this question.
Soooooooooo if I read your post right, the US should start a war on gravity - - - Updated - - - Why - regardless if a paper was written a month after the event or 5 years or 12 years it makes no difference. Mechanical engineering and physics have not changed in that time. You are simply creating a dodge to their opinion and we all know it
Newton's laws are not man made laws. Newton observed nature and wrote down how objects behave in nature. His laws of motion have been proven right for 326 years. Feel free to prove him wrong if you can.
The real experts in the fields of engineering and architecture are clear: 9-11 Truth is one big fat FAIL
Per your own standards: provide proof NIST made the claim, then prove it wrong. Finally, provide evidence that NIST made the claim knowing that it was wrong. Cite your sources.
Here is the why: 9/11 Pentagon Attack - Behind the Smoke Curtain - Barbara Honegger Truther claims have not been shown to be false, time and time again. There is a lot of denial going on but many claims of the truthers are solid truth. The scientific community is taking truthers serious worldwide.
there is no evidence of any explosives at the WTC towers. no physical evidence whatsoever. this is one example of a 9-11 Truth claim that is a massive FAIL
Even truthers consider Honegger a "a comet-riding psychic moonbat in the employ of the US military pushing among the worst 9/11 theories."
That debunker website is old news from 2006. Honegger gave a speech in January 2013 and it was well received. I see that you are still stuck on ridicule in an attempt to discredit the messenger rather than listen to the message.
That's not a debunker website. It is a truther website. And Honegger has not managed to go back in time and undo the decades of insane moonbattery that render her opinions on most subjects worthy of little more than a face palm. Not by anybody who was not already well down the rabbit hole of truther credulity. As Thomas Jefferson wrote, "Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions."
Here's some articles written by EXPERTS, about the 9-11 collapses. "A new era": The limits of engineering expertise in a post-9/11 world Pfatteicher, S.K.A. 2007 International Symposium on Technology and Society, Proceedings, art. no. 4362228 Progressive collapse of the World Trade Center: Simple analysis Seffen, K.A. 2008 Journal of Engineering Mechanics 134 (2), pp. 125-132 Scale modeling of the 96th floor of world trade center tower 1 Wang, M., Chang, P., Quintiere, J., Marshall, A. 2007 Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities 21 (6), pp. 414-421 Failure of welded floor truss connections from the exterior wall during collapse of the world trade center towers Banovic, S.W., Siewert, T.A. 2007 Welding Journal (Miami, Fla) 86 (9), pp. 263-s-272-s The collapse of the world trade center towers: A metallurgist's view Gayle, F.W. 2007 MRS Bulletin 32 (9), pp. 710-716 Building code changes reflect world trade center investigation Hansen, B. 2007 Civil Engineering 77 (9), pp. 22+24-25 The structural steel of the World Trade Center towers Gayle, F.W., Banovic, S.W., Foecke, T., Fields, R.J., Luecke, W.E., McColskey, J.D., McCown, C., Siewert, T.A. 2006 Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention 6 (5), pp. 5-8 Progressive collapse of structures: Annotated bibliography and comparison of codes and standards Mohamed, O.A. 2006 Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities 20 (4), art. no. 001604QCF, pp. 418-425 A simple model of the World Trade Center fireball dynamics Baum, H.R., Rehm, R.G., Quintiere, J.G. 2005 Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 30 II, pp. 2247-2254 Impact of the Boeing 767 Aircraft into the World Trade Center Karim, M.R., Hoo Fatt, M.S. 2005 Journal of Engineering Mechanics 131 (10), pp. 1066-1072 High-fidelity simulation of large-scale structures Hoffmann, C., Sameh, A., Grama, A. 2005 Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3515 (II), pp. 664-671 Collapses of the world trade center towers [No author name available] 2005 Indian Concrete Journal 79 (, pp. 11-16 Industry updates: Fireproofing, staircases cited in World Trade Center report [No author name available] 2005 Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention 5 (4), pp. 34 September 11 and fracture mechanics - A retrospective Cherepanov, G.P. 2005 International Journal of Fracture 132 (2), pp. L25-L26 Structural responses of World Trade Center under aircraft attacks Omika, Y., Fukuzawa, E., Koshika, N., Morikawa, H., Fukuda, R. 2005 Journal of Structural Engineering 131 (1), pp. 6-15 Impact of the 2001 World Trade Center attack on critical interdependent infrastructures Mendonça, D., Lee II, E.E., Wallace, W.A. 2004 Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 5, pp. 4053-4058 Use of high-efficiency energy absorbing device to arrest progressive collapse of tall building Zhou, Q., Yu, T.X. 2004 Journal of Engineering Mechanics 130 (10), pp. 1177-1187 Progressive analysis procedure for progressive collapse Marjanishvili, S.M. 2004 Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities 18 (2), pp. 79-85 Lessons learned on improving resistance of buildings to terrorist attacks Corley, W.G. 2004 Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities 18 (2), pp. 68-78 Anatomy of a disaster: A structural investigation of the World Trade Center collapses Abboud, N., Levy, M., Tennant, D., Mould, J., Levine, H., King, S., Ekwueme, C., (...), Hart, G. 2003 Forensic Engineering, Proceedings of the Congress, pp. 360-370 World Trade Center disaster: Damage/debris assessment Thater, G.G., Panariello, G.F., Cuoco, D.A. 2003 Forensic Engineering, Proceedings of the Congress, pp. 383-392 How did the WTC towers collapse: A new theory Usmani, A.S., Chung, Y.C., Torero, J.L. 2003 Fire Safety Journal 38 (6), pp. 501-533 Microstructural analysis of the steels from Buildings 7, & 1 or 2 from the World Trade Center Biederman, R.R., Sullivan, E.M., Sisson Jr., R.D., Vander Voort, G.F. 2003 Microscopy and Microanalysis 9 (SUPPL. 2), pp. 550-551 Brannigan, F.L. "WTC: Lightweight Steel and High-Rise Buildings" Fire Engineering v.155, no. 4, (2002): 145-150. Analysis of the thermal exposure in the impact areas of the World Trade Center terrorist attacks Beyler, C., White, D., Peatross, M., Trellis, J., Li, S., Luers, A., Hopkins, D. 2003 Forensic Engineering, Proceedings of the Congress, pp. 371-382 Clifton, Charles G. Elaboration on Aspects of the Postulated Collapse of the World Trade Centre Twin Towers HERA: Innovation in Metals. 2001. 13 December 2001. "Construction and Collapse Factors" Fire Engineering v.155, no. 10, (2002): 106-108. Bazant, Z.P., & Zhou, Y. "Addendum to 'Why Did the World Trade Center Collapse? - Simple Analysis" (pdf) Journal of Engineering Mechanics v. 128, no. 3, (2002): 369-370. Corbett, G.P. "Learning and Applying the Lessons of the WTC Disaster" Fire Engineering v.155, no. 10, (2002.): 133-135. "Dissecting the Collapses" Civil Engineering ASCE v. 72, no. 5, (2002): 36-46. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Therese McAllister, report editor. World Trade Center Building Performance Study: Data Collection, Preliminary Observations, and Recommendations