You just hurt your credibility even more. Why don't you come over to the "Moon Landing" section and we can talk about that.
you are not Just putting thru a plausible scenerio, you are fantasizing once again. You weren't there so you can't be sure? You weren't there for your conception, how can you be sure you were born? Oh right you exist and so does hoess confession.
Had the Nazi or Imperial Japanese government kidnapped an American Military Officer who was part of the carpet/firebombing campaigns in their countries and placed them on trial---would you think he would be given a fair trial after being tortured? Would you trust any of his confessions? Do you even know what the word "justice" means? If you were sitting on a jury today where the defendant was beaten by the police to get a confession that had many contradictory statements, would you find him guilty?
So, how well was Hoess treated by the Allies that caputred him? Was he not tortured? Of course he was: So tell me again for the record, how many people did die at Auschwitz?
Doubtful. The story comes from an incredibly biased source and inconsistent in the very least. Sorry but what you've linked is in all probability a tissue of lies We have already been through this. I suggest that you go back and read if you're unsure
You say lots of things. Like "Only 1.1 million died at Auschwitz. And "Hoss" was the best eyewitness. And Hoess said 3 million died died there. And that my sources are probably a "tissue of lies." I hope you don't make a living as a lawyer or historian.
Nice sophisitc argument. Unfortunately for you, Hoess also wrote a letter to his wife before he was hanged. Most confessions or statements made about events often years prior are ALWAYS filled with minor contradictions. In this case with Hoess, you claim his "ball park" number of deaths indicates his whole statement is a lie. Seems you can't wrap your head around the fact that the guy gave a substantially accurate (and has been corroborated by other sources of evidence) account of events and his actions. But by all means keep trying to: So if you have any evidence to prove that the confession nothing but a lie apart from the fact that that POS Heoss was thrown down the stairs by his british interrogators. Seems pretty near everyone that was around the scumbag was disgusted and angry at his total sociopathy. He was not the commandant of the summer camp some idiotic denialist seem to think it was. Now, if you have anything other than sophistic arguments, quack science, intellectually dishonest wild arse guesses and fabricated nonsense, I'd be happy to discuss it with you. I won't hold my breath on that because we both know you can't deliver on that one.
Yes, too many people died in WW 2. The Red Cross documents on Auschwitz should be opened for public display. Does it bother you that the Germans allowed the International Red Cross access to all their concentration and POW camps, yet the Soviets did not allow the IRC to visit their POW camps, and certainly not their Gulags. American also did not let the IRC inspect POW camps of Axis soldiers after the war ended. Three months after the German surrender in May 1945, General Dwight Eisenhower issued an order classifying all surrendered soldiers within the American Zone of Occupation as Disarmed Enemy Forces, rather than Prisoners of War. Accordingly, the Red Cross was denied the right to visit German PoWs in American prison camps, and delivery of Red Cross parcels to them was forbidden.[33] In the spring of 1946 the International Red Cross was finally allowed to provide limited amounts of food aid to prisoners of war in the U.S. occupation zone.[34]
Do you actually think that if Hoess wrote a letter saying that he had be tortured and forced to give false testimony and that there was no Final Soultion program going on with gas chambers---that the Allied Tribunal officials would have let that get out??? And "ballpark" is not 3 million, or 1.1 million. The real number is less than 100,000.
Yes but unlike you it doesn't come out of my backside Oh so you did read something No I never said that. I said he was a very good witness and considering that you were trying to that gassing didn't occur then I would have to say that you kind of lost there. I told you that they weren't counting. That is simply his rough estimate. Ok. I'll be more frank with you it is a tissue of lies because Faurisson basically fabricated a unit of the British army that never existed nor would he have been able to gather the relevant information without interviews such as Hoss's wife and she died in 1989. Then of course where are the interviews from the soldiers? Well that would really blow you out of the water wouldn't it.
Sorry, but your logic is quite lacking. So why wouldn't the long time commandant of Auschwitz know almost exactly how many people died at his camp(s)? Would the SS have put an idiot in charge of large camp that could hold 70,000 people? If the Final Solution theory was true, wouldn't a camp commander like Hoess want to have a detailed record of exactly how many people were killed every day and make a daily report on how many allegedly gasses, shot, cremated, buried and so forth? Why do the Red Cross records show such a disparity? Why keep a regular set of official records that list deaths and executions (less than 200), and not for the presumed main function of the camp for killing Jews? The "rough estimates" were made by the Allies and Zionists to reverse engineer the 6 million number. Of course all the numbers were all over the place. Just keep in mind a big lie is much easier to believe than thousands of smaller lies.
NEWSFLASH, The Red Cross documents on Auschwitz are open for public perusal. As is their statement wrt to the WW2 report denialists so love to point to. But you knew that. You also knew that the Nazis did not allow the IRC access to all of their concentration and POW camps. Just more outright lies from jew hating nazi apologists. You continually get caught in outright lies. Nothing like proving exactly how intellectually dishonest denialists actually are.
Hoess guesstimated 3 million, even he didn't know exactly what the numbers were for deaths. Given that hundreds were dying every day of his tenure, I can see how he could have mentally inflated the number. But that one discrepency - since fully and thoroughly researched by historians with documentation that put the number at roughly 1 million jews and another 100,000 plus "others". And, since hoess number nor the plaque number were used in tallying up the "score", your argument is nothing more than bullshit denialism. Hoess was the best eyewitness after Eichmann but there are literally hundreds of other nazis confessions that more or less confirm the accepted narrative. Oh my corroborating evidence - something denialists can't seem to wrap their heads around, wonder if its a size thing?
So the instances where IRC officials were not allowed into certain camps at certain times is really not that big of a deal. Would you want to go to a camp during disease outbreaks not wearing full chemical protective clothing? Yet you couldn't care less that the IRC was not allowed to visit any Soviet POW or concentration/Gulag camps, or that Eisenhower forbade them to visit their Euro POW camps between 1945 and 1946. Why would the Nazis allow the IRC to snoop around any alleged extermination camp at any time? Is this a lack of intellect or dishonesty?
Because he and the SS knew that gassing people to death was a major war crime that would have gotten them hung. Oh right it did. Yep and your lie about the holocaust being a global hoax is about as big as they come. thanks for the reminder.
Lots of people had many reasons to to lie. For the Jews and others put in German camps: revenge, sympathy, leverage for a new nation, and over 50 billion USD in reparations. Look how many people lie today to get welfare and worker's comp. Anyone Axis member who worked in a concentration camp is still liable to be put to death. Those who were caught early on were typically tortured or forced to sign fabricated confessions. Imagine you being arrested in North Korea for killing North Koreans even when you are innocent? That was pretty much the same thing going on with Holocaust hunters. A pack of lies is still a pack of lies no matter how many liars are lying.