No its not. Because there wouldn't have been any point. What a stupid question. It didn't hold 70,000. No because they would have just kept going until nobody was left and in any case they knew what they were doing was criminal. Because the only camp that they were admitted to was Theresienstadt Which you can't prove I can never believe any of your lies because they are just that
This link used to have photos of the pages of the Red Cross report. I don't know what happened but now there are links that are supposed to go to the pages but none of them work for me. You didn't address any of the evidence for there not being any gas chambers that's put forward in the video but you have the attitude that you've dealt with the issue. That's called hand-waving. (excerpt) --------------------------------- Hand-waving (with various spellings) is a pejorative label for attempting to be seen as effective – in word, reasoning, or deed – while actually doing nothing effective or substantial --------------------------------- Your response to this was pretty lame. (from post #170) That shows that the US government gives the American people an upside-down version of what's happening in the world. Instead of saying that this is pretty significant as an objective truth-seeker would do, you tried to play it down. Your credibility is pretty much shot. No matter how clear it is that you're wrong, you're going to try to muddy the waters and then do the victory dance. I suppose that all I can do is try to keep you from burying the proof by posting it now and then.
You are a complete broken record who's limited knowledge of the holocaust and indeed the denialist "evidence' requires you to continually regurgitate the exact same arguments over and over again, REGARDLESS of the answers. Intransigently entrenched with limited intellectual capacity to actually research and analyse independently, while completely ignoring the fact your "evidence" is a miasma of speculation, fallacious equivalency, inaccuracies, misrepresentations, quack science, sophistry, speciousness and out right LIES. As to your assessment of my responses, considering the quality of yours, I'd say lame is one helluva lot better than quadraplegic and comotose.
Yeah right. Millions of people lying. Literally this requires millions of people to lie while knowing the truth. I realize the absurdity of such a ridiculous notion is beyond some people's intellectual grasp, but the least you could do is try to reach for solid ground. But I agree with you. The denialist pack of lies is still a pack of lies no matter how many lying jew hating nazi apologists are lying.
You've not posted a single bit of evidence to refute what I've posted. And it doesn't matter a bit about the details. All you need to do is believe there must have been at least 6 million Jews murdered---and you must also believe that some sort of industrialized executions took place, by insecticide pellets, by people electrocuted on conveyor belts, or vaporized instantly by mysterious machines. In the Holocaust Industry, details don't matter, facts don't matter. Just your childlike belief in any 6 million tale.
Sorry, but Allies would have intercepted or found at least a good portion of the daily execution reports of the alleged thousands in the different camps. The German High Command would have wanted precise and frequent reports of how many victims and who was killed. And you will say: "But-but-but-------"
No No. I'm with you. Its a worldwide international conspiracy. Just like that faked moon landing. Gotta go....Elvis is making lunch for me. LOL
Got luv this line of argument. Seems the Nazi's had NO IDEA that what they were doing was illegal and immoral and would have wanted such infamy to be preserved in documentation. You seem to feel that because the nazi's weren't giving out gold stars for each 100 victims exterminated, they couldn't have possible done this. yes, the Einsatzgruppen did keep rather meticulous records of their mass shootings (accounting for ammo no doubt) for some time. Which merely demonstrates that they were intimately involved in EXTERMINATION. I find it somewhat amusing that self incrimination doesn't factor into criminal thinking, in your world. A quick review of your posts and you have incriminated yourself as a lying, jew hating, nazi apologist. Is that the same thing you are arguing?
Sorry, but I work with meticulous records almost every day. Your assertions about me are just as false as most everything else you believe in this thread. I don't hate Jews, as I have Jewish friends and am more supportive of Israel than all her neighbors and enemies. I don't apologize for the all the bad things the Nazis actually did do, anymore than I apologize for all the bad things my US government did in the past. I do understand that you and others like to harass and bait anyone in these threads that don't agree with your views so they can be shut down. Not very honest behavior. Perhaps you should review the forum rules before getting banned. No wonder why you are so in love with hate speech laws.
Considering that you demonstrate virtually every "revisionist scholar" trick in hand book, and that you seem to be able reference all of the bullshit that exists on the varius denialist sites, the fact that you refuse to acknowledge virtually all of the crap you post as "evidence" has been debunked in one fashion or another - mostly because its completely bullshit, that you repeatedly post the same crap, I have to conclude that I just don't believe you when you deny you are a jew hating, nazi apologizing denialist. gotta luv the The ol' "but i have jewish friends" schtick that should immediately erase any thought you could be a jew hating nazi apologist. SOP for all bigots. Yes, I give back what you and yours like to put out. But since you and your denialist friends are insistent on throwing turds at the Holocaust and jews, I think it only fitting that I return the favor by throwing them right back attcha. The difference being I don't wrap the turds in sanctimonious hypocrisy before throwing them, like you do. I'm perfectly comfortable with my country's hate speech laws. But I can totally understand how it cramps holocaust and nazi apolgists style, which no doubt is why you hate them. Yep you are the epitome of a "revisionist scholar" spouting its lies, distortions and hateful garbage with glee, completely oblivious to the fact that in the eyes of the vast majority of people around here you are merely defining your hateful ideology, since it can't be described as knowledge of facts.
Since the Einsatzgruppen is being discussed, I'd better post this again. (excerpt) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The "Holocaust", as I said before, has been for more than half a century, the planned industrial massacre of the Jews in human slaughterhouses called gas-chambers. This has absolutely nothing to do with the real war being fought in the USSR where the Einsatzgruppen acted as rearguard political/military combat units. The "Holocaust" is the murder of millions of Jews in the six "extermination camps" with the following names: Auschwitz (incl. Birkenau, of course), Treblinka, Majdanek, Belzec, Sobibor and Chelmno. This is what is called the "Holocaust" and it is a gigantic lie, having nothing whatsoever to do with the actions of the Einsatzgruppen integrated in the conduct of the organised massacres both the Germans and their Allied counterparts called "warfare". This particular distinction of having millions of innocent people killed under notoriously different conditions from everybody else, in a planned unique 24 hours a day, day-after-day quiet extermination, for years, far from the military action and the prosecution of any military objectives, is what used to confer to the Jewish victims of the War a unique character deserving a special status. This is why, say, the sons and grandsons of the Dresden victims who live today in Germany are supposed to contribute indemnities to, say, the sons and grandsons of the Auschwitz victims that live today in Israel, and that's why the simple idea of having *countries* paying "Holocaust" indemnities to other *countries* (not individual victims) even exists. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The revisionists don't dispute the Einsatzgruppen's having done a lot of killing. They also don't say that there were no camps. The revisionists say there were no gas chambers in the camps.
I'm just showing that most people today take for granted the Holocaust tales where there was a plan by the Nazis to use industrial methods to kill all the Jews. They try to stick by the 6 million number, but the facts are that around 270,000 died in all the concentration camps from starvation, mistreatment, disease and a relative few executions---usually shooting and hanging. I was not there. You were not there. I highly doubt anyone you have personally spoken to was there. Therefore you believe what the Holocaust Industry says (at the current time). Just as most people believed the Earth was flat over 500 years ago because the people in power said it was. And just as fitting, you and most others are afraid of contemplating---- much less, challenging this opinion just as people were in Spain and Rome were 500 years ago of telling the rulers the Earth was round.
I know. Just like we all know the moon landing was actually filmed at a desert in arizona. You were not there. I was not there. Oh....and don't get me started on who REALLY took down the twin towers.
From ZUNDEL??!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nothing like quoting the bullshit from this neo=-nazi. But anyway, the holocaust was NOT as described. In fact it INCLUDED the einsatzgruppen killings that had nothing to do with the concentration camps nor with Aktion Reinhardt. The revisionists are bald face liars. The evidence for gas chambers is OVERWHELMING except for denialist mental midgets, jew haters, nazis and their apologists, Islamists, and woefully ignorant. All you can do is regurgitate the repeatedly debunked so-called "evidence" moving the goal posts, prevaricating and indulging in the various tactics as laid out in the denialist playbook. A slim volume granted, which probably explains why ardent denialists can master it.
You are once again spouting outright lies. the facts do not support around 270,000 died in the camps. . I have spoken directly to MANY people with tattoos on their arms. Many of their stories are similar in gist and in detail about their experiences. I have also spoken to five actual goosestepping nazis (dirty family not so secret), two of whom were in the SS. They don't have any DOUBTS whatsoever that the gas chambers existed. I'll take THEIR word for it over yours and your comrades-in-denial a million times in a million. a little intellectual honesty would go a looooooonnnnnnnnggggggg way in your ability to accept facts over bullshit.
You keep reminding the viewers that you're not an objective truth-seeker. No intelligent objective person would say that the moon missions were real or that terrorists crashed planes into the towers after having seen the proof that the moon missions were faked or that the 9/11 attacks were planned and carried out by elements in the US government itself. Hey Jonsa... Do you agree with Vegas giants on those two issues?
Why were there so many Jewish survivors? Why were they and weakling children like Anne Frank allowed to live? Were the SS men you personally spoke with regular fighting Waffen SS, or actual camp guards who eyewitnessed the alleged gassing and who had never been taken to account by the Allies? Billions of people believe in Buddha and Mohammed/Allah. Forensic evidence is worth a thousand liars and false believers.
I wasn't there so all I have is second-hand info but do you think it's plausible that she died of typus? (excerpt) ------------------------------------------------ As part of the German program to evacuate Jews from western Europe, the 15-year-old girl and other members of her family were deported by train from the Netherlands to the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp in what is now southern Poland. Several weeks later, in the face of the advancing Soviet army, Anne -- along with thousands of other Jewish prisoners -- was evacuated by rail from Auschwitz more than four hundred miles westward to the Bergen-Belsen camp in northwestern Germany. Along with many other Belsen camp inmates, Anne came down with typhus, from which she died in mid-March 1945. She was not killed or murdered. Anne Frank perished -- like millions of others, both Jewish and non-Jewish, in Europe during that terrible time -- an indirect victim of history's most devastating war. -------------------------------------------------- frank&
You wouldn't know the objective truth if it hit you over the head, as numerous people around here have repeatedly done. Why am I not surprised that as an "objective truthseeker" (euphemism for conspiracy nutter) you think that in addition to the holocaust being a global conspiracy, the moon landings were too and of course 9/11 was a "false flag democratic" operation. You should invest in Alcoa.