The Holocaust: The Forbidden History.

Discussion in 'Conspiracy Theories' started by finder, Mar 13, 2017.

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  1. Greataxe

    Greataxe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 20, 2011
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    Eichmann is a very poor witness. During his trial he said he visited the Auschwitz camp a short time before the camp was liberated by Soviets in Janurary 1945:

    Very vague, isn't it? One would think he would have done a thorough inspection while there each time to insure the "Final Solution" was being carried out. A clever person would also wonder why so many Jews have been able to walk away from the camp on their own free will for the last 2 months, while supposedly they were were still gassing victims (10,000 a day he said) and burning them in Crema V and the fire pits outside (that he described).

    Here are the faked photos and how they were forged:

    There must be tens of thousands of human remains in this supposed pit alone. Why have the Holocaust historians not ordered an independent forensic dig at this site?
  2. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    You're trying to muddy the waters. What you said doesn't address the issue of the giant lie the US government tells the American people. The government tells the people that Hitler told the German people, "Let's invade other countries to increase our territory", and that the people said, "Good idea. Let's do that". Those two speeches of Hither's show the official US version to be a lie.

    Let's hear you address that issue.
  3. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    Check this out.
    The first Commandant, Karl Koch, ran Buchenwald from 1937 until early 1942, when he was transferred to Majdanek. He proved a notoriously brutal and corrupt administrator who enriched himself with valuables stolen from numerous inmates, whom he then had killed to cover up his thefts. The camp physician, Dr. Waldemar Hoven, murdered many inmates in cooperation with Koch and the Communist underground camp organization. Koch was eventually charged by an SS court with murder and corruption, found guilty and executed. (5)

    His wife, Ilse Koch, was involved in many of her husband's crimes, but the fantastic charge that she had lamp shades and other items manufactured from the skins of murdered inmates is not true. This allegation was made by the United States prosecution team at the main Nuremberg trial. (6)

    General Lucius D. Clay, Commander in Chief of U.S. Forces in Europe and Military Governor of the U.S. Occupation Zone of Germany, 1947-49, carefully reviewed the Ilse Koch case in 1948 and found that, whatever her other misdeeds, the lampshade charge was baseless. He commuted her sentence from life imprisonment to four years and informed the Army Department in Washington "There is no convincing evidence that she [Ilse Koch] selected inmates for extermination in order to secure tatooed skins or that she possessed any articles made of human skin." (7) During a 1976 interview Clay recalled the case:

    We tried Ilse Koch ... She was sentenced to life imprisonment, and I commuted it to three [four] years. And our press really didn't like that. She had been destroyed by the fact that an enterprising reporter who first went into her house had given her the beautiful name, the "Bitch of Buchenwald," and he had found some white lampshades in there which he wrote up as being made out of human flesh

    Well, it turned out actually that it was goat flesh But at the trial it was still human flesh. It was almost impossible for her to have gotten a fair trial.

    The original official story was that the Germans made lampshades out of human skin. That's what I remember reading in Time magazine and watching on TV. If the above is true, an objective government would have made this info public and it wouldn't have continued teaching Americans that the Germans made lampshades out of human skin after learning back in the forties that that wasn't the case.
  4. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    So what? what does this prove? nothing other than propaganda is an important tool used by all sides in all conflicts. And guess what, it doesn't friggin matter because it became clear after the fact exactly what motivated hitler to invade poland and that was because he wanted to expand labensraum for the aryan race.

    READ MEIN KAMPF. For a holocaust denying jew hater, I am surprised you haven't read your hero's meisterwerk. then come back and lets have a discussion about Addie's motivations. Until such time that you can intelligently discuss this topic, I suggest you knock of the idiotic and simple minded attempt.
  5. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Eichmann wasn't a very poor witness, he laid it all out proudly and clearly. all you can claim is "very vague" in one small clip from days of testimony. Amazingly dishonest.

    Well, i see a photo of a few dozen dead bodies, so how you get tens of thousands out of that is simply stupid. Expecially since the Krema was not an open pit operation. Have you not seen pictures of the ovens? Do you not know the science of those furnaces? Seems you haven't done much research about what a friggin Krema was, but it was all fake. You guys are hilariously incompetent, but I admit you don't have much to work with.
  6. Greataxe

    Greataxe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 20, 2011
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    Better not laugh at your Holocaust pals who go on and on how "real" these faked photos are:

    Again, why don't you demand these burn pits be excavated like the burial pits in the Katyn Forest were?
  7. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Because as you well know, or should given your supposed extensive knowledge that those ash pits are considered jewish burial grounds.

    Nobody excavates, which led your pal Krege to rent a GPR unit and trundle off to treblinka for an afternoon of amateur nonsense. I suppose you wish to contend the findings of the most recent extensive GPR survey recently completed, which clearly found the a number of extensive ash pits containing HUMAN ASH. Not to mention the continuing emerging of bone fragments all around those grounds (which was an observed phenomena since the end of the war = ooops).

    So, now that you have demonstrated you have no clue what a Krema is, and seem wholly ignorant of the jewish law wrt burial grounds, and will no doubt completely ignore the above facts, I see all you have left is screaming about some doctored photographs. Oh my, the deniers NEVER would fake a fake would they?...Nahhhhh, they have much much too intellectual integrity to lie - nyuk nyuk.
  8. unbiased institute

    unbiased institute Member

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Then I would have to say that Hoss is a very good witness
    Don't be stupid
  9. unbiased institute

    unbiased institute Member

    Oct 23, 2015
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    As you believe
    Whom exactly are you talking about?
    No it doesn't. You would have to be deaf, dumb and blind in order to believe that

    Then you've just said that if one story is inaccurate then the whole thing must be a lie.

    I honestly don't care
    It is an irrelevance because we are talking about the Holocaust or more specifically Auschwitz gassings. Not some human skin artefacts.
  10. Greataxe

    Greataxe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 20, 2011
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    I'm not saying there were no crematoriums at the Auschwitz or Treblinka, there were because there were tens of thousands of people dying there from disease and poor conditions. They did bury some people in the ground. But the large burn pit beside Krema V is a part of Holocaust lore. Really not a big deal to dig there as Jews should be given no more special treatment than the millions of Ethnic Ukrainians, Germans, Poles, Russians and others who died in WW2.
  11. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Yes I would say a few hundred thousand died of disease, brutality and starvation.

    And yes it would be a very big deal unless of course somebody has no trouble in desecrating grave sites without permission of the appropriate religious authorities. I am not surprised you arent' familiar with this jewish law - especially since it has been a point of contention that denialists have been using (exactly as you are now doing) for DECADES.
  12. Greataxe

    Greataxe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 20, 2011
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    You must be talking about Auschwitz commandant Rudolf HOESS. So this is his sworn testimony for the Nuremberg Show Trials from the World's leading witness (in your opinion) on Auschwitz.
    So your best witness, whose alleged duty was to exterminate Jews, said that 3 million, NOT 1.1 million as you earlier stated, WAS the true number of people killed at Auschwitz.

    So you have already said he was lying. Your best witness. Pity.

    Hoess also said that the alleged gassing in Auschwitz stopped in the Fall of 1944. Your fellow Holocaust disciple in this thread said is favorite witness was Eichmann. Eichmann said that in January 1945, Hoess personally drove him to large burn pit where gassed victims were being placed:

    So your favorite witness not only contradicted you, but also contradicted what the other guy's favorite witness said.

    Now---who do I believe? Not Hoess, not Eichmann, not you and not the other Holocaust disciples.
  13. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    (from post #154)
    So you acknowledge that the US government deliberately lied about the lampshade-made-of-human-skin issue. Is that right?

    Watch the first minute of this video.
  14. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    No, I do not. A rumor that was debunked in COURT! That such apocryphal stories remain amongst the literally millions of stories that make up the holocuast and the war.

    But feel free to repeat, rinse off, repeat, the bullcrap you throw against the wall.

    None of it sticks because even denialist's bullcrap is erzatz and lacks the ability to stick to anything.
  15. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    Viewers please watch this video.'s+War+-+What+the+Historians+Neglect+to+Mention&sm=12

    I never said he was my hero. I still haven't formed a firm opinion as it's all second-hand info.

    It's pretty clear that the official story doesn't reflect what really happened and why it happened though. I'm just looking at the evidence objectively. Does that make someone a holocaust-denying Jew-hater?

    You know that revisionists don't actually deny the Holocaust. They just say it was exaggerated and distorted. You're deliberately misrepresenting their position to confuse the viewers.

    I've seen a lot of supposed Hitler quotes in which fascist things are said. I've watched a lot of his speeches and he never says anything fascist in his speeches (unless the translations were bogus). That would make a rational person suspect that most of those quotes are bogus. It's possible that Mein Kampf has been distorted too. I keep that in mind when I look at revisionist info.

    An objective truth-seeker has neither a naive willingness to believe, nor an a priori incredulity. You official version-believers have a naive willingness to believe when you look at official info, and an a priori incredulity when you look at revisionist info.

    This is from post #148. You never addressed it.
    I say this is proof that the US government is capable of telling gigantic lies to the American people. What do you say?
    Last edited: May 2, 2017
  16. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    As I said before, an objective truth-seeking government would announce this fact to the people so that everybody would know it. The US government didn't do that. It seems that we don't have an objective truth-seeking government.
  17. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Oh my, find a discrepancy in a ball park number and voila, the entire confession is a lie.

    Of course you aren't going to believe any real evidence.

    Denialists - never give up, never surrender, no matter how stupid and hateful.
  18. Vegas giants

    Vegas giants Banned

    Jan 28, 2016
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    Yes the US government is capable of lying. But the holocaust is not reported just by the US government. Anyway the question I always ask is why? Why does this matter to you?
  19. unbiased institute

    unbiased institute Member

    Oct 23, 2015
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    No I said Hoss because that's the closest English spelling and pronunciation you can get to his name or do you want me to waste my time trying to find an umlich key?
    I didn't say that. Why can't you read?

    They weren't counting and this is just his rough estimate and you've just proven yourself wrong as well.

    What an incredibly stupid thing to say. My god I don't think I've come across anything quite like it.

    Eichmann most likely got the year wrong and considering they were actually doing this until November its not that hard to get confused.

    Jesus Christ. How did you even figure that one out?
    I don't care who you believe and I don't care about you. The only thing that obliges me to respond to people like you is the fact that every time that you emit such effluence, you erase the memory of people who were senselessly and systematically murdered in order to fulfil a perverse racial goal
    Last edited: May 2, 2017
  20. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    I am familiar with this nonsense. Your alternative interpretation of the conditions and motivations for Germany's invasion of poland, is riddled with lies, distortions, and monumental ommissions. But you wouldn't know that because you only believe such blatant nazi apologism.

    First, if you haven't read mein kampf, then you definitely don't know hitler's underlying philosophies and attitudes. I should think that would make it rather impossible to objectively analyse the idiotic denialist claims and as for clarity I fail to comprehend how such basic ignorance can contribute to it.

    Second, I do not believe that anyone who denies the final solution and the gas chambers is NOT a jew hater. they might not be a nazi apologist, but they are all JEW HATERS. The fact you can't bring yourself to openly admit your bigotry is yet another characteristic of denialists. Bald face intellectual cowardice is an apt description.

    Third, revisionists ALL deny the existence of the gas chambers and the "final solution". Or are you now suggesting you agree that there were gas chambers and that the final solution was not an all expense paid vacation to the "east"?

    Nothing fascist? I guess he never gave any speeches explaining all the laws he passed, or any of his domestic policies. Of course his actions and those of his government weren't remotely fascist unless its bogus translations and distortions of his own "bible". Yeah, man, keep that in your mind, even if it does take up an inordinate amount of room.

    Keep trying to sound "objective" while regurgitating jew hating nazi apologism.

    Yes I did but I'll rinse and repeat for you edification.

    I acknowledge that governments did and do lie to their people. Some a lot more than others. Of course a free press mitigates those lies but we all know that the MSM is in the tank for liberals and progressives.

    As to pointing to an incidence of "official" lying by the US government, I could provide you with a rather long list of such incidents. This denialist argument is merely another stab at

  21. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    What responsiblity does the US government have for deubunking debunked rumors and accusations? I know NONE. but feel free to try and make it some sort of conspiratorial issue.

    Just a little farther out on that limb of yours and splat.
  22. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    You people really know how to muddy the waters when faced with evidence that shows the official story to be wrong.

    All you have is testimony. The actual physical evidence shows that there were no gas chambers at the camps.

    I see that Rudolf Höss is being talked about. Here's some info on that issue.
    He appeared before the International Military Tribunal as a witness on 15 April 1946, where his deposition caused a sensation. To the amazement of the defendants and in the presence of journalists from around the world, he confessed to the most frightful crimes that history had ever known. He said that he had personally received an order from Himmler to exterminate the Jews. He estimated that at Auschwitz 3,000,000 people had been exterminated, 2,500,000 of them by means of gas chambers. His confessions were false. They had been extorted from Höss by torture, but it took until 1983 to learn the identity of the torturers and the nature of the tortures they inflicted upon him.
    The texts generally collected under the title Commandant in Auschwitz. Höss is alleged to have written these texts in pencil under the watchful eye of his Polish-Communist jailers, while in a prison at Cracow awaiting his trial. He was condemned to death on 2 April 1947 and hanged at the Auschwitz concentration camp fourteen days later.
  23. Vegas giants

    Vegas giants Banned

    Jan 28, 2016
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    Prove it
  24. unbiased institute

    unbiased institute Member

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Last edited: May 2, 2017
  25. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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