This post recently appeared on JREF: No I can't respond to the JREF retards since I was banned from there long ago. But I find his presentation of the subject quite interesting. First of all he does not say what subject he teaches. Could it be physics? That would be hilarious. But I do sort of agree with his attitude in that after NINE YEARS the psychology of 9/11 is more important than who did it or why. This is a GLOBAL PHENOMENON due to the simple fact that the Laws of Physics work the same way all over the planet. The "brainwashing" is about getting people to BELIEVE the physically impossible. [ame=""]YouTube - WTC Modeling Instruction & Testing in the Real World[/ame] And then we have "educators" talking about kids that are smarter than they are being brainwashed. An "educator" can't figure out that even if airliners did destroy the towers we should be told the TONS of STEEL and TONS of CONCRETE that were on every level in order to comprehend the PHYSICS of the event? Incredible! psik
You claim it is brainwashing, yet the only people making the claims you are making is.... YOU! Nobody else. Why? Because everyone else, including the experts, realize your claims are bogus and silly. You would think after all these years of you trying to convince people of your bull(*)(*)(*)(*) that you would have gotten at least ONE person to believe you.
As usual your claims are ridiculous...Do you read the stuff you type before you hit the post button? Maybe you ought to get someone to edit your BS, you whacky buffoon... Cheers
I had good teachers and bad teachers, and a great number of adequate teachers as well. All of them asked me a lot of questions. Adequate teachers asked me questions like, "What date did Washington's army evacuate New York?" and "Which word in the following sentence is a preposition?" and "What is the y-intercept of this equation?" Good teachers asked me questions like, "How did you come to this conclusion?" "What sources did that information come from?" "Why do you think those holding a different viewpoint disagree with you?" and "How might you go about researching or testing that claim to determine whether it's true?" Bad teachers asked me questions like, "Do you really think it's right for young men to neglect their duty to their country by chickening out of the draft?" and "Do you really think it's right for young men to go out and kill villagers in a foreign country just because their government tells them to?" Biased, leading, loaded questions, whichever side they were on. Questions that were all about opinion instead of reason or fact. Fortunately, such questions always gave away what answer the teacher wanted to hear, so it was trivially easy to answer "correctly." Those were the easiest classes to get good grades in, without even having to bother to learn anything. The question, then, is what kind of questions are you actually asking those students who bring up 9/11? And what kind of teacher do they show you to be?
So you are now supporting Psyk's claims that the impact of the planes and the deflection of the towers was CRITICAL to the study of the collapse and ONLY by knowing the EXACT weight of every piece in the construction can ANYONE actually prove it didn't happen the way the government said? Before you start spewing from your nether regions, maybe you should actually investigate what you are "defending". But then you wouldn't be the true truthtard that you've proven yourself to be. Truthtard rule #54: You must defend any and all conspiracy theories no matter how stupid, how ridiculous, or how much they conflict with all the other conspiracy theories out there. No truthtard can actually tell you what really happened on 9/11 and stick with it, but by GOD they will support each and every theory out there! You truthtards are so (*)(*)(*)(*)ing predictable.
Oh sure win the debate by lying about your opponent. Provide a link to where I ever talked about the EXACT weight of every piece in the construction. I have asked about the TONS of STEEL and TONS of CONCRETE on every level. I would think 5% accuracy would be quite adequate. So why haven't American structural engineers discussed something so simple for NINE YEARS? psik
Yet you've been asked REPEATEDLY to prove your point with minimum values. You can't. Thus we know for a fact that even if given the information, you wouldn't be able to do anything with it. In fact, you HAVE been given the information repeatedly, but chose, like a good truthtard, to ignore it. Your irrelevance is astounding, but don't worry. Your fellow truthtards will stick by you regardless of how stupid or silly your theories are.
More useless drivel from the guy who said we couldn't have gone to the moon because all the stars between the Earth and Moon would have fried the Astronauts! That one STILL cracks me up every time I think about it!
I absolutely agree. The psychology is far more important to 9/11 at this point, because, as far as the science is concerned, we have known for years that: There were no explosives used in WTC WTC 7 fell because it was severely damaged by debris AA Flight 77, and nothing else, struck the Pentagon and so forth. And yet, many people, including apparently yourself, continue to believe something that directly disagrees with those basic truths of the events of that day. That's why my interest at this point is the psychology of "truthers." The science is so utterly settled it provides no interest for me anymore. The quick rise and now slow decline of the "truther" movement is one of the most interesting examples of ultra-paranoid groupthink in recent history. It's on the order of the Haley's Comet hysteria or Salem Witch Trials, but in an era when availability of information and access to science should make such a hysteria all but impossible. Who are these "truthers" at this point? What gives them the ability or desire to agressively reject science as they do? What do they hope to acheive? Can their minds be changed, or is their confirmation bias unassailable at this point?
Well, you hit the nail on the head BLD. It is the availability of information that is the root cause of the lifespan of the TBM. Sites and people make their livings off the gullibility of people to believe there is some conspiracy and they are "in the know". People like to feel like they have a "leg up" on everyone else, especially when there is no way in real life they can do so. Pretending to know about some 9/11 conspiracy gives them that feeling even if, like their theories, it is all fantasy. Conspiracy sites give truthtards the "information" they need to sound intelligent when, in fact, they are parroting garbage they know little or nothing about. This explains why truthtards can believe in just about every theory out there even though many contradict one another. It has little to do with anything other than their ultimate goal of pinning 9/11 on the government or other "evil wrongdoers". I honestly believe most truthtards don't believe anyone other than Al Qaeda was behind 9/11, but need to have a soapbox and platform with which to paint the government or whatever "evil wrongdoers" they currently hate. A CLASSIC example of this is the Jew haters on this forum. They blame the Jews for 9/11. The sum total of their evidence? Several dancing Israelis who stopped to film what was going on. They ignore the massive amounts of evidence that it was Al Qaeda based on the ridiculous premise that Mossad would have their agents miss the first part of the attack, film the second part of the attack out in the open in front of witnesses, have their agents be so unprofessional as to "dance" and raise suspicions even higher when a TWO year old would figure out you set up a camera crew where they can have an unobstructed view of the towers in private. Having a "documentation" crew in Jersey is not what ANYONE would call professional, yet to the Jew haters, reality, common sense, logic and evidence are NOTHING compared to their desire to paint all Jews as evil by blaming them for 9/11. And there are MORE than enough Jew haters out in cyber space to come up with all kinds of sites and movies that pretend they know what happened, thus giving the amateur Jew haters like what you find on this site, all the ammo they need to pretend to know what they are talking about. Reality paints them as ignorant asses who are being played for fools.
What about WTC seven that collapsed in it's own footprint????? [ame=""]YouTube - HOW DID WORLD TRADE CENTER 7 FALL?[/ame]
How does something collapse "into it's own footprint" yet damage the buildings around it? Come on, dude. The LEAST you can do is get the facts straight!
Very good point. From what we know about conspiracy theorists in general, or people who tend to be susceptible to such things, the research shows they tend to be loners or otherwise people with fragile social connections. This leads them to seek out connections which can be strengthened through common beliefs to the exclusion of other people, in other words, being part of a tight-knit group who believe something most people do not believe. It's the exact same psychology as cult victims. If you read/watch interviews with survivors of things like Waco and Jonestown, their description of the belief structure in their cult will sound familiar - it's the same unification around a theme and "us against the world" mentality that dominates in the tinfoil-hat circles.
I see mostly insults and I am about to close this thread. Stay on topic avoiding attacking members personally. Thank you guys, Jiyuu-Freedom Site Moderator
Oh yes! Our great Attorney on the Laws of Physics. Have you computed that angle of lean yet? But Psychology is TOTALLY IRRELEVANT to Physics. Don't skyscrapers have to hold themselves up. The towers were estimated to cost $300,000,000 dollars before they were constructed. Wouldn't they spend $200,000 on EXPERTS to get the distribution of steel correct when getting it wrong could waste millions if not actually be dangerous. So how is it we don't have accurate data on the distribution of steel in the towers? How many tons of steel were in the vicinity where the plane hit the south tower? Why don't we know? How could enough steel to support another TWENTY NINE STORIES weaken in less than an hour regardless of fireproofing? The Psychology is weird alright. The psychology of people that can BELIEVE idiotic bull(*)(*)(*)(*). psik
Buildings are designed to hold themselves up. That is called static load. Get a significant portion of the upper part of the building to move downwards and you now have dynamic load that far exceeds the design specifications for the building. End result? Collapse. This is a known phenomenon you have yet to grasp. Pretending that because the building was designed to hold a static load plus a healthy margin of error means it can also support a dynamic load many times the static load is just that; a flight of fancy and nothing more.
Significant Portion? That is so scientifically non-specific. The portion above the impact zone for the north tower was 12.7% That is why I dropped 12% on my model. It did not completely collapse even though it is as weak as I know how to make it. But then I did it again and it still did not completely collapse. I even got the great Ryan Mackey to explain modeling. [ame=""]YouTube - WTC Modeling Instruction & Testing in the Real World[/ame] . What is stopping you or any ENGINEERING SCHOOL from building a physical model that can completely collapse? psik
I've already explained it to you in detail. Take the dowel. Tape enough paper to the dowel to support the washer. Repeat your experiment and it is guaranteed to collapse completely. This models the towers better than your retarded toy. Funny how a grown man can actually believe a little toy can actually model the complexity of the towers along with the masses involved. I know I've introduced you to the square cubed issue with models right? As you double the size, the mass gets cubed. The bigger the model, the more mass is involved. In other words, you can't expect a retarded toy to model the towers and you most certainly cannot expect anyone to accept your retarded toy as proof the towers couldn't have collapsed! So let's look at some figures. On the low end, the towers weighed 400,000 tons each. The commonly accepted figure is 500,000 fully occupied, but we know how that would screw with your numbers. 12.7% of that is 50,800 tons of weight. A huge static load to be sure, and one the towers were clearly designed to support. But when that upper portion collapsed and hit the lower floors, suddenly that 50,800 ton structure is going to seem like many times that weight. The fall due to gravity meant that the upper structure was moving at ~19mph when it hit the lower sections. You can't just stop that much weight cold.
What incredibly idiotic drivel!!! You think the WTC was held up by friction? Doing that makes the dowel part of the VERTICAL SUPPORT STRUCTURE. The dowel will not collapse. So all of the washers falling won't matter if it was the dowel that held them up and the dowel doesn't fall. As it is now the dowel provides minimal horizontal support to keep the stack from putting too much weight on one side of the paper loops at the bottom and tipping over. In the current model the paper loops could collapse if the force is sufficient to crush all of them. But they cannot be made weak enough and still support the STATIC LOAD. So the falling mass uses up its energy crushing some of the loops and comes to a stop. The WTC towers had to support their STATIC LOAD. They stood for 29 years. psik
I don't see how this makes any difference to the discussion. Regardless of how you think they fell, it's plainly obvious they did. I mean, are you denying that removing enough support from a building's structure will cause it to collapse? The only disagreement is that you cannot believe that a combination of a huge, fast-moving impact and the heat of fire can combine to remove enough support to make it collapse, when obviously that is what happened.
GREAT MODEL!!! You sure go through a lot of work to teach the *****. You know most of these gub ***** are on some sort of welfare and sucking from the public trough and there is nothing anyone can do, even God could come down and hit them over the head with a 2x4 and nothing would change. Most of these gubtards come from broken single parent families and they depend on the gubmint for their welfare checks. These engineering schools are purely fraud. In fact MIT should be sued into the next century if thye are not already being sued for their admitted fradulent reports on cold fusion. Everyone in the world got it to work but MIT..... LOL Anyway vongrats on your model Keep up the good work man! 1/2 pound on paper columns and the retards still dont get it, they never will! LMAO later
its mathematically impossible, hey did you see the invincible beer can from fox? It dont get any better than the flying beer can just flies right on through all that steel and concrete unscathed! WOW look at that! there it is again the other side! holy smokerolies! even brinkly says its (*)(*)(*)(*) poor cgu job! 3 d fraud! But you believe it because you saw it tv! LMAO