This is another of your confusing arguments. The planes were also moving at very high rates of speed and the pressure at the point of impact was exerted over a relatively small surface area. What do you expect to happen when you slam 200 tons into a stationary structure at more then 450 MPH? You expected it to bounce off? There was so much energy that the building didn't even contain it all, as plane parts, bodies and fuel went shooting out the other side.
That's possible. It's also possible that the aluminum plane had "assistance" penetrating the steel columns. If it was going to fall, it would have fallen on impact, not an hour later. I understand the hour though. The Nano thermate needed time to "cook" after it was ignited.
Care to provide a LINK to where I ever said the planes would bounce off? How may parts went shooting out the other side? THREE? A landing gear and an engine component? What else? That is one of your tricks. Don't supply detailed information but IMPLY that it is BIG or A LOT. The plane hit the south tower at 550 mph. It was 440 mph for the north tower. What we never hear is that the south tower deflected FIFTEEN INCHES as a result of the impact and then oscillated for FOUR MINUTES. What do you mean the buildings were designed to sway THREE FEET at the top in a 150 mph wind? One source that I have not been able to verify said the buildings withstood 100 mph wind SIX TIMES during their existence. But how long do winds blow during storms? For hours? But an impact event that lasted less than 12 seconds was supposed to be a really big deal. That plus the less than two hours of fire supposedly completely destroyed the building. When enough people figure that out are they ever going to stop laughing at physicists? But isn't the distribution of mass important to analyzing all of this? [ame=""]YouTube - WTC Impact Model - MIT[/ame] Oh d(*)m(*), that looks like grade school physics. psik
You're too funny. I've seen that video you posted to this very comment before. Care to explain why your demonstration shows a rubber ball transferring all of its energy into the beam and bouncing off the side? How much would your model oscillate if you fired the ball at 500 miles an hour at it? Building parts, fuel, aircraft parts, bodies, office furniture. A LOT of mass came firing out the side of the building after the impact. How much mass fired out the side of your model? None? I don't have to supply detailed information. You don't even have a grasp of the concept. There's a big difference between a slow and even application of force across a large surface area, like a wind load, and a sudden rapid application of force across a tiny area. The difference is the same as the difference between driving a nail into wood, and trying to drive the hammer into wood. Again, there's a great big difference between the pressure applied by a wind load across the entire surface of the building, and a pressure applied by 200 tons of aircraft slamming into a small portion of the surface of the building. The energy was used in breaking the spandrels, core columns, and ejecting material out the other side, rather then all of it being used to deflect the building. Think of the difference between the wind blowing in a sail and shooting a sail with a bullet. A wind load applied over the entire sail could apply far more force without damage to the sail, but a bullet can apply a small amount of force to a small area and cause the sail to rip. Maybe that's why you didn't get into MIT.
<<<Mod Edit: Personal Attack Removed>>> It wasn't a rubber ball it was a pipe elbow joint. If you watch the video you can sometimes see through the hole as the angle changes. You can conduct the 500 mph experiment any time you like. You were the one claiming to know something about kinetic energy. My structure had a maximum weight of 12 pounds. The elbow joint was about one pound. The WTC was more than 2000 times the mass of the plane. I think I had the weight impacting at about 5 mph. Objects that small are not going to behave entirely like multi-ton masses. It should have been obvious from the video that the point was to demonstrate the effect of varying the mass and its distribution on the behavior of the impacted vertical structure. So please demonstrate your brilliance by explaining the likely result of hitting a 12 lb mass with a 1 lb bass traveling at 500 mph. Show us how much you know about SCALE. The width of my tower is 4 inches. The WTC was 200 feet across. So 1/600 the velocity would give the same transit time across the structure. psik
No, really? Is this finally an admission that your model makes no sense in full scale context? Okay. Well, for one thing the energy wave moves through the material at the speed of sound through the material so this statement is pure nonsense. At full scale, the aircraft hit the 93rd through 99th floors at about 646 ft/s. The speed of sound through steel is approximately 1126 ft/s. The buildings were only 207 ft wide, so an unimpeded part of the plane could have traveled entirely through the building before the energy wave hit the ground. In order for your model to make sense, the object that you impact it with has to move FASTER then the full scale plane in order to simulate the transfer of energy from the point of impact to the base of the building. This is because your model is much shorter so the energy gets to the ground in much less time. Parts of your pipe elbow have to exit the structure before the energy wave has a chance to make it to the ground to start the oscillation. Since your model is only a couple of feet tall, do you think you can make pipe parts come out the opposite side in less then a thousandth of a second?
In fact, at 1126 ft/s it took .18 seconds for the wave to travel horizontally through the structure to the other side. At 646 ft/s an unimpeded part of the plane could have penetrated the building by 118 feet before the opposite side of the building moved at all. Try that with your pipe, blocks, and brackets.
The only truly accurate physical model you could make that would re-create the WTC collapse accurately would be to actually re-build the WTC towers.
That would certainly put a dent in the high school science project budget. Might have to dip into yearbook funds. Maybe even the prom.
and of course you came to the conclusion dry labbing as nist did in ALL cases really is garbage right?
well if its acceptable for nist to dry lab whats the beef? at least it was physical outside of the computer UNLIKE NIST.