I didn't say white only. Israel is a Jewish State in spite of that Jews are about 80% of the population. Until the 1970s, the US was approximately 90% white.
Averages show that there is no such thing as group IQ equality. It's the moral and reasonable thing to do to take group IQ averages into account before whipping up all-encompassing racial conspiracy theories and blaming unequal outcomes on "white oppression." The knife cuts both ways.
Analogies aren't thread hijacking and my mother died 30 years ago. Btw, personal attacks are both against the rules and thread hijacking.
Giving women the right to vote is bad? They sent us downhill? Pretty radical stuff there that reeks of a less intelligent earlier time in our history. But some men once liked grabbing a pretty lass by the hair of the head and dragging her into his cave to copulate. Being stronger than women, early man may have used them like one would use a sex slave. And this feeling towards women dominated the mind of man even after he became civilized and developed high principles. Which explains the problems today we see with men behaving badly with women, as has been in the news. Some men want to grab some sexually attractive female by the hair of the head and drag her into his cave for copulation, but that is no longer acceptable. So they do other things. Like Franken. And others.
IQ tests are not good tests to measure IQ. Familiarity of completing an IQ test gives rise to a higher IQ number but you're no more intelligent than when you first did an IQ test. Hence comparing average IQ scores across different countries or cultures is meaningless
I do not disagree. While there has been historically white suppression, when combined with lower group IQ averages, it doesn't look promising for the darker humans. Yet the higher IQ people in this group succeed economically and contribute to society. Yet I can understand why this race related IQ score is something people feel uncomfortable with and politically a noose around ones neck if brought up.
PROBLEM: IQ test are generally involving visual, reading, thinking. What of auditory, thinking ? What of IQ tests based on survival skills. etc. One thing fershur. Trying to advance a neolithic culture into modern times does not work in 300 years. Ref.: The American Indian. Black Africa. Is it genetic. "Smart Genes" selected for survival? Not 21st Century IQ tests. Consider Black People. Their "Auditory IQ" might surpass mine. But, there are too few slots for success. Like basketball. Chinese, Japanese, Korean Asian scores are probably as good as Jewish if not most White People. What's IQ? I prefer Q on Star Trek Moi r > g What Was The IQ before they became so Asian?
A study by Sequin-Orland et al. (2014) found that the oldest European man existed around 36,000 years ago in Kostenki-Borshchevo in today's western Russia. Kostenki 14 already had light skin mutations SLC24A5 (17%) and SLC45A2 (2%). His mtDNA haplogroup was U2, which is widespread throughout Europe, and Y-DNA haplogroup was C1b*, which is common in parts of Oceania and Asia. Given his mixed genetic heritage, it's likely that Asians parted ways with Europeans between 50,000 and 40,000 years ago.
Meaningless? It is a fact that certain groups score higher on average than other groups. That has meaning. But it does not mean everyone in the lower IQ group has a lower IQ. There is a wide variance within the group. In the interest of social politeness we should probably not talk about it. We should not value a human being by the IQ score.
Just the history of humanity being repeated. Looks bad today, but it was "what is" was back then and no one saw any wrongness in it. The stronger, more technologically advanced, who also use contagions like small pox, prevailed over a less advanced group. Our history as a species. So, we can frown upon it, but that will never change what we are. And are capable of.
Europe West Primarily located in: Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein Range: 10%—71% Your DNA shows that you have ancestry from Europe West and links you to these specific regions: Southern England
Proves the superiority of the Anglo-Culture which is white largely, if they were equal to or superior they would have stopped the invasion of their lands by the English and French in the North American Continent and Portugal and Spain in South America. Face is Asian, African and other cultures never were really largely expansionistic although China did have their Grand Fleet and that was short lived and Egypt and their Empire and of course the Islamic Expansion the only rivals worth a damned IMHO there was nothing matching my ancestral culture.
Actually it was more the diseases which the amerindians lacked resistance to which eliminated so much of the amerindian threat. Of course the more advanced europeans would have conquered without the diseases helping tremendously, but not in the same time period which lethal diseases acted as an invading force. And this is why we better hope and pray that these intelligence beings who are flying these UFOs as seen in the news recently, are benevolent. and not malevolent. If they are after conquest, we don't stand a chance in hell of beating them. Might be karma for humanity? What goes around, comes around.
True but Anglo-Culture were masters of diplomatic warfare during the Conquistador campaigns they often found every enemy and turned them against the main power they needed eliminated and shared 'some' of the spoils and even married into native families to then later let the fortune of disease and political infighting among their allies to finish the threats off. And all backed by the cross of the Catholic Church. And if aliens show up we are screwed if they are hostile but there are means of conquest if they removed all needs and wants, think of To Serve Man the Twilight TV Show episode we might just give up and be food. Not sure but since there is no proof of aliens or deities I figure we are on our own for now.
You will get no argument from me that superior white european technology, thanks to the chinese for gun poweder, is what allowed the white europeans to create empires and to conquer and settle the new world. Yet some see this as very bad thing, and blame white folks for all of the evil they have created. Accepting human history for what it is does not allow me to take this position, when it comes to the past. I do not think this same attitude we once had is good for the modern world, this idea of conquest and imposition upon other nations. It served its purpose at one time but times are different now. We should now use our superior intelligence to work towards peace not war mongering.
Never claimed otherwise. Doesn't mean over time as the world now gets smaller, that what is now considered white, won't diminish. And I see no reason to try and prevent it from diminishing. The characteristics that make white, if they are stronger traits, will continue on.
I don't think it is so much as seeing white culture for the evil that it is, for it isn't any different evil wise than any other culture in history. But it is that it isn't any better than any other culture in history, just was the more dominant for a while.
Well,I think the white european culture, of long ago, as bad as it might be, paled in comparison to aztec culture where they would sacrifice thousands of humans stretching forth for days and days, in order to appease their gods. I have little trouble in discerning differences as to culture, and form opinions as to what culture was superior even if it did have a plethora of warts, with some even being cancerous. Gassing and killing jews in the millions when compared to american culture in that era can easily allow one to judge which culture was inferior. It was not us. You can find many cases for comparisons when it comes to cultures, which one seemed superior, and so on. Of course the yardstick used by be biased, but still...
If you value democracy, liberalism or scientific thought you acknowledge the superiority of white culture.
And what about these cultures do you value? I can't speak about the Korean culture, but the Chinese and Japanese have certainly adopted many aspects of Western culture in preference to their own.