amazing architecture their religious philosophies are truly amazing. Buddhisn, Taoism, Jainism, Shintoism, etc. awesome cuisine. deep love and respect towards their ancestors and elderly. The old roman empire is a model for the USA. And if the dark ages is a time of superiority, sure.
with as small as the globe has become, I've always said that humans came out of Africa to populate the four corners of the world, due to evolution, climate, their environment, natural selection etc. from one race we became many. But today with a much smaller world with travel, migration, wars with GI's doing their thing, immigration, tourists, inter-racial marriages, we are now slowly reverting back to one race whence we came. It is inevitable. Perhaps another way to look at this is that there is only one race, the human race with some sub-species or sub-races that have evolved. We all came from that one mother in Africa, some call her Lucy. So in reality every single person on this earth is an African hyphen whatever if one goes back far enough. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Obviously not. Barbarians destroyed the western Roman Empire, not unlike what is happening today in the US. However, enough of Civilization remained in the East to civilize (i.e. Christianize) the barbarians. Let us hope it can happen again.
Pycckia, share with us what you know of the Yamna / Yamnaya people and White. You know when it comes to white, we don't get a straight story in the West. Thank you.
They did indeed. Fortunately we were able to civilize and Christianize them. They have become one of the more outstanding nations of Western Civilization and through their leader Viktor Orban they may well save the race and the civilization. (BTW, the Huns weren't Germanic. They came from further East and in fact the previous invasions by the Goths, etc. were peoples who were fleeing from the Huns.)
One's coming as white people are driven out. Either than or conquest by the Chinese. They are the only ones both smart and numerous enough to keep an advanced society functioning.
No, that is not what I mean. Whites are being driven out by quotas and pc and less qualified POC are getting the jobs and college admissions.
So white folks are being driven to the bottom of the barrel? I'm white and have never felt that way. So the 1 job that may have been filled ruined a white person forever. They weren't good enough to apply for another position.
Perhaps, but it's a small small percent. And we aren't being driven to the bottom of the barrel. Quite an over exaggeration on your part.