Not quite. Hypotheses aren't created out of thin air, they are proposals to explain specific observations. What's lacking is a sufficiently broad and detailed body of observations to lend enough weight to one specific hypothesis or set of proposals. So: we observe what we call homosexual behavior in many different species. We can't interview any except humans, and the humans in question can only testify to what it seems like to them - generally that they do not recall even thinking about it until puberty, after which they found members of the same (for homosexuals) or the opposite (for heterosexuals) sex attractive and arousing. So what evidence do we have? Well: 1) Sexual preference can be seen before puberty, and generally becomes visible around the age of 2. 2) The incidence of homosexuality seems constant across time, cultures, population densities, etc. 3) Homosexuality does not seem heritable - homosexual and heterosexual parents are equally likely to have homosexual offspring. 4) Sexual orientation is persistent. Efforts to change it are rarely successful, and even those cases seem to be people whose orientation is more bi-sexual. 5) There is a statistical correlation between probability of homosexuality and birth order - the more older siblings, the more likely the homosexuality. 6) Identical twins share a homosexual orientation only about half the time, even when raised identically. 7) Children raised by same-sex couples are no more likely than those raised by opposite-sex couples (or single parents) to be homosexual. 8 ) It occurs more in males than in females. I could list more factors if I dug into it harder, but the pattern is mostly negative - it's NOT genetic, it's NOT a choice, it's NOT a matter of upbringing, it's NOT cultural, it's NOT alterable later in life. Just saying that it appears to be an aspect of normal human variation begs the question of cause. We don't really know why some people are homosexual anymore than we know why some people are left-handed. Just that it's normal, it happens, and it's harmless.
Memory problems, ok, that is understandable. Can you remember that its possible to just scan back a few posts and refresh?
... but... it is fascinating that although well over 60% of the volunteers in the Helen Wambach study were women............. almost exactly fifty percent of "past lives" seen.... were of men!!!!!!!!!?????
Indeed, those that attempt to Confuse Homosexuality and "Gayness", 2 totally different things ,should take note . Homosexuality ,is a Natural form of Sexuality and people are born Homosexual ,approx 10% .With chances increasing after every birth . Whereas ,and yes Dumbo's ,Anti-Science thinkers ,GAY NESS and LESBIANESS which is a 100% POLITICAL behaviour is 100% learnt ,from other Middle class Radical Trash! No-one is born a Lesbian ,only Homosexual Females are born! After one is born, and one does not have to a Female Homosexual to be a Lesbian ,and is introduced to some of the Most Fascistic Ideology ,going around =3rd Lesbian Feminism ,then one finds their Lesbian Calling . So ,we have learnt that ,Sexuality ,biologically determined is natural .Whereas ones Politics is a Lifestyle choice.
If you actually follow what is being said ,scientifically ,they prove that Homosexuality is Genetically predetermined .Which it is. Now as far as "gayness ", and "Lesbianess", they are 100% learnt Political behaviours ,No one is Born "Gay" or "Lesbian ", but definitely ,and the information presented confirms ,they are born Homosexual,which is not a Choice. Always remembering that human sexuality falls along a bell curve ,most humans are Bisexual ! And Polygamous if the truth gets out ,marriage is abolished!