Did you READ that link? Just to help educate those who don't follow links: Golly, an anti-gay religious group claims to have "cured" some gay Believers, who swear they're all better now, honest. And you buy into this because it strokes your preferences. Who is the fool, fool? And why didn't you mention the other study, in the same article, saying it doesn't happen? Did you forget that part? Handedness and sexual orientation are both not genetic (or extremely indirectly), both normal aspects of human variation, and neither causes any ill effects to any species. Homosexuality is not a defect. There is no "default", there is only a majority orientation. Whether homosexuality has EVER had even the slightest harm or benefit to any group depends on what's considered a benefit, given the way a society is organized. Based on your bigotry, I would say even members of the majority can be pretty clearly defective.
No, because "propaganda" is basically defined as misleading or erroneous effort to create false ideas and impressions. That is, any opinion other than mine! YOUR opinion is spin driven by propaganda. MY opinion is fact based on objective evidence. See the difference? (For the irony-impaired, any lawyer can tell you that in any case, both sides present extremely different positions, but neither side says anything untrue at all! How can this be?)
All consent is manufactured, if you tell kids that Jesus loves them and will save them that's what they'll believe, if you tell them that gay people are wonderful human beings, that's what they'll believe. And that's what they do believe, 80% of people under 30 think same sex marriage is fine, they have gay friends, and there is no going back. The bible says being gay is bad, because the bible is wrong, that's why people don't believe in the bible anymore, not decent people anyway, just throwbacks to the age of ignorance, that's the past....
There is always going back. Don't think that public opinion can't swing back to a more conservative way of thinking. And the bible is not the only reason people oppose homosexuality.
How do you get people to unlearn the truth? There are two huge trends here, acceptance of same sex marriage has been moving in one direction in every poll of every demographic for decades. You aren't going to reverse that trend untl it gets into 90-10 range. Belief in the bible, is dropping like a stone, God is going the way of Zeus, nice story, not real.....
This is only partially true. Yes, public opinion does swing periodically from more progressive to more conservative -- there seems to be an overall pattern of aggressive progressivism, followed by a period of consolidation and recovery. But we should notice that women haven't lost the right to vote, slavery has not been reinstituted, mixed-race couples can still marry. Same-sex marriage will follow this same pattern, because once it's done it's politically impossible to stick the genie back in the bottle. Quite so. My reading is that the bible is a convenient excuse deployed by those who are intolerant to begin with. After all, most of the NT preaches tolerance, acceptance, turning the other cheek, following the golden rule. Indeed, despite the hate excreted by the bigots here and elsewhere, not one VALID reason for opposition to equality under the law has ever been provided by anyone. This is why every single court to consider the issue has decided the same way - because the plaintiffs can show clear harm, and the State can show nothing. And once agian, I solicit testimony from ANYONE here whose marriage has been harmed by other people getting married somewhere else. Anyone?
I think there is regular physical dimorphism of the brain in homosexuals as compared to heterosexuals? Though I'm no expert in this area, I think that I read that somewhere.
Obviously there must be SOME difference in the brain, just as there is a difference between normal people and people who root for the Yankees. But I don't think we're anywhere close to pinning it down.
The Corpus Collosum is the band of cross wiring linking the two cerebral hemispheres. The anterior part of this structure is known to be more pronounced in women and some homosexual men. How the Anterior Corpus Collosum appears in Ellen Degeneras I do no know. Moi, M.D. ret. No
I agree it's unlikely, but not impossible. Take for example the thread I just saw here on PF, where they were talking about how homosexuality has just been outlawed in Uganda, with a life sentence attached. It was legal, now it's not. I know the US isn't Uganda, but are people really so different depending on their geography that it can't happen here? I don't think so. Stranger things have happened, and still do. Yeah, I do that. I like beating gays over the head with the bible, even though I'm agnostic. It's fun.
The study being referenced I believe was done on the cadavers of gay men who had died of AIDS, no study has been conducted on otherwise healthy homosexuals. the problem with studying cadavers of disease victims is that it can't be ascertained with 100% certainty if the disease may have had some effect of the final results.
I sincerely hope something like that would never be possible here. It would be like instituting a life sentence for driving while black. People aren't different depending on geography, but rather on knowledge. So I suppose if we should abandon public education, and pass laws mandating that our children are exposed ONLY to ignorance and superstition, and give it a few generations, it might become politically possible. Thankfully, I'll be long gone by that time.
My limited knowledge does not include anything that suggests any physiological indicators of sexual preference. Not saying it's impossible, but if such a thing has been found I'm surprised it has been so well hidden.
The closest I know of is Phallometric testing, which is an objective, physiological indicator of deviant sexual practices in relation to paraphilia - but I don't believe there is anything concrete enough to suggest a universal indicator in homosexulas
Although far from conclusive, I believe there has been a fair number of studies on the topic (the cadaver one being among the first). Take this one, for example: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/7456588.stm I think it's refering to this study, whose abstrace can be found here: http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2008/06/13/0801566105.abstract The study made use of MRI and PET scans, and used 90 participants, whereas the cadaver study only had a handful if I recall. The test subjects were healthy. While these studies do show an average dimorphism relative to sexual orientation, they have yet to show any feature that is unique among homosexuals and heterosexuals. Then again, the same thing can be said about the measurements between men and women, where the measurements taken don't show unique features, just differences on average. So basically they show us what we kinda already knew, little indicators, hints and tendencies, but still no definitive features.
In states where they are allowed to marry each other- yes they are. this is of course a rather recent accomplishment.
They were treated equally before that. What you have now is the legalization of same sex marriage. This "gay rights" myth is just that...a myth.
Revelation, chapters 17 and 18 mention the Whore of Babylon, Mother of Prostitutes and Abominations of the Earth. What am I to infer about the act of prostitution from this title? Maybe the word perversion isn't mentioned. Maybe the word didn't exist in ancient languages. All I know is the impression I get from prostitutes after reading the Bible, and it's not a good one.
So, if a pedophile ignores his desire to have sex with children, he is cured? That's your argument. If I decide my cancer has gone away, am I cured? Prove it.