They were? So, those who were denied spousal rights or the right to adopt children, lost or prevented from jobs because of their sexual orientation...what, that never happened? Oh, how many states recognize gay marriage? I guess there is no more racism either, huh? - - - Updated - - - You're either obtuse or dishonest. Which is it?
Thanks. There are other passages in the Old Test. / Tanakh where it is treated differently. As far as Gay ... Sodom and Gomorrah ...
I'll withhold my judgement on that, the BBC article makes some good points - which I need time to look into - Thanks though - good links.
Are you seriously this ignorant? The 'Gay Rights' movement didn't just spring up because gays were feeling frisky. I read just yesterday about Alan Turing- brilliant mathematician- who helped design Britain's decoding apparatus in WW2(sorry World War Two). In 1952 he was convicted of 'gross indecency' for being a homosexual. As part of his sentence he was chemically castrated. Two years later he committed suicide. Homosexuals have been historically discriminated against both legally and by society until very, very recently. And now they would like the same marriage rights as my wife and I enjoy- really the last legal issue that they are discriminated against. Really maybe you should read up on the subject.
No one has been allowed to marry someone of the same sex so you are wrong. Some states are allowing people to marry someone of the same sex but if it has been that way for EVERYONE then there has been no rights violated. Please don't compare race to perverted sex acts. It is not the same.
Is that the story where a man and his wife and 2 daughters were saved by leaving? Then the wife was turned into a pillar of salt and the 2 daughters had incest with the dad?
Adultery, premarital, extramarital, masterbation. All perverted sex acts. Have you done any of them? My guess is not. Well maybe 1 of them.
Well at least you understand the parallel I drew between how silly it is to call homosexuality a "lifestyle" and just a perverted sex act. You at least have that going for ya....congrats.
Did we just see a "dodge" and an attempt to turn this back on someone else? A Good Christian should not be afraid to be forthright.
"Perverted Sex Acts" are entirely based on the individual labelling them as such...There are things the prudish will see as perverted that most others enjoy every day.
I don't know if I would call that a lifestyle but allowing gays to get married I guess they can get in on that one too.
I think there homosexuality is caused by a mixture of things. For the most part, I think it's caused by a hormonal imbalance. Not necessarily a specific gene that makes a person gay, simply a naturally occuring imbalance that causes a person's sexual orientation to develop abnormally. But, I also think that some homosexuals are born normally, with either choose, for a very small percentage of the community, to have a same sex partner, which technically does not make them homosexuals, since the word is defined by a person's sexual orientation, and they are going against their natural orientation, or are made homosexual through external factors, for example, a man who grew up with an abusive mother, and naturally grew attached to his father, who protected him from that abuse, may link the abuse to the fact that his mother is a woman, instead of simply being an evil (*)(*)(*)(*)(*). This could cause him to be adverse towards women, and grow more attached to men in his life. In this situation, it's possible that he would develop sexual feelings for men in order to adapt his adversity towards women into his sex drive. I am not saying that this is true, but it's not impossible, but such a situation would be a small percentage, and most homosexuals would still be born gay.
The hormonal imbalance would I am sure. The others would tend to apply mainly to humans. I actually have a theory that naturally occurring homosexuality may be linked to population. I believe that higher rates of homosexuals being born in any species is a natural form of populations control. DNA could be designed a certain percentage of a population to be born with a hormonal imbalance that causes them to be attracted to the same sex to counter the higher populations, since homosexuals can not procreate.
Interesting hypothesis, though lacking supporting data. Many homosexual acts within the animal kingdom have more to do with social relationships and conflict management than biological function.
Well the definition of a hypothesis is that is lacks supporting data. You have to test it to see if the data supports it.