They are a very lovable breed, and have short hair. I don't get people who sleep with big dogs like that in the bed though.
Bill Maher... A smarmy pseudo intellectual who is not near as funny as he thinks he is I would not leave Uncle Bill alone with children
Basketball. Watch people mope around for 7/8ths of the game to get hustling the last 5 mins. Maybe pick it up in the playoffs. No defense and just putting the ball through a hoop. Its essentially American soccer.
Numbers are for License plates and birth dates.Maybe atheletic jerseys. Show me a number that got a person into Heaven or Hell for that matter. Can I person { mortal } dream numbers. Of course not.Can a fellar go to a bordello and watch some numbers. Shirley not.Now numbers such as 36-24-36 are Quite Important. So I'll give you that mush.
I can show you numbers. I can show you how they predict the future and make the world run. I can show you how they reveal the deepest secrets of the universe. But you can't show me heaven or hell.
True story... just last night while my oldest boy and I were out catching geckos (he's 6 and obsessed with animals) a pitbull ran up on us out of the blue. I shin kicked it in ribs when it got close to my son, just instinctually, didnt even think about it. Then it's owner showed up. "Sup bro... SUP BRO" at this point he's puffing himself up and walking aggressively towards me while staying out of striking range. Anyways, ill spare the forum the rest of the idiotic exchange, other than the fact that he tried to compare the value of his dog to my child.
Truly.. the biggest problem with pitbulls are their owners. and regardless.. I wouldn't trust one, no more than I trust a wild animal to behave like someone's little pampered house pet (did you hear about the lady that picked up an injured bobcat and put it in her car, where her child was strapped in the child's car seat? Too much television and humanized cartoon animals for that lady! ) some people up the river had a bobcat that hung out, I have a photo of it lying on a bed... I didn't try to pet it, 'cause you just don't know how they will react.
Numbers { as In the Numbers Racket } or Gambling based on poker odds and of course numbers for Powerball and Lotto have contributed great pain over decades. Numbers cannot save a persons life as in steady hand from a surgeon. Numbers cannot make a person more inclined to be healthy or in shape.Unless caloric intake is used.Or Fat content. Numbers may come into play in Olympic Weightlifting. So show me an Olympic Gold medalist Weightlifter who graduated MIT. Numbers are necessary in adjusting valves on an engine. Or a Dyno tuning. Numbers may be crucial in picking out shoes or a Bra. Maybe not. Native Americans dint think so. Then again ... The average Native American dink drink hooch { Hard Liquor } until they were corrupted into. I doubt Ward Churchill teaches a course in - Ethical Application of Numbers -. Or Al Sharpton would even understand how much he still owes in back taxes { Numbers -wise }.
Yeah, and hitler seemed to hit it off well with children I mean.... how ever cute and lovable pit bulls may be... They are like a driver with severe anger management issues... Cute and lovable most of the time... Until they snap and become erratic and vicious You see the cute The rest of us see a dog that might attack us at any moment without any provocation
Hollywood has portrayed Heaven & Hell more times than I care to recall.However about the only numbers movie off hand { or any hand } would be : - Rain Man - { 1988 } whose main character { a savant in numbers } couldn't sign-up for an Arthur Murray Dance Studio class to save his bacon.
one hollywood movie that comes to mind about portraying Heaven & Hell would be : - Batman - { 1989 } i simply did not get this quote by the character { Joker } { "Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight? } is he saying bacon is kosher, or numbers are a placebo
there is an anti semitic conspiracy surrounding hollywood, that it is run by non practising khazarian jews who use movies to promote propaganda against Jesus Christ.
Robots are doing surgery by the numbers far better than a human can. And they know where to cut because of diagnostic technology that depends entirely on numbers and physics. You only know how healthy you are by the numbers. You only know your fat, salt ,carb, and protein intake by the numbers. I don't get your little tantrums. Without numbers, you couldn't even post your crackpot claims about numbers on the internet.
Pit Bulls are a very lovable breed.! ? Try that comment in Judge Judy's courtroom and you might find yerself in handcuffs.Especially if you own a Pit Bull who just bite a Plantiffs child in the face and the child lost an ear.And your defense is how loveable a breed Pit Bulls make.
please don't be mean to Judge Judy, she is one of the good ones like Jared Kushner who is on the right side.
LOL. I'd like to respond in greater detail, but I have to go harrass me some homosexuals and arrest some swearers. Seriously, where do you get this stuff.