Nikki Haley begun next year new president elect ? Perhaps that republicans and maybe Trump wanted too.
HereWeGoAgain has decided to start talking about himself in the third person like The Donald does. Congratulations HereWeAreAgain! Brilliant!!! Today the Federal Debt is about $21,873,194,423,164.45 Donny Dump adds even more - so where is the right wing objection to all this?
I would guess the rights objection is in the same place where the left's objection is with Obama's nose bleed debt level.
At least the patriots offered a solution during the Obama years by suggesting an end to foreign tax shelters. We are still waiting for Trump's and the right wing's "solution".
If a solution was offered to obama, then it didn't work. So what your saying is, the left can object to Trump's debt because no solution has been offered despite a solution not working under Obama. It's a pretty lame angle the lefties are coming from, don't you think?
another projection (typical of right wingers) - still waiting for the right wing solution as usual, it will be a long wait ...
Rewind. My quote - Because you said - I wonder if you can re-read that and get back on track. You claimed there was a solution for Obama, I said, "Well, it didn't work". I said there wasn't a solution for Trump. Therefore the left are coming from a lame position because it appears they condone Obama's nose bleed level of national debt because there was a solution (which obviously didn't work) and they're not happy with Trump's level of debt because no solution has been offered. So, if a solution was offered to Trump and the debt still soared, would you then be happy? Please keep up.
Perhaps the English language and knowledge of American politics just isn't part of your range of knowledge. Again, Obama offered a solution which was to end all tax shelters. It is your heroes in the Republican party who refused his offer. In turn, your heroes have offered nothing. Obama's solution is there. Use it.
I will slow down for you. So you are blaming the high Obama debt on the Republicans. Typical lefty thinking and very poor tbh. And that was his fantastic solution? No wonder he left America in a 'up s*** creek without a paddle' state.
There was no debt before Trump Nonnie didn't you know that? World smelled of roses and cold beer came out of the taps, it was a heady time. Cartman nails how Democrats view the past.
Brilliant answer. Typical of right wingers who like to criticize but who fail to come up with solutions. Then when offered a viable one, they engage in more criticism. One last time - Obama offered a solution by ending all foreign tax shelters. Republicans refused his offer, increase the debt, and then blame Dems for the mess they created. Since you will not address the matter I raised, I'll put this thread on unwatch and you may have the last word. Fill in the blanks with your usual brilliance: ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
There has been a man worse than Scrooge who has been evil all of his life He rips off creditors, declaring bankruptcy He sets up charitable foundations only to enrich himself He grabs women at any parts of their anatomy where he pleases You still believe in God, who has been good to him He was elected President of the United States even though his opponent obtained more votes People shake their fists as he is the worst President in history He uses the office only to enrich himself As he favors his nation’s enemies while he spits on its allies But when he dies he goes to the underworld Where he screams with pain as a pineapple is shoved up his rear end
There’s expertise. There’s super expertise. There’s Godlike Expertise. And then there’s DONALD TRUMP!
Here is an improved version that rhymes: A Distinguished President There has been a man worse than Scrooge who has been evil all of his life Divorced three times after cheating on his wife Creditors were ripped off as bankruptcy he declared He cared not how in misery they fared To make money for himself were his charitable foundations Making deals with the worst tyrants in other nations He had the nerve to pretend to worship Jesus As he grabbed women at any parts of their anatomy where he pleases You still believe in God, who has been good to him in spite his sins Not caring how but to make sure that he wins Though his opponent got more votes, to be President he was elected Over others who were more qualified he was selected At the worst President in history, people shake their fists As many people whom he hates are on his lists People are left out and think it is not funny As he used the office only to make money He compliments his nation’s enemies with all his wits While on our allies all the time he spits You can go nowhere without hearing starving babies cry As he covers up their deprivation with another lie He resigned from office avoiding prison for all of his past crimes But as impeachment came up many times Cowards in Congress still refused to act As courage for their nation’s good they always lacked But when he dies all of his misdeeds are sure to send Him to the underworld where a pineapple is shoved up his rear end
Trump keeps violating every norm After his calm comes before the storm He’s the worst of any yet Casting a foreboding threat His presidency came to ruin No other scandal was so soon Kept in fear is every nation Expecting soon obliteration Our defense is out of reach Little hope we can impeach Our sword in combat can’t be duller Our only hope is Robert Mueller Hoping that his source is real Casting for Christopher Steele After that he cannot fail to throw the following crooks in jail No longer looks to Manafort To be the one that he can court Causing Trump a bloody stain Making contact in Ukraine Opponents say it isn’t fair With Russia doing business there And went through that many times Until convicted of his crimes And continued then to lie And so for Trump then he could spy And Mueller turns to Michael Flynn And surely gets indictments in Who at last has hit a bump And no longer lies for Trump Comey doing interviews Democrats can never lose Right after Trump had him fired With information he acquired So Comey has a lot to tell And nobody can stand the smell Because the Democrats were hurt Though on Hillary found no dirt As Trump insists he never grooves With clearly inadvertent moves But none of that is a mistake With all the money Trump can make Mueller’s come down should be strict With Trump’s interests that conflict Before we leap we have to look Before we can trust such a crook There is presented no solution As Trump keeps blocking prosecution His Allies then chime in again To badmouth the most honorable men So Trump keeps doing what he could So evil triumphs over good