no Jango, 'google' searches doesn't make you as knowledgeable as someone has has studied a particular science for years and years, attended school and earned advanced degrees. The vast majority of experts don't buy your claims because as i explain, they are backed up by no evidence and are simply a figment of truthers' imaginations.
It is most certainly NOT a figment of anybodies imagination that the video of the alleged "FLT175" penetrating the WTC tower wall, appears exactly as a B movie special effect of a ghost disappearing into a wall. It is NOT a figment of anybodies imagination that WTC7 was observed dropping for 2.25 sec at free-fall acceleration. It is NOT a figment of anybodies imagination that WTC1, 2 & 7 were completely & totally destroyed in the manner of a controlled demolition, while other buildings in the same complex suffered damage, but not complete destruction.
No, there are none of the usual artifacts that accompany CGI and superimposition filming techniques. No, but the use of explosives is the product of an over-active imagination. And what meaning to you derive from this? It just sounds like a pretence at incredulity. - - - Updated - - - AND left a 'cartoon-like' plane shaped hole.
For anyone who is curious, look up the B-25 crash into the Empire State Building and compare it to the WTC crash events and then THINK. Have a nice day : )
there is nothing confusing about this, all makes perfect sense... The key thing Bob, is to conduct objective research. You see Bob, when truthers conduct research, they ONLY read articles, books written by truthers and completely dismiss any material which explains the events and debunks conspiracy theorists. This is why, Bob, you and your fellow truthers cannot be taken seriously. John the truther: "I know the truth, it's a conspiracy!" averege Joe: "Curious John, how do you know" John the truther: "Because i've googled all articles written by truthers" average Joe: "Have you also read all the sites, articles debunking conspiracies? like the popular mechanics piece? or sites like, ?? even wikipedia has good info.... John the truther: "It;s all lies, deceipt so i don;t bother" average Joe: "Oh, ok... says who? " John the truther: "Says the truthers, ok?" average Joe: "I see... "
I have read the Popular Mechanics fiasco and its not compelling evidence at all! Note that in the case of the Empire State Building crash, the wings did NOT leave a wing shaped gash in the building, the aircraft stopped before getting that far into it. In the case of the alleged "FLT175" the aircraft disappears inside the building and does so in the manner of a B movie special effect, like a ghost disappearing into a wall.
You mean to tell me you think the result of the 767s slamming into the towers should be just like the plane slamming into the Empire State Building? Explain what each scenario above had in common with each other that leads you to believe this.
He can't come up with a logical response so he'll just let it slide by until the question falls back a page.
When I mentioned physical evidence you went for the character attack (personal attack) rather than discuss the ideas... You seem to be the perfect supporter of those PNAC guys who mentioned in their manifesto that they wanna invent weapons that can target specific genetic types and also said that a new Pearl Harbor-like event is needed to shift the influence of America towards world military supremacy. But that's another story. I already told you regarding physical evidence that the crater of UA93 in Shanksville is very suspect. Have you ever seen it? Have you ever seen a crash site?
Here's 4.5 hours of hard evidence and RIDICULOUS coincidences. 9/11 is a 'crazy story' - I'm using your expression. A crazy story for which the US govt has no evidence to support. They however had the money to support crazy ideas with actual events.
What are you afraid of? I've never gotten this sentiment from the anti-conspiracists. Ideas are only contagious if you allow them to be.
They were successful at getting the Democrats to take congress in 2006 nonetheless. The Dems rode the truther wave straight into the Capitol in 2006.
Have you read the PNAC document? No matter who you agree with, to be part of this debate you need to have read at least a few chapters of it.
and you picture there is intended to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that "FLT11" & "FLT175" were indeed hijacked and flown into the twin towers? or?
Bob, are you being dishonest here? I responded to your claim, nothing more. However, it does call into question your 'bounce off' hypothesis.
I proved with the actual figures about how the wall of the WTC towers was less than 1/3 window and nobody so much as gave me an acknowledgement of my having posted anything at all .... Thank YOU ever so much. People, this is totally off the deep end, the faction that supports the 19 suicidal Arabs story has NOTHING, there isn't any proof that there ever was any commercial airliner crashed at any of the 4 alleged crash sites, there is the more than controversial free-fall acceleration of WTC7, there is the complete & total destruction of the towers, there is the GHOST plane alleged "FLT175".... and on and on and there isn't any resolution of this stuff because the powers that B can not allow the issues to actually have a day in court because it would be proven beyond any doubt at all to have been a FALSE FLAG ATTACK. BTW: when is the academic community going to step up and actually take on the challenge? Its there waiting for anybody who wants to have the bragging rights to have shut-down those silly truthers..... whats the problem?