US Mainstream Media is lying about Bolivian Coup, and will lie about the 2020 election winner.

Discussion in 'United States' started by Kyklos, Nov 24, 2019.

  1. Talon

    Talon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 4, 2008
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    Red herring.
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  2. Talon

    Talon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 4, 2008
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    The outline of the argument is in the quote. If you want/need details read the book and you'll get 360+ pages of them. It's a long, dense read but it's worth the effort.

    It's all true, and the Nazis weren't the only socialists who threw socialists out of their parties. Stalin and Mao were quite famous for that, so the argument that such expulsions and purges disqualifies a person or party from being socialist doesn't stand up to scrutiny.

    Hitler used the terms 'socialist' and 'national socialist' for numerous reasons, most notably to describe the National Socialist German Workers' Party and their program. As I pointed out earlier, the name of the party was no accident or coincidence as dishonest and/or ignorant Leftists would have people believe.

    While I'm inclined to agree with Nobel Prize winning economist F.A. Hayek that socialists in general no nothing about economics (which is also how Ludwig von Mises was able to predict the inevitable demise of the USSR in 1922), I wouldn't say Hitler was disinterested in it since economics play a central role in the life and philosophy of any political party.

    "To put it quite clearly: we have an economic programme. Point No. 13 in that programme demands the nationalisation of all public companies, in other words socialisation, or what is known here as socialism. … the basic principle of my Party’s economic programme should be made perfectly clear and that is the principle of authority… the good of the community takes priority over that of the individual. But the State should retain control; every owner should feel himself to be an agent of the State; it is his duty not to misuse his possessions to the detriment of the State or the interests of his fellow countrymen. That is the overriding point. The Third Reich will always retain the right to control property owners. If you say that the bourgeoisie is tearing its hair over the question of private property, that does not affect me in the least. Does the bourgeoisie expect some consideration from me?… Today’s bourgeoisie is rotten to the core; it has no ideals any more; all it wants to do is earn money and so it does me what damage it can. The bourgeois press does me damage too and would like to consign me and my movement to the devil."

    -- Adolf Hitler, May 4, 1931

    You still haven't refuted the fact that the Nazis were socialists and considered themselves socialists, and your red herring about North Korea isn't helping your case.

    Well, that would be an assumption on your own part. Suffice it to say that I consider Marx a discredited pseudo-intellectual charlatan who was fond of dressing up his fantasies and psychobabble as some sort of science that I consider nothing of the sort.

    A fictitious construct by another discredited pseudo-intellectual charlatan...

    Of course, that doesn't change the fact that Lenin, Stalin and Mao were notorious for killing other socialists and communists and probably murdered and imprisoned far more than the Nazis did. Furthermore, since we're counting the dead in the history of socialism, not Christianity, your deflection is irrelevant at best.
    ButterBalls and Iron_Merc like this.
  3. Iron_Merc

    Iron_Merc Banned

    Oct 10, 2019
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    One of his Christian Pastors? LOL And let me guess, David Duke is a close friend on Donald Trump as well? Wouldnt the left love to push that angle?

    Well if you actually listened to Trumps Florida Homecoming Rally last night you'd hear the part where Trump praised the Jews and Israel, and how he sees them as our best ally in the middle east. But that's okay, I know you dont operate in a fact based world. And I dont expect you to operate in a fact based world. The truth is Trump was the only president with the guts to move our embassy to Jerusalem, many other presidents said they would but never followed through, this makes Donald Trump and exceptional respector of the Jews and their homeland. Far from the picture the liberal left is trying to paint.

    People desperately, especially the liberal left, have a serious need to attach Trump to fringe groups and fringe peoples and the liberal media does their best to achieve this end goal, because Trump must be brought down at all costs. God forbid Trump get in the way of the godless heathen who want to remove all instances of God from our lives and our society! who want to totally annihilate all of the Christians on God's green earth.

    The channel’s founder Rick Wiles. Who is widely known for his anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, but despite that has been coddled by the White House.

    Coddled by the whitehouse? And the KKK was coddled by the democrats... give me a break!

    The liberal left is once again deceiving us. There is no way this guy is mainstream christian. Anyone who "blames" the Jews for the coup against Donald Trump is not mainstream, they are fringe "religion" and HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH MAINSTREAM CHRISTIANITY. AND NOTHING TO DO WITH GOD.

    In the first few months of 2019, Rick Wiles and his cohosts have taken an increasingly extreme anti-Semitic and conspiratorial anti-Zionist position. They have obliterated the distinction between Israelis, Zionists and Jews, using terms like “Jewish lobby” and “Israel lobby” interchangeably. They have railed against “old evil wicked kabbalah wizard rabbis,” claimed that Jews crucified Jesus 2000 years ago in order to build a “Zionist empire” and that Jews are going to kill and persecute Christians in the near future. They also alleged that Jews and Zionists control and promote abortion and pornography and have “attacked Christian culture.”

    This is NOT mainstream Christianity, this is fringe based hatred of the Jews and goes against the very core tenants of being a mainstream Christian. Jesus was a jew, and our instruction is clear: To support the Jews and the Jewish nation and honor them as the chosen people. If you find someone railing against the Jewish people and blaming them for the coup, you can rest assured that its not Jesus message.
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  4. Iron_Merc

    Iron_Merc Banned

    Oct 10, 2019
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    Right and we are talking about political parties, typically descriptive by name. We are NOT talking about Nation - State Naming conventions. Two Totally different things.
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  5. Kyklos

    Kyklos Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 13, 2018
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    Trump makes his followers look like fools.
  6. Talon

    Talon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 4, 2008
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    Tap tap tap...

    This may come as a shock to you, but people don't have to rely on bloggers and other second-hand sources to learn about Hitler, the Nazis, German National Socialism and its origins, etc.. Being the malignant narcissists and megalomaniacs that the Nazis were, they were quite fond of writing about themselves and what they they thought, so people can go straight to the source - Hitler, Goebbels, Plenge, Lensch, van der Bruck, et al - to find out what Hitler, the Nazis, German National Socialism, etc., are all about. I no more need to take some blogger's word about these things than your own.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2019
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  7. Iron_Merc

    Iron_Merc Banned

    Oct 10, 2019
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    Hitler aimed for a socialist utopia just like the liberal left dreams up their future dreams and vision for the world in the same terms. What is it with socialists/democrats and wanting a perfect utopia? And how does a genocide against the religious the jews and the Christians fit in here?

    Hitler Speech -- Munich, Germany, February 24, 1941
    This brings us to the really fundamental and decisive reason, to the actual cause of the collapse which took place at that time. The German nation had for several decades been exposed to gradual internal disintegration. It was divided into two worlds. We are only too conscious of them today, we old National Socialists, for we fought and struggled against them. We stood between these two worlds, and it was out of them that our movement gradually came into being.

    He goes on later to say:
    The results of our economic policy speak for us, not for the gold standard people. For we, the poor have abolished unemployment because we no longer pay homage to this madness, because we regard our entire economic existence as a production problem and no longer as a capitalistic problem. We placed the whole organized strength of the nation, the discipline of the entire nation, behind our economic policy. We explained to the nation that it was madness to wage internal economic wars between the various classes, in which they all perish together.
    Of course, a fundamental social principle was necessary to achieve this. It is today no longer possible to build up a state on a capitalistic basis. The peoples eventually begin to stir. The awakening of the peoples cannot be prevented by wars. On the contrary, war will only hasten it. Such states will be ruined by financial catastrophes which will destroy the foundations of their own former financial policy.

    And he goes on to say:
    Germany's economic policy is conducted exclusively in accordance with the interests of the German people. In this respect I am a fanatical socialist, one who has ever in mind the interests of all his people. I am not the slave of a few international banking syndicates. I am under no obligation to any capitalist group. I sprang from the German people. My Movement, our Movement, is a German people's Movement, and it is only to this German people that we are obligated.

    And still further down:
    The results of our economic policy speak for us, not for the gold standard people. For we, the poor have abolished unemployment because we no longer pay homage to this madness, because we regard our entire economic existence as a production problem and no longer as a capitalistic problem. We placed the whole organized strength of the nation, the discipline of the entire nation, behind our economic policy. We explained to the nation that it was madness to wage internal economic wars between the various classes, in which they all perish together.

    Of course, a fundamental social principle was necessary to achieve this. It is today no longer possible to build up a state on a capitalistic basis. The peoples eventually begin to stir. The awakening of the peoples cannot be prevented by wars. On the contrary, war will only hasten it. Such states will be ruined by financial catastrophes which will destroy the foundations of their own former financial policy.

    And another example from another Hitler Speech:
    In the midst of this people, forming its very core, is the National Socialist Movement which began its existence in this room 21 years ago,-this Movement the likes of which does not exist in the democratic countries, this Movement whose only pendant is fascism. Nation and army, party and state are today one indivisible whole. No power in the world can loosen what is so firmly welded together. Only fools can imagine that the year 1918 can be repeated.

    All that being said, please explain to me how Nazi Germany had anything other than a socialist economy? This should be rich...

    And the "collection" of such peoples was announced by the German government. These were clearly high level political party officials who could become a threat to the Nazi regime and were dealt with accordingly.

    German newspaper report on the opening of Dachau (March 1933) reads:

    On Wednesday the first concentration camp will be opened near Dachau. It has a capacity of 5,000 persons. Here all the Communist and – as far as necessary – Reichsbanner [pro-democratic paramilitaries] and Marxist functionaries who threaten the security of the state will be concentrated as it is not possible in the long run, if the state apparatus is not to be greatly overstressed, to leave the individual Communist functionaries in local court prisons. On the other hand, it is no longer acceptable to set these functionaries free again. Individual experiments made by us have shown that they continue to agitate and attempt to organize. We have taken this measure without regard to petty misgivings, in the conviction that we are thereby calming the national population and acting in its spirit.
    ButterBalls likes this.
  8. Iron_Merc

    Iron_Merc Banned

    Oct 10, 2019
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    Well I've already explained two factors from the Nazi name alone that screams socialism to the objective thinker.

    So does that make you a fan of Hitler?

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  9. Kyklos

    Kyklos Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 13, 2018
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    The Nazis were extreme anti-Semites and it seems the same crowd is following Trump, yet, Trump claims to be God's chosen messenger. This contradiction has to be resolved otherwise any conclusion whatsoever can be inferred from a contradiction! I proved it here.
  10. Kyklos

    Kyklos Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 13, 2018
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    Iron_Merc, you are sooo easy.

    You should take a closer look at Libertarianism and Free Market Ideology. There was an agreement of values between Nazism and American Capitalism.

    Libertarians cannot give an intelligent rebuttal to my arguments against Libertarianism. For example, again, if the Nazis were socialists, why would the leading Capitalists in America become their friend and ally? They did not just share business contracts, but ideology also. Was Henry Ford a closet socialist? Did Williams Randolph Hearst renounce the ideology and practice of Capitalism? Had Thomas J. Watson, the head executive of IBM, decided the rewards of Capitalism immoral? Alternatively, is it that these American executives shared an economic ideology and goal---Monopoly Capitalism? Doesn’t this interpretation explain the historical facts?

    The owner of Time-Life magazine, Henry Luce, subscribed to them. He was America's evangelist for Italian Fascism. He published a Time magazine--which is now an expensive collector’s item--in honor of Mussolini and the glories of the Fascist State. It wasn’t only business, it was ideological agreement.

    Hearst and Ford were not founders of German Fascism, but instead they were followers. The gradual transformation of the mythic rugged individualist corporate CEO into the Germanic leader known as, The Furher, wasn’t a great leap at all—it’s very “natural.” In fact, we still see it today as in the past.

    Hey, this sounds very familiar, but I can't remember where I saw this same demand list--the pitch didn't work for the Nazi economy, nor for America.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2019
  11. Iron_Merc

    Iron_Merc Banned

    Oct 10, 2019
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    Noam Chomsky, I figured he might come up. It's ironic that you linked "proof" of your claim, and substantiated it with Noam Chomsky. Well I hate to break it to you buddy, but Noam is a self hating Jew. In otherwords, Noam is an anti semite. So put that in your pipe and smoke it.

    Im sorry, what is the point you are trying to make here? Are you implying that all Christians are anti semetic when in reality, its the democrats that are anti semetic? Are you implying the fact that Trump wants to end abortion is a satanic act? LOL this should be rich...

    With sincere quotes like this I find your claim very dubious:

    Are you forgetting he is surrounded by born again christians?

    Are you forgetting the fact that the true Christian community supports Trump 100% - if satan sent Trump here as a force of evil, the christian community would know. It would be obvious. He was sent by God. but you go ahead and keep believing that delusion.

    Rick Wiles is actually a democratic plant and a false prophet The liberal media is using him as a tool to leverage the narrative that Christians want to kill jews and christians. They will only try to magnify this narrative as we get closer to the election.

    You are probably just another liberal that falsely equates US nationalism with German nationalism and writes it off as "evil" and "dangerous". The two are at opposite sides of the spectrum. Did you know?


    And you never did answer, are you a fan of Hitler?
    Do you think the "capitalist jew" controls our money and the media?

    You can be honest, go ahead.


    And who's the pot calling the kettle black?


    To easy my friend, like a walk in the park.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2019
  12. Kyklos

    Kyklos Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 13, 2018
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    I think you are violating some rules for posting with this massive spam. I don't know what Chomsky has to do with this last post. Obliviously you have no idea what you really believe and have not acknowledged a single fallacy you committed to instead just do drive-by data dumps and play Rodeo Clown tag team.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2019
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  13. Talon

    Talon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 4, 2008
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    Got a picture of Trump with David Duke?

    No, but we have a picture of Obama with one of the vilest anti-semites on the planet.

    Your "contradiction" appears to be the product of a Guilt By Association Fallacy, e.g. some anti-semites support Trump so Trump is an anti-semite.

    The fact is, anti-semitism is and has always been a problem that transcends the ideological/political divide.

    As for Trump, I've heard him say he was the "chosen one" regarding more worldly things that involves the president's job (ex., tackling the trade problem with China) but I have never heard him claim he was "God's chosen messenger". This is probably another one of the many distortions that we've come to expect from Trump's opponents.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2019
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  14. One Mind

    One Mind Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 26, 2014
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    Did hitler move to Bolivia after his faked suicide?

    Is that how he gets in on a Bolivian coup compliments of our CIA that has nazi influences?

    Regardless the blueprint for Bolivia as well as Ukraine can be found in the Perkins book, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man.

    With this knowledge msm and your govt can lie but you can see the lies. For you read the blueprint. We call this taking the red pill.
  15. Iron_Merc

    Iron_Merc Banned

    Oct 10, 2019
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    And I can find twenty other high level capitalists who despised socialism, so that argument just doesnt hold water. AT ALL

    Wow with all of that going on you would have thought we'd be allied with German for WWII? Maybe we made a serious blunder as a nation? Wow! so many capitalists loved socialism so much that they never implemented it here!
    ButterBalls likes this.
  16. Kyklos

    Kyklos Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 13, 2018
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  17. Andrew Jackson

    Andrew Jackson Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2016
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    Interesting observation.

    Trump is more at home in the company of Al Sharpton and CONVICTED MURDERER Don King...


    Of course, the Counter-Argument to that is to paraphrase Andrew Gillum...

    Trump may NOT be an Anti-Semite but Anti-Semites think he is an Anti-Semite (and that helps Trump Electorally) and Trump does nothing to discourage that "perception" (or he might lose votes).

    ^Those are the FACTS. :salute:
  18. Iron_Merc

    Iron_Merc Banned

    Oct 10, 2019
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    Funny, with all this talk of Christian pastors and anti semitism it's a wonder you didnt bring up the great reverend Jeremiah Wright!?

    You know, Obama's pastor for twenty years who hates america and hates the jews? The same guy who ran a gay dating service out of his church? Also check out Larry Sinclair and Donald Young, both men who had crack cocaine fueled gay sex trysts with Obama. Yes, Obama is gay, being a good christian and all he sticks to the straight and narrow gate.

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  19. Andrew Jackson

    Andrew Jackson Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2016
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    "But...But...But...Obama.."? :roflol:

    This thread ISN'T about Obama...:bored:

    *Cue the Copypasta Memes* :bored:

    As far as to the ACTUAL OP TOPIC:

    The Bolivian situation (referenced in the OP) raises some very interesting questions. :salute:
  20. Iron_Merc

    Iron_Merc Banned

    Oct 10, 2019
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    Trump isnt concerned with losing votes so there goes that argument into the rubbish bin. Trump doesnt lose votes, he gains them on a daily basis, ironically and in spite of, democratic efforts such as the impeachment hoax, his voter base continues to grow.

    That being said, with your logic (it takes one to know one), the democrats must think Trump is an anti-semite?
    ButterBalls likes this.
  21. Iron_Merc

    Iron_Merc Banned

    Oct 10, 2019
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    LOL thread derailed!

    but that's what happens when the liberals and the conservatives debate. The rabbit hole runs deep!
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2019
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  22. Kyklos

    Kyklos Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 13, 2018
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    Please sir. Don't be angry and hateful. Let's keep a rational dialogue.
  23. Iron_Merc

    Iron_Merc Banned

    Oct 10, 2019
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  24. Talon

    Talon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 4, 2008
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    This thread ISN'T about Trump but that didn't stop you and your comrade from bringing him up, Mr. Wannabe Mod. :bored:

    And what are these "very interesting questions" that you didn't bother to mention? :lol:

    Yes, I saw what you did there...:bored:
    Iron_Merc likes this.
  25. Talon

    Talon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 4, 2008
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    But facts are "angry and hateful".

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