THe rebuttal is because you people refuse to read answers and then repeat the same questions. Read the threads and learn some facts. NO explosives were used and physics clearly points to no such thing. Physics clearly proves no explosives were needed. You are simply not well educated about physics. - - - Updated - - - You stated that the PHYSICS clearly point to the need for explosives to be used. The burden of proof is on you and everytime you are asked to explain this is the only response you give. Physics is not your OPINION and your OPINION is all you have.
You misquote me, the real explanation is that the least likely scenario is the total destruction of 110 stories of skyscraper. Why should ALL of the floor trusses and ALL of the core columns and ALL of the outer wall box columns fail at the same time? If I were well educated ...... would that then mean that I would embrace the hijacked airliners used as weapons story?
forgive me my typos, the statement should have been on a horizontal plane. Each floor would have to have been completely destroyed before going on to the next, no room for leaving behind any remnant of the previous floor to remain standing. thus complete & total destruction being the order of the day.
The "collapse" requires the breakage of bolts/welds/rivets (or?) and therein lies the problem, can an imperfect set of forces caused by the falling mass from above, mesh perfectly with whatever strong/weak points the building may have such to produce the result of breaking all of the connections for a single floor on a horizontal plane, and do so all at the same time?
The overloading of the hangers on the spandrels and the core columns doesn't indicate total destruction YET
however, what would happen if the connections between the floor trusses and the core or outer wall, failed in a non-uniform manner? that is some broke, and allowed rubble to flow down to the next level, without breaking all of the connections(?) The uniformity of the "collapse" is a significant feature, as is the lack of force required to do the job, if the upper mass is accelerating at 2/3 the acceleration of gravity, then there is only 1/3 of the weight brought to bear against the lower part of the building, so how does this 1/3 the weight accomplish all that destruction and keep it orderly?
Most likely the trusses were hung with ordinary steel bolts,and the ones used were 5/8....bolts like the one used are hardened,and prone to snap,besides nothing in the towers failed in a uniform manner on 9/11
au contraire my friend, the towers "collapsed" in a very uniform manner in that the plane of structural failures happened consistently in a horizontal plane, to do otherwise would have brought on dumping of rubble out one side of the towers in much greater volume than the others, but instead, the documentary videos shot from many different angles, shows a uniformity of the ejection of material out all sides of the tower(s). The destruction of the tower(s) was an engineered event that was planned to happen as it did.
There you go,making assumptions...the videos show a uniformity in the dust cloud,not the material being ejected,since that ended up in an almost flowerlike pattern around the towerswith many beams being ejected into surrounding buildings
There you go, the almost flower-like pattern is the product of the ejection of material in a uniform manner out the North,South,East,West sides of the building and the petals of this "flower" are very nearly the same size all around, right? Makes no sense when one considers that there was a built-in non-uniformity from the start & that is the alleged airliner crash to the building. Non-uniformities tend to be progressive in that the more the plane would tip, the more rubble would collect on the low side, etc...... I stick to my statement that the gambler KNOWS that the least likely outcome of the "collapse" event is the total destruction of 110 stories of skyscraper.
Actually if you attempted to read the link I have posted a number of times, that would be the most likely outcome.
and this is very clearly a case of an "expert" writing a politically correct paper that is well received by others who also desire to be politically correct, and is indeed WRONG! you can not support the concept of chaotic damage resulting in a uniform "collapse" of a 110 story skyscraper.
So it was ready to move back into the next day, huh? Well ... let's take a look at the evidence. What?? Floors sagging up to three feet? Impossible! Fire can't do that to steel!! Ignore the "thermal expansion" damage in appendix H too, it can't happen with steel. Never. Hmm ... fire weakening steel to the point of possible building collapse. Good to know.
3 feet... an astronomic dimension! 'Due to the risk of structural collapse' - they were fearing that ceilings may fall locally and possibly kill firemen, but not the entire building.
That's not what the report says. Yes .. three feet. Just how far do think you have to shift a load bearing column before catastrophe ensues?
at issue here is the question of could a single point of failure cause the "collapse" of the entire skyscraper? I submit to this forum that ALL skyscrapers are designed such that no single point of failure could instigate total collapse.
I offer up the opportunity for you to experiment if you will build whatever structure you like, make it out of toothpicks or lego blocks or beer cans glued together, whatever, then go at cut any one structural element at random, does the whole thing "collapse" as did the towers & 7? additionally the Meridian tower burned for 11 hours and had a 3 ft deflection of the floors, the WTC tower(s) burned for significantly less time and were destroyed down to street level. Whats up with that? what does good old common sense tell us about all this? I agree with Galileo in that our creator gave us minds so we should use what we have been given, no?
Look up scaling and how it relates to physics, especially on the scale we're discussing here. Meridian had concrete to support the steel. WTC did not.
You've got to be kidding me. You think that one structural element failed and the rest were in pristine condition?