Do you not remember when you tried to defend "Rotten Ronnie" .. and Daddy Bush.. apologizing / justifying dragging children over barbedwire fences - "Till the Flesh hung from their bones" - in front of their parents because it was "Our Bad Guys" engaging in this activity. Suprised you don't remember that - specially given I have brought it up a number of times in different threads to you. No recollection mate ?
I thought you were claiming that President Reagan had violated a bunch of arms control agreements? What you're speaking of has completely nothing to do with arms control agreements.
my claim had nothing to do with arms control agreements - made up fantasy on your part - desperate to hide from the fact that Rotten Ronnie was very Rotten.
You are lying. You posted in post #34 in this thread Rotten Ronnie did all kinds of nasty things - well documented historical fact - did a 180 on all the peace agreements - . Now, go lie about something else @Giftedone