Oh, on average around 1cm per year. Some areas as much as 2cm per year. Here is one of the most famous, in Canada. That is also what is causing the Great lakes to "tilt", as the northern sides are rising faster than the southern sides, causing them to tilt like a bowl of water. Around Lake Yellowstone they have tracked the movements of Indian villages over time in the same way, but there the land rises and falls depending on what the magma chamber is doing at the moment. What, did you really not know that there is quite a lot of land actually rising?
LOL So the population is "actually fighting the fact that the water is moving away from communities" at a massive 1cm per year!
No. The increases are both anthropogenic and non anthropogenic. I’m referring to anthropogenic increases in coastal land mass. Increases in coastal land that results directly from humans burning fossil fuels.
Then why are people losing their minds about a sea level rise of 1-2 mm per year? And remember, that 1-2 cm per year rise is even more because the sea level is also rising. You know, this is a science area, right? Care to actually comment on things that actually involve science? Or are you here to just act like a heckler?
Of course it is. Otherwise, one could still walk from Ireland to France. Welcome to Earth, approximately 20kya. Or here is another one, Florida during the last Interglacial, Florida during the last Glacial Maximum, and Florida today. So what is your point, exactly? Because unless you believe in a static Earth where nothing should ever change, you are not living in reality. The sea levels are going to continue to rise.
Exactly. Now global coastal land area is increasing. There is more room for the hordes you say are being driven away by rising oceans. You’ve been led to believe coastal land mass is disappearing when in fact fossil fuel usage is increasing coastal land mass. When the foundations of your beliefs are shown to be false premises, it’s wise to re-evaluate those beliefs. Of course you are welcome to cling to those false beliefs in the face of empirical evidence. But the stress of believing you are in danger from climate change is what is harmful. You are stressing over something that isn’t reality. You are in less danger from climate than any generation in history. And you are the generation most scarred of climate. That’s far out. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0959378019300378
Like this chart makes clear Reality, Versus dumb emission climate modeling scenarios. LINK We long ago passed the mythical 350 ppm barrier nothing unusual happened, we already passed the 1.5C barrier same result and the world goes on.... People after retirement move from the cooler Northern USA to the warmer and even humid Southern USA because it is more comfortable.
It is happening now, it never stopped. What makes you think what is happening is any different than what happened before or will happen in the future? What give you any reason to believe that the warming will stop, and that the sea levels will not rise to the point they have in every previous Interglacial? That most of Southern Florida will not sink under the oceans. Like it always has in the past. You are aware that Miami is basically built on top of ancient coral reefs, right? Laid down back when it was underwater, not all that long ago geologically speaking. I used that image to show you exactly what I mean. The left image of Florida? That is Florida in the future, that is how it always ends up during an Interglacial. Cage to give us some kind of actual scientific explanation why this time should be any different from all the previous times? And you want to know something, I have asked that very question countless times in here. And not a single person can explain why this time would be different. Just that it is, and such sea level rises are not natural. Of course, I tend to think that a great many are in the words of Dr. Einstein "insane". Where once again the planet is warming, as it has done multiple times, yet expecting for some strange reason a different result. And that is only five major ice ages, there have been over a dozen smaller ones.
That is not how science works. One has to prove that what is happening has never happened before. And I notice you have yet to actually discuss anything at all based on science. Just fearmongering and sloppy claims with little basis in reality. Care to actually discuss science itself, and not your fears? But here is the rub, all life on the planet affects other life. Are you even aware that the largest mass extinction of life on the planet was caused by life itself? And sorry, "human behavior"? Even that is a completely nonsensical statement. That is like saying it is feline behavior that causes cats to chase after a laser pointer. By that very definition, humans have been changing the environment for over 6 million years. You really do not know what you are even saying, that is obvious. You just spout off anything you want because you clearly think that if you believe it, it must be true.
Just come out and say it. You don't believe that burning fossil fuels has any effect on global climate change
And I can now tell you will absolutely never actually discuss actual science. You are far too absorbed in discussing your own personal beliefs and care far more about whatever others think than you actually care about science. I give up, but please, let me know if you ever actually want to discuss actual science instead of your feelings.
Where are people most at risk? And why? From absolute sea level rise or relative sea level rise? Show us why your so far unsubstantiated opinions have value! And the FACT remains, global inhabitants today are at less risk from ALL climate hazards than any generation in history we have record of. But you aren’t interested in GLOBAL anything if it conflicts with your biases.
What about small islands barely above sea level in the Pacific (and elsewhere)? Would they be at risk?
The warmers, such as yourself, will credit everything to global warming, but most would credit it to technological advances.
Yes, parts of the Philippines are in danger from groundwater extraction. But not from CO2 driven absolute sea level rise. The country has an average elevation of over 400 meters above sea level.
Not really since most of the main Islands gets flooded easily anyway because of torrential rains they get after all the Philippines gets more Tropical storms than anywhere else on Earth; I have been there 5 times saw the devastation Ormoc got around 22 inches of rain most of it in 3 hours in 1991. LINK I was there in 2005 when I was leaving Manila that was under a severe thunderstorm with torrential rains that was covering the road in front of Traders Hotel a foot deep and still rising when I left in a cab because of a strong Tropical Storms that was just south of the city. Traders Hotel is built well above grade with their large and wide staircase to the front entrance.
Nobody is crediting everything to warming. Except climate nutters. Clearly the decrease in deaths is directly related to widespread use of fossil fuels, but warming is not the primary pathway from fossil fuels to decreased deaths from disasters. However, nutters will blame CO2 driven warming for all kinds of thugs it isn’t primarily responsible for. Like famine. Floods. Sea level rise. All kinds of things that harm people or could harm people are primarily driven by non warming anthropogenic pathways.