My favorite It has the virtue of destroying the Entire Universe, all Space and Time. If I gotta go I want to go big Additionally, it seems it can come about just by calculating it, There is a certain delicious irony in having some mathematician end the Universe one dark night just by writing the final "= 0 " in a nondescript notebook (Could THAT be the end of Paranoia Agent?)
Severe solar storm;_ylt=AwrSbnuC3QhVZEYAhehXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEzb3NtaGwzBGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDVklQNTc3XzEEc2VjA3Nj Miami (AFP) - A pair of solar eruptions over the weekend have unleashed a severe geomagnetic storm that could disrupt power and communications on Earth, US officials said Tuesday. The storm ranks as a G4 on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) scale of one to five, with five being the worst. Do you believe they are telling the truth. Only a 4 Good Luck fellow Board members. Especially those under 100' elevation. Moi Duck and Cover r > g
Earths Impending Magnetic Flip A geomagnetic reversal may happen sooner than expected ". . . . The European Space Agency's satellite array dubbed Swarm revealed that Earth's magnetic field is weakening 10 times faster than previously thought, decreasing in strength about 5 percent a decade rather than 5 percent a century. . . . " Will a death by Magnetic Flip be a slow and horrible death or quick as a being engulfed in a pyroclastic blast from a volcano? What sped up the impending magnetic flip? What kind of man made pollution is responsible? Too much man made electromagnetism screwing the planetary magnetic system? People must have done something. Planetary change just doesn't happen. Does it? Yup, we're all gonna die Moi Save My Earth r > g No
Some Planets are aligning themselves to create combined gravitational pull on our globes fractured crust. We're all gonna die horribly, instantaneously in a manner not of our choosing. By now, many of you have heard about the 9.8 Magnitude earthquake prediction for May 28th, 2015 in California, due to a planetary alignment of Venus and Mercury. Some people are making references to Nostradamus, who spoke of some coincidental references to this rumored event in one of his quatrains. And it may not be California at all! It could hit one of those few and far between faults East of California (Eden) where the damage travels hundreds of miles and not just a few miles as in multi faulted areas. When I feel an Earthquake, I go outside in the open where nothing can fall on me. Once I got my wife out of bed for her first Earthquake and we stood in our backyard near a minute watching the water slosh out of the swimming pool at the home down hill. And then there was the time my friend was sleeping in a guest room and there was an Earthquake. I got out of the house and as I was coming back in, he walked rubbing his eyes asking if I felt the Earthquake. I assured him I did, got out of the house and was prepared to let rescue know where he was sleeping. But, none of those were 9.8! BTW I do sell apocalyptic Insurance! Special rates to get you through June 1. PM interest. Moi r > g No
What do you think of the theory that Immanuel Velikovsky convinced Dr. Albert Einstein was part of the problem, that a great deal of ice was being added at the South Pole? Did you ever throw a ball to a kid that was weighted on one spot? As you remember I am sure….. the ball would wobble in the air…. and be a little extra tricky for the kid……… or you or I, to catch! HAB Theory and getting Conservatives to worry about climate change! Sorry…… it is just too early in the morning to get into the mood I should be in for this particular forum????!
Sorry…….. but you caught me………….. Hollywood is really playing around with the idea of alternate time lines…………. and …….. well……… perhaps I am guilty of aspiring to become like……."Jethro Bodine, movie producer at your service????! In alternate time line Mr. Gore wins the 2000 election but negates Global Dimming…. … and my evil, dastardly, despicable and selfish aspirations are all too evident here: Vince Vaughn…. as Mitt Romney…. and he wins the election in 2012?! I am sure that Mitt remembers the line made famous by Max Baer……."Jethro Bodine, movie producer at your service!" Let's imagine that Mr. Romney actually won the election back in November of 2012 and…….. .like me, DennisTate, Mitt is concerned over a serious devaluation of the USA dollar before the year 2020 so…… Mitt hires Vince Vaughn to play the role of himself and……...
Not even an advanced Star Trek UT (Universal Translator) unit could manage such, http:/
I vehemently disagree…… AboveAlpha gave me what I consider to be permission to explore the idea of Robert De Niro……… playing the role of AboveAlpha……….. in our proposed film series………. so if nothing else….. AA will be able to generate far far far far far more interest in this idea than I possibly could! has NOTHING on AboveAlpha!!!!!!!!
Moi621 .. what do you think of the idea that although . one hundred percent of us die . only 99.9% or so of us must reincarnate? This man was told somehow during his NDE .. that this was going to be his last lifetime as a human . .that he would not have to go through coming back here again! A trio of lonesome stars explode in voids between galaxies WASHINGTON, June 6 (UPI) -- New images released this week from the Hubble Space Telescope reveal that three solitary stars -- unassociated with any galaxy -- have exploded light-years away from their closest observable neighbors. These stars each went supernova alone in deep space between galaxies, and were first discovered between 2008 and 2010 via the telescope on Mauna Kea in Hawaii. Then, researchers weren't sure whether the supernovae were located within a galaxy, but he most recent, crisper images taken with Hubble show that the stars are indeed each alone. If any planets (such as Earth ) were orbiting the stars at the time of their explosion, they would have been obliterated, says Melissa Graham, a Berkeley researcher and lead author of a new supernova study. But before the explosion, she says that the night sky viewable from them would have been quite different than our own: virtually star-less. . . . As rare as supernovas are, how is it that three go up, poof, with such timing. Who is responsible for this epidemic of Supernova Star Destructions.If it can happen there, it can happen anywheres Yup, just another way we 're all gonna die a death not of our choosing. Moi r > g View attachment 35613
But there is good news……… apparently this reduce, reuse, recycle theme……. has even caught on in higher dimensions of space - time… eh?!
OMG. I must put messages in Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and other social medias, for making the record forever.
Moi621….. what do you think of the idea that although…. one hundred percent of us die……. only 99.9% or so of us must reincarnate? There may not be anything or anyplace to reincarnate to! Consider that, Doom Denier! And why would anyone wish reincarnation to a world based on "pain avoidance". What are the ancient words, where can I get the proper amulet to wear that will guarantee me the nothingness I crave. No More Pain Avoidance. I am a Free Spirit imprisoned in a Physical Reality not of my choosing by a petulant demiurge. You may ref it as "God" Moi r > g View attachment 36405 A Superior Illegal via Hybridization.
That was dumb. Water in toilets just follow one cause for their direction, the way the exit holes are directed in the bowl for the water coming from the tank. Water in sinks and tubs run in a direction according to the inclination of the level of the floor. If it is tilt to the right, such is the direction of the drainage of the water. The polarity of the planet has nothing to do with it.
Are U so sure as to bet your life? And what of weaknesses in the magnetosphere with magnetic pole flip and being fried by cosmic rays unleashed on your organic molecules? Do Tell? We're All Gonna Die Life has a 100% mortality. The FDA would never approve it today. Moi r > g View attachment 36440 Improved Illegals via Hybridization
i hope so..take out washington dc and new york will be at my house...all the food and booze is FREEEEEEE
Happy Holidays. What better time to remember "We're All Gonna Die !".'s-rotation-is.html Earth's Rotation Is Mysteriously Slowing Down: Experts Predict Uptick In 2018 Earthquakes Scientists have found strong evidence that 2018 will see a big uptick in the number of large earthquakes globally. Earth’s rotation, as with many things, is cyclical, slowing down by a few milliseconds per day then speeding up again. You and I will never notice this very slight variation in the rotational speed of Earth. However, we will certainly notice the result, an increase in the number of severe earthquakes. Geophysicists are able to measure the rotational speed of Earth extremely precisely, calculating slight variations on the order of milliseconds. Now, scientists believe a slowdown of the Earth’s rotation is the link to an observed cyclical increase in earthquakes. Well it could, maybe, sort of, I believe . Sells better than less earthquakes. Them be scientists and experts too, y'think YOU know better. Can a Massive Earth Crust Displacement event be far off I guess we should celebrate these holidays like better off WW2 Nazis partying with abandon while knowing the end is days if not hours away. Yup, we're all gonna die. Moi r > g Across an immense, unguarded, ethereal border, Canadians, cool and unsympathetic, regard our America with envious eyes and slowly and surely draw their plans against us.
On the plus side..... Helen Wambach Ph. D. began a study on visions of past lives seen by people who were regressed in time while hypnotized. She began her study around 1980 or so she and Dr. Chet Snow began a smaller study on progressing people into the future.......... and when people were progressed ......... they saw a massive series of earth quakes around 1988 that devastated much of the earth........ in our time line.... this has been avoided..... so we must be getting some important things somewhat right this time around..... that went really badly in what could have been a previous time line......