What about Earthquake Insurance 2018. Even if you are a renter, secure your belongings against Earthquake as well as theft, flood, etc. Death may not be swift, but slow, long, languishing, painful, as it was for starving, cold dinosaurs 60 M years ago. Now if you want Massive Earth Crust Displacement event insurance, Conversation / Private Message Moi . Apocalyptic Event Insurance for a few dollars more. Who do you think you can really trust more after such events? State Farm Insurance or Moi
https://www.yahoo.com/finance/m/1ba...137c7124/ss_china-is-building-a-laser-10.html China is building a laser 10 trillion times more intense than the Sun that could tear space apart Yup! We're All Gonna Die!
We're All Gonna Die https://www.yahoo.com/news/moon-align-jupiter-mars-saturn-132549935.html Moon to align with Jupiter, Mars and Saturn before dawn Thursday ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EARTHQUAKE TIME. Maybe even a Massive Earth Crust Displacement event. The gravitational pull of Jupiter, Saturn, Moon, Mars all lined up. We are all gonna die agonizing, horrible deaths. More news at eleven. It is Tuesday at the time of this writing. Moi
The last of the New Madrid quakes in 1812 made the Mississippi run backwards for hours. I'm a bit wary of that wastewater. Anything can happen.
Toilet water in the southern hemisphere spins the wrong way. Is that gonna happen to "us"? we're all gonna die Can properly placed exit holes correct the wrong way spin on Southern Hemisphere toilets? Please advise. I wonder if Southern Hemisphere toilets have exit holes that work with their wrong way spin. Southern Hemisphere uploader, declare yourselves as expert witnesses. What can you say about people who celebrate Santa Claus Day along with Mid Summer's Day?
I was reading this thread while taking my morning constitution. So I checked. The flush had no spin, straight down. Bathtub same story, straight down. Sink, maybe, just maybe a tiny spin counter clockwise. While I do live South of the equator I live close enough to it that when there's a good wind from the South people up North close their windows when I fart. Perhaps one of the Aussies that post here would be better rapporteurs.
I knew women didn't fart, they pooft. I was unaware that all Aussies were poofters as well. (Do bear in mind the title of the thread.) Oh ****! This isn't the tasteless humor thread. My bad,
Yes Another. We're All Gonna Die moment brought to YOU by Scientists https://www.yahoo.com/news/op-ed-collapseologists-warning-humanity-110002647.html Op-Ed: Collapseologists are warning humanity that business-as-usual will make the Earth uninhabitable Hundreds of scientists, (oh my) writers and academics from 30 countries sounded a warning to humanity in an open letter published in the Guardian in December: Policymakers and the rest of us must “engage openly with the risk of disruption and even collapse of our societies.” “Damage to the climate and environment” will be the overarching cause, and “researchers in many areas” have projected widespread social collapse as “a credible scenario this century.” It’s not hard to find the “collapseology” studies they are talking about. In a report for the sustainability group Future Earth, a survey of scientists found that extreme weather events, food insecurity, freshwater shortages and the broad degradation of life-sustaining ecosystems “have the potential to impact and amplify one another in ways that might cascade to create global systemic collapse.” A 2019 report from the Breakthrough National Center for Climate Restoration, a think tank in Australia, projected that a rapidly warming world of depleted resources and mounting pollution would lead to “a largely uninhabitable Earth” and a “breakdown of nations and the international order.” Analysts in the U.S. and British military over the past two years have issued similar warnings of climate- and environment-driven chaos. . . Have a nice day Moi Party On There is no tomorrow anyway
It is sad and disturbing to watch so many people dismiss and degrade the science and scientists that are working to protect and help the very individuals doing so. It almost seems a purposefully ignorant cult of anger.
i suppose it would be different if we hadn't had various groups of so-called scientists tossing around the chicken little card almost constantly for decades. hell, they've entitled their discipline "collapsology". in doing so they've announced their conclusions before any investigation has begun. science is a method by which we seek the true nature of the universe around us, not a means to justify foregone conclusions. you may choose to worship at the altar of the white lab coat, as many do, but the doomsday prophets that serve only to empower those who seek control are no longer "scientists". once you have claimed that "the science is settled" you are no longer a scientist, you are a shill for corporate and political tyrants. anger? you're damn right we're angry. too many of these "experts" have offered up "answers" designed only to ingratiate them with the powerful and this has cost the honest citizenry dearly. when a corporate sponsor is satisfied with the results of these "scientists", it is the end user of their products and services that pays the price. satisfyingly political masters is far more expensive, as they are quite capable of make us all pay over and over and over again.
If anyone is interested, I sell asteroid insurance. Great rates, payable to you* if an asteroid hits you. * This is not life insurance, so the claim must be submitted by the policyholder after the asteroid hits him/her.
Hopefully you realize you are debasing science for being science and learning new data(adapting) while saying that is what they need to do.
It's not the reversing of the magnetic poles which will kill us it's the reduction in strength of the magnetic field when the flip occurs. Without a strong enough field we would all be washed in solar radiation. My range of lead lined bunkers are the only thing that will protect you and your family. Hurry now while stocks last...
Meanwhile remembering life has a 100% Mortality Let Me Go "OUT" without incubation. Calm shortness of breath with a soft, morphine IV. Dying happens ! No intubation required!
Hear, hear! Abide by our advance care directives and don’t listen to the kids who’ll agree to PEG feeding, indwelling catheters and an intolerably long slice into decay and oblivion.