Another assurance we are Earth's stratosphere has been shrinking for 40 years. That could one day screw with orbiting satellites. About 7.5 miles above our heads, the stratosphere begins. That slice of sky - where supersonic jets and weather balloons fly - stretches up to 31 miles above Earth's surface. But according to new research, this layer of the atmosphere has shrunk by a quarter-mile in the last 40 years. . . Yup! We're all gonna die. Moi Earth's core is growing lopsidedly, a new study suggests . . . according to a recent study published in the journal Nature Geoscience, the inner core is growing lopsidedly. One half of the sphere, the eastern half under Indonesia's Banda Sea, accrues 60% more iron crystals than its western . . . A lopsided core will cause, Earth to split apart or a massive Earth Crust Displacement event or volcanic events incompatible with most life. Another, We're All Gonna Die moment. What could people have done to provoke this core phenomena? Moi I Refuse To Feel So Insignificant Not To Apologize for another people made planet altering event
My husband says that this is interesting because it is an intimation of how the earth’s magnetic field flips.