What do you think about Trump's comments about Mexican immigrants?

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by IronFist, Jul 2, 2015.

  1. justthefactsma'am

    justthefactsma'am New Member

    Jul 10, 2015
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    Factually incorrect, but definitely the common narrative found in all GOP rhetoric along with The Donald's.
  2. Coolia

    Coolia New Member

    Apr 10, 2014
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    As a Mexican American myself, I did not find his remarks racist and don't drink the kool-aid that the liberals pour 24/7 on the liberal media.

    They treat minorities as if we are a monolith of one mindset because it makes it easier for them to try to manipulate us and tell us when to be offended. The way they manipulated ghetto blacks in Ferguson is a good example, as is the way they report 'cop shoots suspect' as 'WHITE cop shoots UNARMED black man'. It's all for manipulation and to incite anger within minority communities, because keeping us angry is how they figure they keep our votes.

    Any sensible person (that leaves liberals out) knows what Trump meant. He never said 'all' Mexican.

    Liberals are racist though. They equate 'illegal alien' with 'ALL Mexicans' because they don't make a distinction between illegal aliens and legal immigrants and American Hispanics. Again, they don't see a distinction because one big group all lumped together is easier to manipulate.

    I hope Trump wins the nomination, the the presidency, then builds that wall and makes Mexico pay for it.

    Illegal alien crime is at the forefront now because of the killing of a white woman, but they have been killing Mexican Americans for decades. They're not expected to have 'racial loyalty'.
  3. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    How long have you been tormented by your personal, nebulous, demonic "them"?
  4. Coolia

    Coolia New Member

    Apr 10, 2014
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    Since they started destroying the country and favoring foreigners over Americans.
  5. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    Whoever "they" are.

    Meanwhile, separate from your xenophobic paranoia, the Flatulence's hateful hysterics don't seem to be making much progress with decent Americans, certainly not with Repubs who have been actually elected to something:

  6. BrianBoo

    BrianBoo Active Member

    Jan 23, 2015
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    Trump has accomplished quite a bit in the business world, unlike Obama who never managed anything other than his social activist bullsh*t before he snowed the American public.

    Besides Bumpo, since when do you have any opinions about anything other than your jaded view of the Kansas economy?

  7. One Mind

    One Mind Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 26, 2014
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    Trump's tactless, calling a spade a spade appeals to GOP voters who are finally awakening from their stupor and realizing that the corporate and wall street owed GOP never intended to do a thing about stopping the flow of illegals that are depressing wages and displacing American workers. For American business whom the GOP supports and represents, wants that cheap labor so their profits are fatter. These businessmen have no allegiance to America, as they had coming out of ww2. And the GOP has no allegiance to working americans, and have not done so since Reagan.

    The corporate owned democrats who traditionally represented the working American stopped doing that when Clinton was in office, and along with Clinton gave average working americans the middle finger, in favor of also representing banksters and corporations. So while Trump is appealing to the GOP voters, Sanders is appealing to the Dem voters who still know of FDR, and the fact that he took on this same class of people, the rich, the corporations, the banksters, in order to stop the income moving only to the top, thereby causing a hollowing out of the middle, more poverty, and economic suffering.

    Both Trump and Sanders are now talking about those issues that have been verboten up until this year perhaps because more americans both on the left and the right are finally realizing that Neoliberalism is wreaking havoc on all but the upper one percent.

    The vocal social anarchists on the left, who scream "racism" when anyone wants to control immigration, both legal and illegal, are just stooges of the corporate and banking elite, and like those elite, really do not give a damn about working people, which their own party used to represent. So, these modern liberal social anarchists have nothing to do with democratic liberalism nor progressivism, and have committed treason with the corporate owned democratic party upon average americans. I have no patience with these people who are single faceted in their liberalism. I do not even consider them to be liberal at all. They are a corruption of traditional liberalism, and have nothing to contribute to the cause of the working class nor the middle class.

    So, for an old FDR liberal, these modern liberals are a blight, a disease, and only aid and abet the continuing devastation of average americans, who both Sanders and Trump are appealing to, for these americans know something is badly wrong with the way this economy is designed to work today. Some may not be astute, or bright enough to understand what caused it, but yet they know something is rotten, for the stench is just too great to ignore.

    There is a plan, a scheme, which has been successful in making working people unable to prosper as they once did, by depressing wages, by taking away job security, and it has several prongs. And all of these prongs are from Neoliberalism. The first was the destruction of unions, which played a role in creating our huge middle class. The first big volley was fired during Reagan, with the air traffic controllers. And the attacks have been relentless since that time. The next affected the unions, in that a so called free trade deal, which was mostly a device for offshoring jobs that were paying a living wage, to slave labor, while retaining full access to our markets, which were created as the middle class expanded, and created, by paying us a living wage in making what our consumption based economy was consuming.

    So once manufacturing was offshored to benefit the profits of the elites, at the demise of working people, they then offshored every service sector job possible, to cheap labor from the poor. But there were businesses that could not offshore, and so for these we refused to control illegal immigration, so cheap labor could be used by the business who could not leave, so they could fatten up there own income too, but at a tremendous cost to americans who must work for a living.

    So, that left higher skilled jobs, that illegals could not do, and so legal immigration, via HB1s was used to keep from hiring americans which supply and demand domestically would insure they were paid more, instead of less. So offshoring plus illegal immigration, plus legal immigration in order to bottom out wages, so the folks at the top could get richer is what Neoliberalism is all about. But this of course devastated americans, and that devastation is beginning to make people understand that the GOP and the Dems are not representing their economic interests, and this is reflected in the support that Trump and Sanders are getting today, from their respective sides.

    IF this does not have the corporate owned Gop and Dem party, thinking that their gig, their treason might be coming to an end, if not this cycle, but soon, their heads are buried in the sand, or their disconnect from the people in this nation is great. And this may be something that even the billions of the Kochs and other rich elites cannot stop. For once the light bulb comes on, it cannot be cut off by money, and more lies from the corporate owned 2 parties.

    And this is my take on this, and old time FDR, and Ike kinda guy. So I hope Trump keeps it up, as I know Sanders will, and finally bringing issues to the table that actually affect the majority in America, and which were unmentionable until really this year.
  8. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    So had Bernie Madoff. Neither are serious politicians, of course.

    I do make the wacko birds run for cover whenever I bring TP Sam's disastrous "Red State Model" experiment to their attention, don't I? They hate to be reminded!
  9. Coolia

    Coolia New Member

    Apr 10, 2014
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    Politicians on both sides do nothing but pander to illegals and their supporters who tie them with legal immigrants, acting like there's no difference between the two.

    That's why I'm supporting the only non-politician.
  10. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    If you are so alienated from America, some might recommend that you self-deport.
  11. ballantine

    ballantine Banned

    Nov 19, 2009
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    He said he was alienated from politicians, not from America.

    But it's interesting that you should draw the identity. (And probably expected from the hive mind).

    Here in real America, we don't trust politicians. Not at all. Look at Mr. Hope and Change, there's a perfect example. Look at all the stuff he said he'd do (that was the "change") part, and look at what he's actually done (that's the part where he dashes everyone's "hope").

    The guy before him - Dumbya - same thing. Look at what he was before and during the election, and then look what happened to him once he got his hands on a little power. These guys are completely untrustworthy, the PTB's got 'em all convinced they have to fight for "executive power" when exactly the opposite is true.

    The guy before him - Clinton - everyone's pining about how wonderful things were under Clinton, but the truth is he signed Gramm-Leach-Bliley into law, and a whole bunch of other horrible stuff that sowed the seeds for the destruction of our economy - from which we have yet to recover, in spite of the rosy picture the Liar-in-Chief's trying to paint.

    This is some serious stuff, it doesn't merit facetiousness. It merits solutions. And one of the most obvious and necessary solutions is the removal of the Powers That Be from their powerful positions in the status quo. It is painfully obvious that We the People are being robbed blind, trampled on, and treated like stupid rabble by the weasels we elect to represent us.

    This will stop. One way or the other, it will stop. History has proven this lesson over and over again: it will stop. The only question is how and when.
  12. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    Democratic governance? Of course. It's about whom Americans actually elect to lead the nation.

    Media entertainers are an entirely separate matter.
  13. Coolia

    Coolia New Member

    Apr 10, 2014
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    Your liberal racism is showing. I know you libs hate it when minorities don't know their place.
  14. ballantine

    ballantine Banned

    Nov 19, 2009
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    Ronald Reagan ring a bell?

    What you're getting with Trump is a businessman, who knows how to manipulate the media.

    Something different from an actor going into politics (like Schwarzenegger or Clint Eastwood).

    Trump is a more media-savvy version of Ross Perot, he sees issues through the eyes of a negotiator.

    If he actually became president, I'd expect him to be somewhat of an autocrat, not sure how that would work exactly but all he really has to do is "not sign any bills" for four years and he'd probably end up being a good president that way.

    There's two good things about Trump, one is he doesn't have to get re-elected, and two is we get Vince McMahon in the White House instead of Al Sharpton.
  15. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    Your "liberal" obsession is showing.

    Despite the media entertainer, Trump, pulling 34 million out of his butt, there are actually approximately 11-12 million undocumented folks in the US, most having entered prior to 2008, and the vast majority law-abiding and hard-working. Would you actually force the American taxpayer, against their will, to cough up the billions needed to search for them all, apprehend them, incarcerate them, prosecute them, and transport all to are then deemed deportable?

    Try to lose the ideological hysteria and face reality. In your paranoia, you imagine "liberals" everywhere. Try respecting real, decent, average Americans:

  16. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    I was unaware he had ever portrayed Quasimoto. Great casting!

    You may have missed it, but he was also Governor of California from 1967 to 1975.

    He certainly knows how to manipulate Angry White Guys, but that's not how anyone gets elected president.

    Still, as I have said repeatedly, I how he persists in his antics. He's marginally more popular that Vlad Putin with Americans, but he's driving the serious GOP politicians bonkers!
  17. Coolia

    Coolia New Member

    Apr 10, 2014
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    Obama released tens of thousands of illegal violent criminals into our communities because he and people like you believe we want them here. You don't make any distinction between them, legal immigrants and Mexican Americans. That makes your side the biggest racists in the country as far as I'm concerned.

    The SF killer ran to SF because he knew he'd have more protection than an American would.

    As long as you libs keep tying those scumbags to our wagon for votes, IMO you all are scumbags too living in your ivory towers.

    APACHERAT Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 23, 2013
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    Over 66,000 convicted criminal illegal aliens Obama ordered released from prisons and detention centers and released into our communities.

    ICE Document Details 36,000 Criminal Alien Releases in 2013


    DHS released another 30,000 criminal aliens onto streets


    121 murders attributed to illegals released by Obama administration

  19. ballantine

    ballantine Banned

    Nov 19, 2009
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    DHS released more criminals than they deported. They deported about 18,000-ish, and released 30,000-ish. Not good. A very poor performance record.
  20. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    No, the President did not "release tens of thousands of illegal violent criminals into our communities." Your hysterics serve no useful purpose.

    Businesses that employ them may want them here, others just acknowledge the reality that the are here. A few crackpots want to spend billions of taxpayer money searching for them, apprehending them, incarcerating them, prosecuting them, and deporting them. Most Americans recognize that is unrealistic, and favor a process by which they could attain citizenship. (See June, 2015 poll below.)

    You are not telling the truth. I treat American citizens of Mexical heritage like any other American ethnic demographic. Mexicans who are here illegally are included in the 11-12 million I have cited, no American citizens.

    That "side" exists in your head, and has nothing to do with me.

    Try to understand the complexity of forming a coherent, comprehensive policy to deal fairly with such a huge number of families. Your mass deportation approach is supported only by a small minority of Americans.
  21. Coolia

    Coolia New Member

    Apr 10, 2014
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    That's what I said. You and your ilk make no distinction between those here legally and illegally.
  22. Tommy Palven

    Tommy Palven Active Member Past Donor

    Mar 1, 2013
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  23. Aleksander Ulyanov

    Aleksander Ulyanov Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2013
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    They're not mutually exclusive, in fact they're the same. People make up the country, you know, nothing else.

    All for it, but you have to understand the only sound and fair immigration law is to let in most everyone

    It's the Lizard Men

    Their reptilian perfidy knows no bounds

    Non-politician my butt. He's probably ruined more of his investors with his 4 bankruptcies than Madoff even thought of, yet he's not in jail. He's the consummate corrupt politician, cronyist crook as far as I can see

    Clinton signed Gramm because he had no choice, it was sent to him veto proof. Our last and most damaging gift from Gingrich's Goons.

    It will stop in 2016, when we decisively defeat whatever lickspittles the rich try to push down our throats and elect real pols who will look our for our interests and not be fawning sycophants of the .01%
  24. ballantine

    ballantine Banned

    Nov 19, 2009
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    Yeah. I've thought about this scenario. So, let's say, tomorrow Trump comes out and says, "ha ha, joke's on you, I'm not really a Republican, ha ha", and then he uses his bully pulpit to "change direction" on the immigration issue. Let's say he really is a Trojan horse, and he's really a Hillary supporter, and the reason he's doing all this is to cause disarray in the Republican party. (Not that they need any disarray, but I digress).

    So then, what happens?

    Well, first of all, none of the companies who are presently boycotting Trump are going to magically change their minds. NBC isn't going to graciously invite him back on the air. Macy's isn't going to say "we're sorry, come on back". Secondly, all the 'Pubs who've gotten behind Trump because of what he said, are going to drop him like a hot potato, so his political cred goes to zero instantly. Then, if it ever does come to a court of law and those companies try to invoke a "moral turpitude" clause to get out of their contracts, that kind of behavior is going to look pretty darn suspicious to a judge.

    So basically, if Trump is a Trojan and word of that gets out, he's going to have so much egg on his face that no one will ever do business with him ever again.

    And, I really don't think he's that stupid. Really. No one makes 9 billion dollars being that stupid.

    At some point, Trump is going to have to come out and explain himself in terms of his political shift(s). But right now, he's doing just fine, that moment hasn't arrived yet. It might become an issue if he does well enough to displace Jeb in a few of the early primaries. (They're late this time, they only start in February - so Trump has seven more months of free speech before that becomes a real issue).
  25. Super21

    Super21 Banned

    Mar 17, 2013
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    I don't think so. Why do you believe this?

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