What happens to the right wing/ conservatives in a post trump era?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by btthegreat, Jun 8, 2020.

  1. btthegreat

    btthegreat Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2010
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    Whether Trump wins in 2020 or not, Trump has altered the Republican Party significantly. The Republican party had a Libertarian strain, a social conservative strain, a neo conservative, the moderates, and an economic conservative strains to the GOP, but Trump did not fit neatly into any of these categories. He promoted protectionism, isolationism and an ethnocentric nationalism that centered on a larger than life image of Donald Trump as its central figure.

    Eventually he has to recede from this leadership role and his role in redefining the party into his image will wane. The divisions between to 'Never Trumpers', the MAGA crowd, and the Trumpers of convenience, will complicate efforts to rejuvenate the GOP and recreate the old coalition of separate strains I describe above.

    Can the GOP recombine into a competitive major party post Trump, or will it end up splitting up into two or more parties along the fault lines? What will these various strands of conservatives do and will the Constitution Party ( Formerly the US Taxpayers Party) and Libertarian Party benefit from the strife?

    What will the next major reincarnation of a major right wing party look like?
    Golem, Derideo_Te and Quantum Nerd like this.
  2. Reiver

    Reiver Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    Heterogeneity amongst the right isn't actually that common. Most of the 'strains' are smoke and mirrors. We know that the dominate factor is the authoritarian personality. Trump has just allowed folk to be more honest in their bigotry.
    Moriah, Lucifer, Pants and 3 others like this.
  3. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Your post reflects a fundamental misunderstanding of the GOP today. Trump didn't FORM the coalition, he FIT the Coalition. We interviewed all the prospective candidates and went with Trump, clearly a very good choice. Previously we have had elections where we really didn't like any of the choices, so we took the best offered even though we weren't that thrilled with the pick, or we got a candidate that said the right things and an office holder that served the swamp. That happens to both parties will continue to in 2024, but for now, for the second time in 36 years we have a candidate that is really a good fit, and who does what they promise once in office.

    Crazy Crybully Crying Online – Accusing Trump of Second Holocaust After Campaign Offers Camo Hats to Patriotic Supporters to Build a “Trump Army”

    You see these clowns think their right to feel psychologically "safe" trumps our right to speak, publish books, engage in social media or even wear the hat we like, if they don't like or approve of it.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2020
  4. Jkca1

    Jkca1 Active Member

    Mar 1, 2020
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    I like you analysis. It wasn't petty, you didn't call people names. You made succinct points. Are you sure you belong here?
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  5. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    The Moderators keep a pretty close eye on me, maybe it's finally paying off.
    Adfundum likes this.
  6. cd8ed

    cd8ed Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 19, 2011
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    I agree, 45* represents the Republican party perfectly.
    Society should keep that in mind the next time they speak on matters of integrity, honesty, faith, kindness or morals.
    He has single handily removed fiscal responsibility, traditional social issues and anti-authoritarian positions from the party platform.
    Lucifer, Pants, FoxHastings and 2 others like this.
  7. quiller

    quiller Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2006
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    Since the mid-70s I must have seen 2,000 breathless predictions how the GOP was doomed, it's over, they're split up, finito, bye-bye. Much of this even came from the Rockefeller Republicans looking at Ted Cruz or anyone not WASP and Ivy League emasculated. Leftists yowled about Goldwater saying hundreds of psychiatrists warned against him. That he would nuke a child, the infamous one-time-only "Daisy" spot .

    The GOP is dead, they said. More like spineless and completely unable to lead, without a leader like Trump or Reagan and definitely *NOT* some bone-brain like Trudeau and *NOT* like Gun-to-a-Knife-fight or the oxygen-wasting Carter. The GOP did not cause major fuel shortages through stupid ecology nonsense. Donks want to do just that. The GOP did not pass Unaffordable Care. The GOP did pass civil rights laws the Donks wouldn't touch. But that goes unremarked by a press that hasn't told the truth in decades.

    The elephant still stands. Trump serenely sails to certain November victory. It's the cops-hating Democrats who promote violence who will answer. Voters will get their revenge and the Donks know it.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2020
  8. Derideo_Te

    Derideo_Te Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2015
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    Depends upon a number of factors but demographics are the most important since they are changing and the GOP's reliance upon aging disgruntled white males closing in on their Sell By dates is not going to enable them to retain power except in a diminishing number of rural areas.

    When even TX looks like it could go purple and Alabama is no longer a sure thing for the GOP they need to change course in order to broaden their base of support.

    The questions to be answered are which segment of the electorate have they alienated the least and what can they offer them as an incentive to join a party with the legacy stench of the Racist-in-Chief hanging around the party's neck like an albatross.

    The GREED OBSESSED Wall Street Banksters have made it abundantly clear that they still want to have their SHILL in the Whitehouse which is why Biden is the Dem candidate and I suspect that they will be less than enthusiastic to back a GOP candidate that spouts divisive bigotry in the future.

    The next factor is the southern white Millennials who are most likely to inherit the GOP within the next decade. What are their thoughts and goals? What kind of platform would they form for a future of the GOP?

    TBH I do not know if they are going to be younger replicas of their Boomer parents or have a more broadminded approach to dealing with the actual real world problems that they are going to face.

    The latter is preferable but there is insufficient information to make that determination at this stage.

    What I am expecting is that there will be a giant flushing sound in early November that will portend the end of the political careers of so many who supported the orange turd hiding in the Oval office.

    What comes after is going to be interesting to observe since it will open up a great many opportunities for new GOP candidates to emerge. Who they are and what they propose will give us some indication of what they perceive as the political future for the GOP.
  9. modernpaladin

    modernpaladin Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 23, 2017
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    I stopped at 'ethnocentric nationalism.' Thats pure weapons grade balognium. Provide what you base this claim on.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2020
    roorooroo, Talon and quiller like this.
  10. doombug

    doombug Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2012
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    What happens after Trump? The same that is happening to the liberal progressives after obama. Alot of infighting and struggle until a new messiah comes along.
  11. btthegreat

    btthegreat Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2010
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    I think the trump supporters intend to hang around in the GOP for a long time, maybe hitching their stars to Trump Jr or some younger version of Trump and they will make it very difficult for any republican presidential nominee to appeal to ethnic minorities. The business interests 1%ers fund the party so economic conservatives must be appeased. The only thing they can do to stay remotely relevant in the coming generation, is throw the Christian right under the bus. Younger republicans are not as religious as their elders, simply not interested in the culture wars and social issues of yesteryear like school prayer, teaching intelligent design, and they actively support same sex marriage, and gay equality . The outlier is of course abortion. Young republicans are still devoted to a pro life position but its not nessisarily because of some preacher they listened to.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2020
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  12. Derideo_Te

    Derideo_Te Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2015
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    One of the driving FALLACIES of the GOP was that the private sector does everything better than government therefore they wanted to have someone with actual business experience in the Oval office.

    TBH Romney would have been preferable to the Racist-in-Chief in that regard but he was disaster as a candidate.

    The electorate are NOT going to buy the "business experience" bovine excrement any longer which effectively nullifies that option for them in the future.

    That leaves them Cruz, Paul and Rubio as the future candidates for the party and none of them are exactly going to have broad appeal given that they are all white males in a time when the electorate is becoming more diverse.

    You made a good point about God, Gays and Guns no longer being the prods that drove the party faithful to the polls being effective with the younger generations. That only worked with a uniform authoritarian mindset that I don't see being effective in the future.
    FoxHastings and Bowerbird like this.
  13. Bowerbird

    Bowerbird Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2009
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    The Lincoln project holds a clue

  14. Bowerbird

    Bowerbird Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2009
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    That’s embarrassing

    I mean I would be hard pushed to find someone with fewer ethics or morals
    Meanwhile doing everything from whine and gripe to threaten force to silence anyone who DARES to speak out about sacred icons

    Witness the faux outrage above

    Quantum Nerd and Derideo_Te like this.
  15. Darthcervantes

    Darthcervantes Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 4, 2018
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    What happens? That's easy. They'll vote republican after Trump just like they did before Trump.
    Pycckia likes this.
  16. dadoalex

    dadoalex Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 8, 2012
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    First, Trumpinistas are not Republicans, they are not Conservatives they are, to be generous, at best, Reactionary.

    Trump's voter base consists basically of three parts which can be seen here on this forum. The pure Republican who cannot bring themselves to vote anything other than R. The "I hate Democrats" crowd who only vote R because of a hatred of anything Democratic. You can toss the gunners, racists/white supremacists in the second group. Finally, the third group we will call, for the sake of convenience, Boogaloos. This third group is the group that has no political belief but seeks purely to cause trouble when and where they can.

    Conservatives like Bill Kristol, the Bush' fall into the "might vote for Trump or might not" group.

    A-T or After-Trump Republicans will have a hard time rebuilding and rebranding. Those labeled as Trump loyalists may find it impossible to relabel themselves and will have a strong influence on the part and party's direction but, for those inside or outside the party people like Nunez and Graham will be viewed as poison.

    Don't know. Despite the fact that I'm a life ling Republican and still believe strongly in Republican ideology I doubt seriously if I could ever vote for a candidate with a "Trump" ideology, who promotes Trumpism. or is endorsed by a Trumpinista.

    It may not be possible for people who believe in Republican philosophy to regain control in the party.

    For the last 50 years Republicans have recruited the political dregs of society. People who have no association with or belief in Republican philosophy gunners, anti-abortion, anti-science, conspiracy theorists, white supremacists... all vote R but none are really Republican. These fringe elements control the party and the primary processes. It may be impossible to unseat them. However, it may not be possible to win at the national level, and soon at the state levels, if these elements maintain control.

    Demographics dictate that if the Republican party does not change direction it will be relegated to ever shrinking regional election victories until it finally disappears.

    I don't see a third party as an alternative so it seems Conservatives and real Republicans will be out in the cold for some time to come.
  17. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    We will find some one else to put on the podium. Trump is but a figurehead. By the way Neocons are about to go the way of the know nothings and the whigs and for much the same reason.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2020
    Aleksander Ulyanov likes this.
  18. ImNotOliver

    ImNotOliver Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2014
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    That is what I have been saying all along. The ideology that Trump represents is the ideology that had been growing among conservatives ever since the Heritage Foundation began operations. Trump just jumped in front of a parade all ready in progress. However, the election of Trump was woken up enough people to the fact that most people really don’t like Republican politics and what they represent.
    Lucifer and Derideo_Te like this.
  19. God & Country

    God & Country Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2015
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    That's hard to predict but it will be the dominant power. Trump was elected because America was sick of the shambles liberalism had made of our country. As evidenced by recent events the destructive bent of the left continues and so conservatism will continue to grow. A problem arises when power is consolidated in the hands of a few rather than the people. For the last five decades America has spiraled downward under leftward influences culminating in a majority of people finally being jolted by the reality of the situation. Donald Trump illuminated the problem being Washington itself which tends to lean left most of the time, so he became an unexpected champion of the people. Most of what he's done to date is in line with what most Americans want, that is, a free and prosperous nation and will be why he's re-elected. Trump is the beginning of the end of the insanity that has gripped America for so long and has produced little in the way of what America is supposed to be about. I would be loathed to see things go to the extreme right but for the time being a rightward trend is totally necessary. I would just like to see America become what it is supposed to be, for the vision of the founders to be carried out to the extremes of it's potential. We can't get there with the manufactured division we presently live with.
  20. Matt84

    Matt84 Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2015
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    Which is sad and pathetic really.
    Pants, Derideo_Te and ImNotOliver like this.
  21. Aleksander Ulyanov

    Aleksander Ulyanov Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2013
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    I hope that most of them will wake up and go "what happened? where were we? why is all this pesky freedom still around?"

    Some will be a sad remnant, you'll see them with their little" Will MAGA for Fox Pundit Positions" signs, outside of Sean Spicers Dance Studio
    ImNotOliver and btthegreat like this.
  22. btthegreat

    btthegreat Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2010
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    If people like you, don't feel like sharing a bed with these 'dregs' and you can't shove them out, couldn't you drift towards the constitution party or the Libertarian party, steal the foundation, and try to rebuild much of the same coalition that brought Goldwater and Reagan to glory? The themes of smaller federal govt, less taxes, less regulation, and greater personal and more state autonomy from Washington still resonate with a huge swath of Americans ( LOL not with me, mind you)

    Its not a large enough coalition to win the oval office in one generation, but its a foundation of former GOP principles on which they could built back their former reputation of a party with principles, both those based on a public ethic and public policy.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2020
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  23. jay runner

    jay runner Banned

    Oct 5, 2017
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    Whoever wants to compete in the arena against the Marxists will have to stick with the pragmatism of getting good economic results, and getting more people working, less people sucking on the US Treasury teat.
  24. Seth Bullock

    Seth Bullock Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 26, 2015
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    I believe Trump will lose in November and Biden will take over the presidency. So "post-Trump" is going to start in 2021. Biden is too old to become a two-term president, in my opinion, and I don't even know if he will be able to complete his first term. I think there is a strong possibility that his VP will complete that first term.

    There are, and will continue to be, divisions within the right, just as there are within the left. I think that in 2024 the Republicans will nominate a mainstream professional politician to run, and even though those divisions will be there, they will ultimately set them aside and coalesce around the nominee in the general election. As is the pattern, independents will again decide the election. And so, whether or not those independents choose the Democrat or the Republican will depend upon the performance of Biden (or his VP) in that first term. As usual, the economy, the absence or presence of war, the likability of the candidates, and the general sense of well-being will all be factors that will influence the vote of those independents.

    So really, I expect the Republican Party will recover and be representative of a similar percentage of voters as it is now. The pendulum swings, and I can see it swinging in the Democrats favor in the near future. But that pendulum tends to swing back, and eventually independent voters will tire of the Democratic Party, and they will choose a Republican in 2024 or 2028.

    My two cents ...
    dadoalex and btthegreat like this.
  25. btthegreat

    btthegreat Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2010
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    My personal problem is that I never felt a personal animus, or antipathy for members of that Grand Old Party of old. I felt I shared the same public ethic, the same basic American values with those people. I could see them as partisan adversaries in a multi-generational public policy debate, but they were worthy of personal and professional respect and they deserved to share in the American dream. I wanted my guys to sit down with your guys and find mutual interests and ideas that were worth cobbling together in a bill.

    I want to grind the bones of this Trump GOP into dust and punish the entire generation of leadership and voters, with not one molecule of compromise or regret. Its personal now. Give no quarter, and teach them what 'cutthroat' win- at -any- cost politics can really be all about. No more Mr. Nice Guy. The deplorables of Trump's party take the 'low road', and instead of us 'going high' a la Obama, I want us to ram their shortbus mentality straight into the ravine, and watch as they all flounder in the river.

    But that is probably counterproductive to national interests, especially if they aren't on the deplorable shortbus, but still on the double-decker with traditional republican patriots.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2020

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