Messed with my Python program again. Haven't done that in a few years. It simulates 109 masses floating in the air. The top 14 are dropped and the lower 95 do not move until they are hit from above. So the collapse time is determined by only gravity and the Conservation of Momentum. The more mass is concentrated toward the bottom the slower it gets. So any analysis claiming to be scientific without have mass distribution must be nonsense. Someone challenged me with a mass distribution with an 11% increase down each level. That means only half a ton at the top and 35,000 tons at the bottom. This caused a change from 12 seconds to 20 seconds.
He's a physics professor to be accurate. That means compared to an anonymous denier of facts and science (including physics) ... well there is no comparison. Such a poster is irrelevant and a non sequitur.
I have been researching psychologist's papers on the views into conspiracy theorists and the most common phrase I hear is cognitive dissonance ... followed closely by paranoia and the need to belong to a group ... fascinating info ... edit: I forgot the one that I found most interesting ... the fear of randomness ...
Conspiracy belief is correlated with lower levels of analytic thinking (Swami, Voracek, Stieger, Tran, & Furnham, 2014) and lower levels of education (Douglas, Sutton, Callan, Dawtry, & Harvey, 2016). It is also associated with the tendency to overestimate the likelihood of co-occurring events (Brotherton & French, 2014) and the tendency to perceive agency and intentionality where it does not exist (Douglas et al., 2016).
So everyone in the legal, law enforcement and intelligence industries is afflicted with "lowers levels of analytic thinking" then? And the same is true with their career educators? And there is no such thing as a conspiracy yet there are several federal and state statutes that make criminal conspiracy illegal? Who are these rocket scientists? But at least you bought this utter garbage, then again you also bought the Official CONSPIRACY Theory so I'm terribly sorry for your affliction.
nice twist bob ... none of the psychologists I read were talking about actual real conspiracies where people are actually indicted in a court of law unlike those discussed the the many articles I have read ... have an open mind and don't let your low self esteem corrupt your thinking ...
If I were a truther, I would say that the towers never existed. Who could refute me? I would argue like a holocaust denier. That always works, LOL
A conspiracy is a conspiracy no matter how much you want to buy into this absurdity. And until one knows whether it’s factual or not it’s a theory. And it remains a conspiracy theory until it’s proven otherwise. This reality is not “twist”. What’s twist is the attempt to make conspiracies and conspiracy theories strictly the product of insanity. That is insanity not reality.
Well if you believe you’re not then you believe you’re the opposite, a liar. So why should anyone believe anything you post?
what absurdity? ... the psych profiles that show that truthers are detached from reality? ... do some research on yourself bob ... don't be afraid of science ...
The one you’re peddling. Yeah that idiotic absurdity that makes as much sense as 3 buildings completely destroying themselves in a matter of seconds from fire. That would be you who rejects science in favor of pseudoscience and any other snake oil being peddled for the gullible.
I'm not peddling anything ... this thread is about what truthers/conspiracy theorists believe ... are you afraid of what psychologists have to say about that? ... another lie by omission ... all 3 buildings were heavily damaged ... not just fire ... psychologists disagree on who the gullible are ...
It has been noted that individuals who endorse conspiracy theories are likely to be higher in powerlessness, social isolation and anomia, which is broadly defined as a subjective disengagement from social norms. Such disengagement from the normative social order may result in greater conspiratorial thinking for a number of related reasons. First, individuals who feel alienated may consequently reject conventional explanations of events, as they reject the legitimacy of the source of these explanations. Due to these individuals feeling alienated from their peers, they may also turn to conspiracist groups for a sense of belonging and community, or to marginalised subcultures in which conspiracy theories are potentially more rife. People who feel powerless may also endorse conspiracy theories as they also help the individual avoid blame for their predicament. In this sense, conspiracy theories give a sense of meaning, security and control over an unpredictable and dangerous world. Finally, and most simply, conspiracy beliefs — which imply a level of Machiavellianism and power enacted by those without fixed morality — are most likely to resonate with people who feel powerless and believe that society lacks norms.
Just use a dictionary, there’s no need for a thread to define a word. Truthers believe in truth, conspiracy theorists earn a living from conspiracy theories or just believe there are conspiracy theories because there are conspiracies (a fact of human life) and liars believe in lies, it’s that simple, it’s not rocket science. You’re peddling utter garbage and that’s what this thread is about. I don’t give a rat’s about pseudoscience that’s your hobby not mine. Yeah and they turned to mostly dust in seconds as a result. You buy the most idiotic theories, you must be what YOU describe, a “troofer”. Well you bought this crap, need I say more? Go see a shrink maybe you can get some help for your problem.
so psychology is a pseudoscience? ... notables such as Freud, Kinsey and Fromm are quacks right? ... you're still upset about the Coste vids and how they didn't add up to your expectations right? ... I notice that you, Scott and Eleuthera are avoiding them like a hot potato ...
Of course it is, the APA regularly invents “diseases” that never have any scientific basis or any cures. There’s a ton of money to be made helping Big Pharma peddle dangerous and addictive psychotropic and antipsychotropic drugs, often to children. Red herring time, what else is new? None of these people change the fact that psychology/psychiatry are a pseudoscience. I understand you have no clue what the difference is between science and pseudoscience. You’re so full of red herrings the stink permeates this entire forum. I found the videos extremely informative and enlightening. I can’t speak for anyone but myself but I notice you consistently have been avoiding the truth about 9/11 since I’ve read the very first post from you. There’s nothing about those videos I have ever avoided. If you recall I’m the one who posted them fake one.
Here, get yourself an edookashun Shiner. You fall for an awful lot of bullshit. After all, you easily bought the OCT. You're welcome.
Conspiracy Theories Are Driven by People, Not Facts You can’t really argue with people who believe in conspiracy theories, because their beliefs aren’t rational. Instead, they are often fear- or paranoia-based beliefs that, when confronted with contrarian factual evidence, will dismiss both the evidence and the messenger who brings it.2 That’s because conspiracy theories are driven by the people who believe and spread them and their own psychological makeup — not on the factual support or logical reasoning of the theory itself. Conspiracy theories aren’t going away, for as long as there are people who have a need to believe in them, they will continue to expand and thrive. The Internet and social media sites such as Facebook have only made such theories even easier to spread. Save your breath arguing with people who believe in them, as no amount of facts will dissuade them from their false belief.
In fact I tried to discuss the contents of the videos with you because I thought YOU had some genuine interest and it was YOU who avoided the discussion. I posted this quite a while ago: And then no response from you in terms of a discussion ever since.
Once again you're disparaging the entire legal, law enforcement and intelligence industries. As well as quoting from someone whose background is strictly pseudoscience. There's nothing science about the above, it's strictly opinion, same as the 9/11 Commission and NIST. You're also generalizing about every single person who failed to swallow the official CONSPIRACY THEORY, the one YOU bought lock, stock and barrel. The irony is inescapable.
Anywhere you want as long as it's a genuine, adult and intelligent discussion and you're willing to discuss the entirety of what was presented in the videos not just selected tidbits of your choosing.
If you don’t want to have a genuine discussion on the subject don’t ASSume anything. No your choice, I posted the videos and I posted specific sections. You addressed none of it and instead made false claims and chose to ridicule. In any case this fake thread is NOT the proper venue for such a discussion.
well take it back to the proper thread then ... I eagerly await our discussion ... btw ... ASSume is such a tired "phrase" ... grade school stuff bob ...