Common ancestor of humans and all modern great apes (gorilla, orang, chimp, bonobo): Human and chimps LCA:
Nonsense. For example, evolution predicted that certain rocks of a certain age in Canada were the likely place to find transition forms between fish and amphibians. The prediction was proven correct with the discovery of the fossils of Tiktaalik roseae. Darwin predicted, based on homologies with African apes, that human ancestors arose in Africa. That prediction has been proven correct by fossil and genetic evidence. Evolutionary theory predicted that organisms in heterogeneous and rapidly changing environments should have higher mutation rates. This has been found in the case of bacteria infecting the lungs of chronic cystic fibrosis patients. Predator-prey dynamics are altered in predictable ways by evolution of the prey. Ernst Mayr predicted in 1954 that speciation should be accompanied with faster genetic evolution. Phylogenetic analysis has proven this prediction correct. Several authors predicted characteristics of the ancestor of craniates. On the basis of a detailed study, they found the new fossil Haikouella fit these predictions closely. Evolution predicts that different sets of character data should still give the same phylogenetic trees. This has been confirmed informally myriad times and quantitatively, with different protein sequences, and most recently by genetics. Evolution asserts that insect wings evolved from gills, with an intermediate stage of skimming on the water surface. Since the primitive surface-skimming condition is widespread among stoneflies, J. H. Marden predicted that stoneflies would likely retain other primitive traits, too. This prediction led to the discovery in stoneflies of functional hemocyanin, used for oxygen transport in other arthropods but never before found in insects. The claim that evolution makes no predictions can only be maintained by deep, persistent and willful ignorance.
As long as you prove too terrified to confront the truth by looking up the references provided, I will continue to encourage you to be brave and transcend your fears.
So the proof and facts and studies they show do not matter only where it comes from. You prove you do not want truth you continue to spew the lies. I showed this to you before but you continue to show faulty science that has been proven false.
That's kind of what I was suggesting... That maybe the enzymes were just "inactive" and needed a chemical to activate it... It's been a while, but the website - I don't know which flavobacteria the page is talking about, and I really don't have time to go through it all... See, this is where I have problems with. Common Descent means, from what understand that the yeast can no longer be yeast... do you agree?
Sure. Here is a paper that documents some of the shared endogenous retroviruses between all old world monkeys and apes. Differences in HERV-K LTR insertions in orthologous loci of humans and great apes They are incontrovertible proof of common descent along the lines of the presented cladogram.
It is self-evident you don't know how to use quote tags, and you pretty obviously don't know what brevity is if you don't understand why the bacteria would be called "nylon-eating bacteria" instead of "waste monomer-dimer-oligomer-relating to nylon production-eating bacteria." No, the National Academy of Sciences and every single biology professor I've ever met and nearly every single one I've heard of accepts evolution as having occurred. Short on memory too, are you? You asked for a quote about those products being unavailable for other organisms to metabolize. Seriously? Organic chemistry merely relates to carbon-containing compounds. If you think otherwise....well, there's no helping you at this point, I suppose. Only by virtue of lacking a second element to bind to. However, if I were you, I'd think twice about trying to attack another's word choices. ¿Que va? Ahem: "Scientists, professors and intellectuals are mentally challenged, delusional."
Going in circles? Keep on going. I politely asked for a link. Why do so many people doubt evolution? Instead I did receive 3 references among all other crap, the only thing believers in fantasies of evolution can produce. I am to demonstrate that the believers in fantasies of evolution can produce only crap. Keep on going. link or shut up
Completely false. Slavery in the United States was explicitly justified using the Bible. The two competing camps were between the Biblical Monogeneists and the Biblical Polygenists. The monogenists believed that blacks were human beings, but their enslavement was justified by the curse of Ham. The polygenists believed that blacks were not human beings, but were among the beasts the field created on day 6 of creation week.
Ak - Talkorigins is a propaganda site... It deals in the works of the debate against Creationism... You can find better sites - because you have in the past...
No I post facts you state opinions. You will not accept anything that shows your junk science false. You blame the source and yet show no proof it is false. You have no credibility and show why people do not believe the atheists that promote evolution
And it is still a great and relaible resource for the real sceince. You do know that propaganda can often be true, right?
You have been given facts yet dismiss them as opinion. You post bs from a creationist website. Seizing any excuse to believe, demanding absolute certainty to disbelieve. Its not everyone else, its you.
and so going in circles. I asked for tea you brought coffee. I don't have time to go back and re-quote the 5th time but anyone can check to the misery and mental darkness of Obama activists on this board.
No, you asked for tea and when I brought it you whined that it was not sweetened. When I sweetened it you complained it had no milk. When I added milk, you complained it was too cold. Don't be lazy. Don't be a coward. Go heat it up yourself.