Two words: "Progressive" arrogance. The failed domestic and foreign policies were most certainly factors, as was the denial of those failures, but they were part and parcel of the overarching reason why Harris lost, and lost big. Not only did she lose the EC, she lost the popular vote, too (by about 5 million votes at this moment). It also explains why Dems lost the Senate and the GOP reportedly has a 17 seat lead in the House with 18 races remaining to be called. Looks like Mike Johnson will be hanging on to the Speaker's gavel. Red wave? "Progressive" arrogance. I could spell out the examples of this arrogance, but I think everyone here is familiar with them. Not only have you seen them here you've seen them on TV and elsewhere. "Progressive" arrogance is also happens to be why Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 presidential election in one of the greatest upsets in American political history. "Progressive" arrogance will also explain why many Dems and Lefties will blame everyone and everything but themselves for their defeat. We've seen it already - instead of exercising some much needed self-awareness, introspection and humility, they will angrily lash out at others. As the late great Neil Peart once observed, blame is better to give than receive. Looking at what has happened to the Democratic Party since I was a young JFK Dem, I don't see much hope in the ever-dwindling number of sensible, moderate Democrats being able to reverse the trajectory of their party and save it from the "progressive" extremists who wrecked it and the country for the past four years. If they don't, their party will continue to hemorrhage the working class voters who were once part of the DP's core constituencies - constituencies "progressives" have driven into the arms of Donald Trump and the Republican Party in what has been one of the greatest tectonic shifts in our nation's political landscape. As for the "progressives" who have overrun the party and now dominate its platform and direction, will they look in the mirror and - God forbid - admit they were wrong, or will they double-down on what got slapped down by a majority of the American electorate yesterday? What do you think....
Looks like someone else agrees with me. I know there's more.... Of course, voters had more than one choice. Which makes me wonder 1) how many voted for Trump on account of the Dems' arrogance and 2) how many sat out the election or voted for someone else (Jill Stein, Chase Oliver, et al)? I wonder if we'll ever get a grasp on those numbers. Certainly they were significant.
Joe Biden has thoughts
Bubblehead is already 21 minutes late for her concession speech. apparently she will appear in five minutes
Basically what I have been saying off and on for the last six months. The progressives, basically the party of the technocrats these days, are operating under the notion that they know everything and the rest of us are but buffoons who know nothing and should shut up and go away. It is a message that plays well among the rich and powerful but rubs the rest of us the wrong way especially as it becomes increasingly clear that the reality is that they are little more than power mad morons with delusions of grandeur.
There could be a lot of reasons why Harris lost. One reason is that Trump had some kind of influence over the people or something. Another reason could be that there are those that wanted a white man for President. There are probably some that didn't want a woman for a President due to the fact that it is said that women are somewhat too emotional, and I find that hard to believe also wanting a white man hard to believe as well. I don't want to get into any more reasons at this time. It should not matter if the candidate is male or female. It should not matter whether what color he or she it. It should not matter where they come from. It should not matter what political party to be affiliated with. What matters is if they can do the job for the people and have what the people want. That's how I see it. That's all I'm going to say for now. Thank you.
LOL failure to understand why she lost translates back to her crappy campaign 1) she was unqualified to be president. Being black and female were not sufficient qualifications but that was what many of her sponsors pushed the most 2) her administration sucked 3) her surrogates insulted millions of voters-be it telling black males that they had to vote for her or that Trump supporters were garbage 4) it's the economy stupid as Bill Clinton once said-as true today as it was 32 years ago 5) abortion isn't as important to soccer moms as public safety and the economy 6) Dumping Biden and replacing him without valid explanations
The assassination of Peanut the squirrel showed who the Democrats and their bureaucratic surrogates really are, a bunch of stupid anal retentive karens with no moral compass filled with enough self righteousness to make a pharisee green with envy.
Well, all I have to say is the people voted the Republican way. There will be obligations to show respect to Trump.
People liked Trump's four years better than Biden's four years. Even a fifth grader could see the difference. And after four years from now we can have JD.
They believe a lot of other horse crap and this bit of horse crap saves them from having to deal with the actual fact of the working man's revolt their policies have inspired.
No, you don't get it. It's up to the candidates and political parties to persuade people to vote for them.
Harris came off as fake and unlikeable. Biden being senile and the border crisis certainly didn't help. Not everyone likes Trump, but he is genuine and has alpha male leadership qualities and that appeals to a lot of people.
I voted for Stein and yes this arrogance is part of the reason I did. Even today some guy was on MSNBC whining about college educated people vote democrat and this was a revolution by the working class and poor and working class people who never got an education. I know a ton of college-educated people who are the loyalist of the loyal republicans, and I know a lot of people with "working class" jobs who have college degrees. Just because you have a college degree does not mean that the job market bows down before you. Where you choose to live often has more to do with what type of job you can get than whether or not you have a degree. Of course I also think the GOP gets this wrong in their opposition to student loan anything as there are a lot of college educated people in red states who really struggle with that debt because they went back home after college instead of moving to NYC. Anyway, I guess the final hypocrisy I saw was Harris talking like her win was going to be the end of insults and negativity. I was like aren't you the same woman who has spent the last 3 months calling Trump and anyone who supports him a Nazi fascist?
Unless the voters are mind controlled they still have free will and are soley responsible for the vote they cast.