Why I vote Republican

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Blackrook, Aug 15, 2011.

  1. RaginRoy

    RaginRoy New Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    So those who can't 'cut the grades' just miss out on that money entirely? or do they get paid a lump sum? Since everyone should have equal access to governement resources.

    Why can't those who don't have the money for it at the moment work for a few years and save their money for it instead of frontloading their debt?
  2. TheTaoOfBill

    TheTaoOfBill Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2010
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    It's not a contest. We're both American citizens and we both qualify for the same services. To act like I'm a leach and he is not is just beyond stupid. He wouldn't have a job to go to. He wouldn't have roads to drive on. He wouldn't have police and fire to protect him without government services. We all rely heavily on the tax payer money. That's how a society works.

    I am not less of a person just because I'm going to college.
  3. TheTaoOfBill

    TheTaoOfBill Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2010
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    They do have equal access. Their inability to keep their grades is what would hold them back. Not the government.

    I'm not out to be fair. I'm out to make sure we have the most educated population possible. If you can't even get C's you don't deserve to be in college. Especially if you're being paid for.
  4. signcutter

    signcutter New Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    I get what your saying.. but its pretty simple minded. You vote republican and they lower your taxes... but they spend and grow government just as well as democrats.

    Democrats Tax and spend irresponsibly.. that is a given.

    Republicans lower taxes and spend as much or more irresponsibly.

    Now you are at the point where your taxes WILL go up.. they wont be going up to improve the power grid or build schools or hospitals.. or build roads or bridges.. they will go up to pay off the huge debt that Republicans had a great hand in creating.

    The Debt cannot be paid off with just cuts in government spending, its not enough money. Without tax increases, completely gutting parts of the government.. like the military .. and medicare and social security and medicaid is the only way to pay off the debt.. but that would also break this acountry apart. sooo probably wont happen.

    While it is true that our government has spent like a crackhead with a stolen creditcard.. its also true that the debt is there and that it needs to be reduced by a about 10 trillion.

    Now is not the time to be crying about lowering taxes. We all contributed to the debt by voting for politicans that bought our votes with gifts bought on credit. We cant act like irresponsible deadbeats and refuse to pay our bills now that they are coming due.

    Let me put this short and sweet.. we are acting just like Ireland did when thye blew themselves up.. the bought short term security and wealth with irresponsible tax cuts and spending.. we are one upping ireland's stupidity with defense spending gone insane and the gutting of our industrail base( tax revenue)

    Big business has basically formed our tax structure and trade policy so that they can benefit with well formed loopholes that can only be taken advantage of by huge and multi national corporations while stifling small business who cannot escape the full brunt of the tax code or benefit from trade law imbalances .. because they dont make enough money to qualify/afford for the loopholes.

    Your a sad misinformed individual .. and people like you .. who make thier voting decisions strictly by how much money it will put in thier pocket tommorow is the key demographic the status-quo politicians on either side of the coin depend on to make the fleecing of the america possible.
  5. RaginRoy

    RaginRoy New Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Holdon to your rope around the goalposts there bigtime. You wanted him to admit he uses just as much as you, and I pointed out he doesn't. You were making it a competition (of equality) and it's not. All those services you just talked about you use too, but you use others that he doesn't, and the benefits are substantial while you pay less taxes.
  6. RaginRoy

    RaginRoy New Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    You have equal access to colleges as well, the only thing holding you back is your inability to acquire the financing to go. Weren't you the one who was required to withdrawl because of grades?

    And your arguement previously about society has nothing to do with government, unless you're arguing that government is merely societies bank in which we have a larger philisophical issue to deal with between us.
  7. TheTaoOfBill

    TheTaoOfBill Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2010
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    failure to come up with financing does not show a lack of talents. Failure to get the grade does.
    Yup. So I went to community college, switched to a major I was better at and tried again. This time I got through.

    Government is societies' gaurdian. It's job is to make sure we are protected, healthy and well skilled for work.
  8. signcutter

    signcutter New Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    making sure a quality education is available to all is an investment I am readily willing to support. I see it as an investment.. not a tax.

    I have been a taxpayer for the past 25 years and I have always voted for increased funding of our local public school even though it would increase my property tax. They never do pass of course.. but the local Taxpayer funded golf course is always green and manicured with clean bathrooms and well made paths.
  9. Bassman

    Bassman Banned

    Mar 22, 2010
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    Uhh Article I Section 8 of the US Constitution begs to differ with you, but then again as a limpwristed Liberal, you don't give two (*)(*)(*)(*)s about the Constitution.

    And while we are on the subject, I have another bone to pick here. You seem to think that college education is the end all be all. Well what about those who can't cut it in college?? Do we just throw them to the dogs??
  10. TheTaoOfBill

    TheTaoOfBill Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2010
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    The constitution says government has the right to look after the general welfare of the population. I see nothing I said that conflicts with that. I care very much about what the constitution says. That doesn't mean I think we should stay with the same backwards policies that existed in 1776. Or would you prefer we saw the end of Woman's and blacks suffrage?

    There should also be free certificate training for anyone who can't cut the grade for college but could maybe go through a week long course that would train them to be in a skilled profession. Like an electrician or a plumber or a trucker... etc etc...
  11. RaginRoy

    RaginRoy New Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Week long? ROFL Do you understand the training required to be a skilled trade? They spend almost as much time in classrooms as you do for your degree! Not only that, they are REQUIRED to go out and find employment and accumulate required hours before they can gain their certification, IE: they cannot graduate with their Trade Qualification before real world experience.

    If I qualify for university and I want to go to trade school does the government decide for me since you've already deemed college to be above and better?

    Also your constitution says the government is in charge of general welfare, not post secondary education. There are no requirements in society to have a university degree in order to be a productive or successful member, therefore by your constitution the government really has nothing forcing it to supply post secondary education.

    If it's in societies best interest, how come your future employers don't pay for your certification like a construction company would with the trades?
  12. Bassman

    Bassman Banned

    Mar 22, 2010
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    I would prefer we return to the way our country was structured. Weak Federal, strong state governments.

    Just a week?? You're joking, of course. I happen to be a local truck driver and I can attest it takes much more than a week to obtain a Commercial Driver's License. As to the skilled trades?? Apprenticeships last five years, not five days.
  13. Sooner28

    Sooner28 New Member

    Jul 5, 2011
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    Yes I understand. You are a single issue voter, which can be alright sometimes. But you ignore the anti-intellectual tendencies of the Republican party, with their denial of evolution and of homosexuality being biological. You ignore that they are in bed with oil and gas (though Democrats are too, it's more like a once a week visit rather than sleeping in the same bed every night). You ignore that the Republicans want to de-regulate (not exactly sure what or where), even after the financial crisis, the West Virginia mining disaster, and the BP oil spill. And you ignore that Republicans are perfectly willing to force a woman to bring a child into the world even if she has no financial means to do so, and then not give her any money to take care of it. But if saving an extra 500 dollars in taxes is worth it, by all means continue your current voting pattern.

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