One can, with patience have a mathematical equation fit just about any theory. Mathematics shows the earth to be flat as well. Just as they assume the sun is 93 million miles away, with the assumption of the sun only 3,000 miles away, the shadow of sticks (how funny is that) shows a flat earth. The flat earth also has equations where we do not see the apparent sun. So if your science is nothing but math, than the same can be done with a flat earth, which is why I can admit that mathematical equations do not prove anything. Do they add to evidence, yes. But again, evidence is not proof.
Wrong. One can lie about equations ( as you do ) but math is math. There is no mathematical formula showing the earth to be flat. I have shown you absolute proof and you simply lied and claimed it was fake without evidence of it being fake Proof is made up OF evidence and in fact you have neither. The fact that the earth is round has both
It doesn't prove that it is the earth that is moving. At the time of the pendulum, the scientists also admitted that the Mickelson Morely test, would allow the pendulum to swing in conjunction with the movement of the aether. Every heliocentric theory and or so called proofs, has an equal argument within the flat earth. You wouldn't know that, because you never looked into it. "The ultimate ignorance, is arguing a matter in which one knows nothing about, and yet still refuses to investigate." I know the heliocentric model, I believed it.
Frankly I understand that the earth is really flat but this should never become public knowledge because it would shake the public's faith in our scientists and leaders. If people turn to God they can't be dutiful citizens.
Michelson-Morley debunked the aether argument, not Earth's rotation. Foucault remains unchallenged. Pendulums should not change their plane of oscillation if Earth was stationary, agreed? So why do they, relative to the rooms housing them, exactly as Foucault predicted?
Educated? This troll ignores such stuff. He quoted a bullet as being invisible to the eye and seems to be too dumb to realise aircraft at high altitudes travel similar speeds. Satellites reflect very bright sunlight in space and cover the distance in the visible arc at exactly the correct speed. There are websites showing their orbital track, the ISS can be tracked and seen very easily. I cannot fathom what motivates trolls on the web, a sad symptom of the state of humanity.
Do you really think a supposed believer in a flat earth can remotely comprehend what you are talking about, let alone alter their "belief" in any way, despite it being inculpatory evidence of the utter clownishness of such belief?
I gave up on him being honest when he took the position that basic geometry proving the earth is round is wrong.
IMHO, yes. I was a "flat earther" in high school, mainly to troll (before that term existed). We would irritate the heck out of people when we went into Flat earther mode. (looking back, I shouldn't have been surprised that I didn't get many dates in high school)
Thank you for admitting it. The need to troll is something we don't consider in our daily life. Mostly because it took years to show up on the internet.
Well, my "trolling" was pre-internet. We were just trying to prove how smart we were, and we thought we could do that by pretending to be "Flat earthers." Now, I don't troll, I just argue against trolls (and I'm not a flat earther either in real life or on the internet).