Our eyes and experience tell us the earth is flat and motionless, and everything in the sky revolves around us. But when we cease to believe our own eyes and experience, we have to prostrate ourselves at the feet of these very pseudoscientists who are blinding us. Treat them as experts, astronomical priests, who have special knowledge only they can access. Like the hubble telescope. So by brainwashing us of something so gigantic and fundamental, it actual makes every kind of lesser indoctrination a piece of cake. Earth being the flat fixed center of the universe around which everything in the heavens revolves, gives us special importance and significance, not only to earth but to us humans, the most intelligent among the intelligent designers designs. By turning earth into a spinning ball thrown around the sun and shot through infinite space from a Godless big bang, they turned humanity into a random meaningless, purposeless, accident of a blind dumb universe. So it's like trauma based mind control, beating the divinity out of us with their mental manipulations. People are always asking, why do they do this? Other than the obvious profit margin motive, nasa being the biggest black budget, blackhole in existence, hand over a fu()()ing 30 billion dollars tax payer money for the fake moon landings alone. Now a days 100's of billions of dollars, and not just nasa but rasa, and all the other fake space organizations around the world, giving CGI images for 100's of billions of dollars. So this modern atheist, big bang, heliocentrist, globe earth, chance, evolution, paradigm, spiritually controls humanity by removing God or any sort of intelligent design, and replaces purposeful divine creation with half-hazard random cosmic coincidence. And so by removing earth from the motionless center of the universe, these masons have moved us physically and metaphysically from a place of supreme importance to one of complete nihilistic indifference. If the earth is the center of the universe than the ideas of God, creation, and a purpose for human existence are splendid. But if the earth is just one of billions of planets, revolving around billions of stars, and billions of galaxies, than the ideas of God, creation and a specific purpose for earth and human existence become highly implausible. So by repeatedly indoctrinating us into their scientific materialist sun worship, not only do we lose faith in anything beyond the material, but we gain absolute faith in materiality, superficiality, status, selfishness, heathenism, and consumerism. If there is no God and everyone is just an accident, then all that really matters is me, me, me. So they turned Madonna the mother of God into the material girl living into a material world, with their rich powerful corporations, with their slick sun cult logos, sale us idols to worship, slowly taking over the world, while we passively believe their science, vote for their politicians, buy their products, listen to their music, watch their movies, all while sacrificing our souls at the altar of materialism. -Eric Dubay-
And all this was worked out hundreds of years ago by the Jesuits as in the video in your last thread?
Some of us don't have the problem you do. Finding the concept of a god on the absurd side, at an early age, prevented me from filling my brain with religious silliness.
How many of these identical threads do you need moved to the conspiracy forum before you learn what the ToS says?
A ball Earth does not preclude the existence of God. Nor does a big bang or even evolution. So I'm not sure what you're getting at here. You can still believe in God and acknowledge that he made things the way they appear to us. If he didn't then you have to ask yourself why did He do it one way, but throw us clues that make it appear as another. It's still irrelevant though. Observations support a ball Earth model regardless of whether God exists or not. That's the way science and observation evidence works. It doesn't need to invoke a deity. Furthermore, paragraphs man...paragraphs! That was hard to read.
Accept for the fact that there are references in the bible to the earth being flat. Apparently, when religious folks have a problem reconciling the fact that their God should have known the shape of things he supposedly "created" they go about finding bizarre explanations and desperate excuses.
My eyes can see the earth isn't flat. The fact that the sun changes location in the sky depending on season proves that it's not simply rotating around the earth, but that the earth must be rotating around it. If the sun were rotating around the earth, it would make a straight line every time and never change at all. Also, the existence of a horizon proves the earth is round. The horizon is the point at which the earth curves. No matter how powerful a telescope used, one can see no earth past the horizon, and if one sales towards the horizon, one will eventualy find land. If the earth was flat, that land would have been visible.
Those that cease to believe in religion don't believe in nothing. What did you fill that moral and spiritual void with?
I wrote it down on a napkin a few years back but lost it. Perhaps someday a couple hundred years from now someone will find it and start a new religion based on it.
Instead of starting a new thread every time your premise is ruined and debunked why not face up to the evidence which proves you wrong in the first place on other threads?
Sure they do one can believe in many many diverse ideas and concepts without religion. Morality and spirituality were around long before any of the man made gods you can name
Apparently some of us don't need to be led around on a string. If you read my signature, you'll see that religion doesn't make people more moral.
Until I find that napkin, then I can base my morals on it again like a good religious person. Cause as we all know, the only place morals are found are in stories from the ME written down 1000 years after the supposed happenings by. . .well "God only knows". If someone finds my napkin in 200 hundred years and bases their morals and spirituality on it, they would be good moral and spiritual people right? And can we stop pretending we don't have daily events everyday which prove basing morals on holy books isn't the best choice. . .perhaps we should think for ourselves. 'God' gave me a brain, I plan to use it when I make decisions.
I trust you make sound decisions. But if all of us have our own moral code and each code is just as good as the others (we can't be judgmental) it sounds like a recipe for chaos.
Thank you. I never fully understood the depth of the psychosis so prevalent among the righties. You should seek help. Seriously.
I believe you have already fallen off the edge. While I am an advocate for the sanctity of abstract virtues, let's not start an educational jihad.