Figured I'd get this new one started up. After all, we can't very well allow Ignorance to barbarically run around ranting and raving without a happy place to come to. And the Gov. has to have a place to bleed. Ill re-post the action figure therapy videos, mandatory fun. [ame=""]Halo Reach Teabag Party - Action Figure Therapy - YouTube[/ame] [ame=""]Captain America - Action Figure Therapy - YouTube[/ame] [ame=""]Soulja Boy Says F The Troops - Action Figure Therapy - YouTube[/ame] [ame=""]Worst MW3 Teammate Ever - Action Figure Therapy - YouTube[/ame]
Thank god, now I can finally sleep Where are the Bleeding Queen and Herk? We need our resident AF married couple. Plus Mushroom.
Geez, now I'm feeling all left out. I'd like to add my endorsement to your links, but doing so would imply I believe there is a valid reason to go to Justin Beiber's facebook page. I'm afraid even thumbing my nose at "soulja boy" (or whatever the little ass-clown calls himself) is not worth me going to the Bieber facebook page. Ain't gonna happen. Two wrongs do not make a right.
Well good. Let me go ahead and address this nonsense in the new thread. It has nothing to do with gender. Only you care about that. I do not get a "kick" out of being shot at. It is just something that happens in this line of work. My inclination to do this job is much more than big guns, warfare, and men. In fact, none of those things ever cross my mind. What does me passing all the tests men pass mean? Not a (*)(*)(*)(*) thing. Why do you think anyone else cares about gender? Most people do not give a liquid (*)(*)(*)(*).
Come on, I'd bet you'd sneak a peak at a platoon of toned grunts jogging by in short short ball hugging silky PT shorts.
I know exactly what attracts females to fighter track at UPT. It's the constant state of nausea which hinders the desire for food. Yes it's all about staying thin. A 20 degree bank is considered an aerobatic maneuver in a tanker. You need those basic fighter maneuvers to stay on that razor edge of wanting to vomit, a feeling that lingers several hours after full stop on the tarmac. You can't fool me kiddo.
Hand in the cookie jar... Sounds like you put a lot of thought into this. Sorry it did not work out for you, but I bet you were not turned off by the fact that you were able to throw a Hot Pocket in your on-board oven.
Remind me to put a big U next to flight "attitude" on your next checkride, with those stale hot pocket jokes. I was actually giving you an off-hand compliment. The big tough guys are saying women have no place in combat would be the first to toss their cookies if they tried your job.
I think you may be onto something here.... It's not about us grunts not being able to keep our pecker in our pants, it's about women not trying to charm our snake. When women are constantly trying to make pickles our of our love cucumbers, we cannot effectively engage the enemy.
For someone like Up on the Governor, who is both female and a combat pilot... she would have taken FACT during her undergraduate pilot training. This is before moving on to the T-38 utilized in the fighter/bomber track during the advanced phase of flight training. Basically this test is a way to determine if the person's muscle fitness is adequate to operate high-G aircraft. FACT is an acronym for Fighter Aircrew Conditioning Test. I didn't take the test so I can't speak from experience as I tracked airlift/tanker. I did manage to find the 8 exercise events which are divided into two categories, on the web and I'll share those using Up on the Governor as the "example" of the minimum strength requirements necessary for her job piloting fighter aircraft. We'll say Gov weighs 140lbs. Strength Test: 10-15 repetitions (50 total, minimum) It will be her body weight (140 lbs.) multiplied by: .35 for arm curls = 50 lbs. .8 for bench press = 112 lbs. .7 for lat pulls = 100 lbs. 1.6 for leg press = 225 lbs. .5 for leg curls = 70 lbs. Muscular Endurance Test: 20 repetitions minimum, 50 repetitions maximum Push-ups Abdominal crunches Leg presses Your FACT score is calculated by combining the score of the two tests. Any weaknesses that show up in taking the FACT are addressed in FACP...yet another acronym - Fighter Aircrew Conditioning Program. FACT holds to the same standards regardless of gender, and it's not too difficult from what I've heard; but I only use it as an example of incorporating a basic minimum standard of physical fitness, necessary to do a particular job, that applies equally to men and women. Now as I say, the ground pounders in here know their stuff and can say a female would be a detriment in the long haul and would never be able to meet the physical standards. I'll concede that. I know what it takes to be a military pilot. It requires an all or nothing commitment on both a mental and physical level. About 1,000 pilot slots open up per year and Air Force Academy graduates take 1/2 of those which leaves 500 slots open to ROTC and OTS qualified candidates applying for them. It is very competitive. No you don't have to be built like Rambo to do the job, but it does require processing a lot of information under a great deal of duress...particularly in a combat enviornment that Gov trains and operates in. Clearly she has earned her wings and is no different than any male who has gone through the same process. At a remarkably young age, Air Force pilots and crew are given the responsibility of upwards of a $200M piece of taxpayer funded technology. It's not always about brute strength on the battlefield...and to infer same is to go the way of the Neanderthal. The human brain is the most valuable asset out there...and I believe women are up to the's society and culture that has predestined them to be the gentler and fairer sex... *end of rant*
And, again, we come to the same conclusion. Women are capable warrior in their element--which should not be in the infantry. Flinging themsleves off carriers in $200 million jets, riding medevac, rescue or as door gunners, sitting in a silo ready to unleash nuclear armageddon on anyone stupid enough to ask for it, all good-to-go because none of these require the physical requirements demanded of grunts. In short, it's not a pointless, petty gender barrier based on a discriminatory thought process. It's based in fact. It may not have always been that way, but the life of a grunt is clearly not something you could reasonable expect the average female to step into with any real chance of success without changing the rules to accomodate the physical differences between the two sexes. So, once again, horse beaten. Is it dead yet?
it takes a lot of conditioning to make them that. have you ever seen two feral women fight? they will do things to each other that no man would ever consider. i think it might be a violation of several treaties against unnecessary cruelty to put them in an infantry role.
You're kidding yourself if you think being a war correspondent is anything close to what Infantrymen go through. Bing West, a former Marine and famous author, routinely embeds himself with Infantry patrols in Afghanistan....he's 70 years old. He'd be the first to tell you that correspondents don't go through half of what grunts do. I met him at a dinner a few weeks ago.
Viv killed the fun. You know how to get this thread going, but you lack the testicular fortitude to get it done.
I'm curious as to why you're not more supportive of your fellow women serving in combat related jobs.
Do you think I should have a tattoo saying "girl power" or should I just continue to do my job as best I can and quietly prove a point?