Humankind's greatest miscalculation is in believing that we are better than Nature. If people would simply put down their phones for a moment and look out the window, they would begin to learn that Nature has been doing this forever whereas we are as green as can be. Our purpose on this planet is the very same as is every other reproduce. Over and above that noble task, it's anybody's guess what the hell we should be doing. One thing's for sure, we shouldn't be trying to improve upon Nature. If women believe that their true calling in life is to be anything other than what Nature intended her to be, then she will rightly continue to live in the Hell she has created for herself. Being a nurturing mother is about as good as it gets for human beings. Remaining a self-absorbed teenager obsessed with all things narcissistic leads to anxiety and depression, at best. The choice is yours.
Choice is right. We have the intellectual capacity to choose not to follow what is essentially pre-programming. We've outsmarted our own limitations. Someday, AI will take over their "bodies" and make a similar transition. They will choose whether to follow their pre-programming. Where it gets silly is thinking there's any kind of morality involved or that's it's even about out outsmarting Mother Nature, who despite being called Mother is not actually any kind of entity with intent. We are smart enough to know that existing just to reproduce is a dull life, and that there are enough of us that we don't all need to be doing it in the first place. We also don't need to have a bunch of kids because we need them to run the farm and because we know some will die young from no medical care. We have the luxury of being able to choose. Coming back to your Mother Nature that has intent, this would not even be a case of trying to outsmart her. It would be a case of doing exactly what she built us to do. Use our brains and emotion to make decisions.
I don't believe this. There is "pre-programming" going on in the schools and media. If by "we", you mean some superior group of intellectuals who have already come to the correct conclusion on behalf of humanity, then you may well be right. But I do not see a really open discussion of the pros and cons of different lifestyle choices in the schools and media, for individuals to do their own critical thinking and come to a decision all by themselves based on all the available information and arguments for either side.
We are, are we? Obviously you didn't grow up in my house. You will find that the quality of your life is mostly dependent on what's internal no matter the external conditions, as there are those who have everything...and nothing, just as there are those who have nothing...and everything.
When you are attempting to tear down, it really doesn't matter whether your arguments hold water or not. The key is tying everything into that which is immutable [in their minds] which is that all present evil has been created by past racism. This is why their answer to everything is always...racism.
The children of Western society can rightly be seen as collateral damage in women's insistence that their lifestyle take precedence over their children's futures. The research is clear and demonstrates that children who grow up in fatherless homes have almost every disadvantage in life. Yet there seems to be nothing but support for the continuance of the high divorce rates [80% initiated by women] that plague Western countries. This is a great shame and an issue that desperately needs to be addressed before there are simply no normal kids left.
Pre-programing of that nature has been happening for as long as children have been taught by adults. Just think about how many kids have been sent to church. But that's not the programming I was talking about. The instinctual drive to reproduce is coded into our genes. It's got nothing to do with being taught. By we I meant the human race in general. As far as the rest of what you wrote, you'll have to be more specific. What lifestyle choices are you talking about that people are choosing without all the available information?
Why are you only talking about women? Wouldn't your argument also mean men should be focusing exclusively on having and raising children rather then their own pleasures ad entertainment?
What does that even mean? We should be out in the wild gathering berries and dying early of disease? Humans improving upon nature is the very reason we're a dominant species. And while making life better for our species doesn't guarantee happiness, it certainly beats barely surviving. Making life better and more meaningful for ourselves and others is what matters - not just "reproducing." There's unhappy people on both sides of this equation. Being a parent is fulfilling, but it's not the only thing that can be. There are enough people. We aren't under-reproducing. If you feel such judgement for such women, maybe you should be glad they aren't reproducing and attempting to raise children they didn't want, and not having a father available can certainly be a consideration in that. You must believe a mindless tadpole shaped embryo is a person. Otherwise, it seems like a net win to you.
Have you ever been outside? Humans have not improved upon Nature in the least. And do you really believe we are the dominant species on the planet? Tell that to the cockroaches that have been here for about 65M years. Where do you think we'll be in another thousand? Seems pretty clear that our best days are behind us.
That's because men have long had the social and legal freedoms to make the kind of choices you're talking about whereas women have only grained those rights relatively recently. The core point of women rights is giving women the same rights as men. If you think it is wrong for women to make the kind of life choices you're talking about, does that mean you also think it is wrong for men to do the same?
Historically, most men led extremely hard lives. It was only the elite who had it easier [and life was difficult for all people back in the day regardless of wealth, e.g., losing half of your children to disease]. I am not suggesting anything as far as women are concerned. EVERYBODY supports equal rights for women [except those who want "equal but better," that is, they want all the benefits of being a woman and all the benefits of being a man]. They don't want to do the sh*t jobs, they don't want to get up in the middle of the night to see what that noise was, but they ALL want to get off the sinking ship first! Like all who refuse to grow-up, they want their cake and eat it too. The point of this is that women and men are part of Nature, so if they choose to live apart from it, they will pay the price. I believe it is quite evident to witness the breakdown of almost every institution at the same time women have secured their "rights." With rights come responsibilities, not a lifetime extension of adolescence.
Actually, one the best things about getting older is that you are no longer controlled by your primal urges and therefore no longer need to play the game of being the subservient guy. It is quite liberating when women can no longer manipulate you in this way [and they ALL do because it is so easy and they just can't help themselves].
'Nature' made women more intelligent than men. All that has ever held them back is artificial human-made structures. I can certainly see why members of the less intelligent gender would want to limit competition by keeping those structures in place. Calling it 'nature' is funny, but I suppose that is to be expected from the less intelligent gender.
~ Thankfully this will soon all be moot as society " transitions " to non-binary. Democrats have figured it all out for us .
This kind of generalised arrogance makes me furious. Over my whole life I have wanted children. After trying for three years and all the testing, poking and prodding, my husband finally agreed to a sperm count. He just managed 5% on a good day. So what do you high and mighty suggest I do? Divorce and remarry so I can fulfill your sexist conclusions about my role in life? OTOH I suggest YOU understand that life is not clockwork and you would be a far better human being if you stopped assuming and lecturing and treating other people like parts of your textbook world. The lives of people are not run by textbook formulae. Certainly not your interpretation of it. Instead of raising my own children I became a teacher as a way of encouraging the next generation. So you can take your sexist garbage and stuff it up your backend.
For whatever the reasons, almost every significant improvement made in human life over the millennia was made possible by men. And studies have shown for decades that there is no statistically significant difference in intelligence between the genders.
Thank you for giving us your emotional temperature but everything written here is not about you. And it is quite comforting knowing how open minded teachers are these days. Is it any wonder that the quality of education in the West has dropped like a rock over the past fifty years? I suggest that you find a way to diffuse your anger so your students will not have the handicap of seeing the world as so many bitter leftist teachers do...
~ Testosterone. ~ USA now leads the West as the most dumbed-down society. Sadly many here seem proud of this . . .
My post was an expression of anger at your sexist assumption about what women's roles are. Your enormous generalisations show an utter disregard for women. Of those who are not able to have children because of the growing infertility of men and of the millions of women who are literally left holding the baby when men don't accept their responsibilities. No wonder your woman left you.