The total square professes to know that no one in her state smokes reefer.... as if anyone who smoked would come out to her
My mother injured her back playing tennis. Constant pain for the last year or so. They gave her prescription pain pills that she was starting to get addicted to. Now she smokes weed instead, helps with the pain and keeps her appetite up. It doesn't destroy her liver like pain pills do
as i said, your words say a lot about you. hurt your wittow buttcheeks? do you need some nice play doh and a bong hit? there, there...
Exactly. Legalize drugs. But if your caught driving on drugs, take the drivers license away for 10 years and seize the car.
ha ha, yes i’m a square because i don’t pollute my body with toxic trash and here you are bragging about how cool you are because you do and yelling me i should have sex with animals. what a sad sad little boy.
Yeah lady you calling me a rapist did damage my calm. I wonder, if I accused you of being a common street prostitute, riddled with syphilis and gonorrhea, would you perhaps have an emotional reaction?
Square would be the term used to refer to someone not in the know because they are liable to report you to the authorities lady. I didn't coin the term, don't squirt blood everywhere because of me. Lady: I said you should have sex with animals because you called me a rapist. What part of that is difficult to grasp sweetie? As to toxic: It doesn't have an LD50 that's actually achievable so... not really toxic. Not good for you, but not toxic. Alcohol on the other hand...... is involved in fully half of all domestic violence call outs, causes numerous deaths by overdose or symptoms related to consumption (like choking on your own vomit or doing stupid **** that leads to your death), is THE most common date rape tool etc.
Unfortunately, it is pretty difficult to know if someone is currently under the influence. People who smoke a lot of pot won't look high if they are just using a small amount, and you can't drug test it, as it stays in your system anywhere from 10 days to a month, depending on the frequency of use. This is why people in critical jobs (where they are in charge of other people's safety,) will continue to be drug tested, regardless of laws in the state. There's just no way to know if they are currently under the influence.
Not toxic. Nobody has ever died from smoking too much pot. It is not even known how much pot someone has to smoke to OD, because nobody can smoke that much. Estimates vary, but some posit that you have to smoke twice your body weight in 1/2 hour to get to that point. It's just not possible.
Sure there is. Its called a general impairment test. Its the same test they use to make sure you're not addled from sleep deprivation or fatigue. You do a motor functions test, which includes gaze nystagmus tests both horizontal and vertical. If you're stoned or drunk, those gaze tests WILL catch you if performed correctly, its an unavoidable physiological response.
In a free society an individual is allowed to risk a reasonable amount of harm to themselves. Do you prefer totalitarianism ?
I love it when mj ers use alcohol as a defense. Alcohol has even fewer redeeming qualities than mj. Gave it up years ago and never regretted it a bit.
an emotional reaction? rufkm?? reality check: i'm an anonymous stranger on the inernet. but given your nasty reply to my simple correction of my gender and now telling me to go **** a donkey, i get that you have a problem with women. your time is coming poquitito! there might be some nice cookies for you in the safe room. why don't you go take a look. wait, i get it! mommy issues. oh yeah, i know the type. clear as day now. tell your mom 16 years on the tit is too long.
You are not at an increased risk due to someone driving high any more than someone listening to the radio. Relax and pass the bong.
And yet its perfectly legal, which is why its used as a yard stick. Not worse than alcohol = should be legal. Also: It took a constitutional amendment to make federal bans on alcohol. Where's the amendment for weed or cocaine etc? Some of us actually care about liberty. As have I. I miss the social aspect a bit, the shared experience of a bar crawl or standing your colleagues a round. I've lost a **** ton of weight though and I haven't actually felt this good day to day since before I started drinking in undergrad. Alcohol is straight poison. It should be legal, but its not something that I would do myself now that I've touched the stove.