Not with women. With women who call me a rapist I don't live with my parents lady, and I hold two college degrees which I paid for. I'm married and we're working on a family. She's a teacher and I'm a lawyer. Just because you've got a stick up your ass and people won't put up with it doesn't mean people hate you for being a woman.
in my world you can harm yourself all you want. but you can't harm me even a little. but you tried to claim stoned driving isn't dangerous.
Regardless, driving is a privilege and can be reasonably restricted. Not driving around for a few hours after getting stoned is more than reasonable.
Agreed. I hope they come out soon with a reliable method to scientifically/legally differintiate between 'was high earlier' and 'is high now'.
Bless your little heart, I think you caught a contact high from that reefer head! O my stars and stripes you're probably high as a kite right now with eyes as red as the devil's dick! It certainly explains your rather strange posts
It does not have to be one or the other. Banning something which does more harm than good should be an easy decision. Maybe like the left would like to handle alcohol like they would like to handle the 2nd Amendment. Make it so difficult that it is not worth effort. Require unattainable licenses. Put a limit on how much you can buy.
toxic [tok-sik] adjective of, pertaining to, affected with, or caused by a toxin or poison:a toxic condition. acting as or having the effect of a poison; poisonous:a toxic drug. i must have missed the word lethal in the dictionary.
Except its not poisonous. The most harm they can show from it is the actual process of inhaling combusting materials. Even that they've failed to link to lung cancer even in studies purposefully looking for it. Like I said: Its not good for you, but its not toxic.
Putin and China are biding their time. As America becomes more gender confused, queer and doped up, then they will make their move and take us over.
I see it clearly now. You're baked as **** lady. Misspelling words, misusing capitalization and punctuation. Tsk tsk tsk. You should call poison control, you sound like you're overdosing on the marijuanas.
Let me tell you how well a Dog can smell I have read MANY articles on the subject, now for starters, if you vape or hit a bowl or blunt in your car, YOU ARE SCREEWED! Now on to concealment, if you were to take bag of weed and use 12 vacuum pack it and place it in another with cinnamon in it and put that bag in another with mothballs and placed that one in another bag with skunk scent, the dog would detect each scent independently. Skunk scent mothballs cinnamon And finally the weed.. Finally, one they are trained to look for that scent they become even better at detection!
Are you calling Chingler, who I'm reliably informed is a proper ****ing lady, a dog? We're talking about the HUMAN sense of smell that she apparently used to detect the smell of reefer. We're not talking about Officer Scooby Doo. You pack it like that to avoid human officers saying "i detect the presence of marijuana" at routine traffic stops. Its not going to fool a dog, its not intended to. You realize there is case law that they have to have an independent reason to make you wait on a k-9 officer right? Otherwise you can skate. That means if you're not pulled by a k9 there is a decent chance of evasion.
How would you then rationalize that many motivated people who are a success use pot? The exact same thing can be said about alcohol. You ever see that list of booze the founders had when constructing this nation together? I don't think your beliefs are that well grounded in reality. You for whatever reason hate the stuff, and with that prejudice interact with information. And you always end up where you started, with the prejudice unaffected. People do this all of the time with various things. You sound like the old women who lived in the town where Ms. State Univ. is located. Back in the 70s once again some residents there tried to get it legal to sell beer inside the county. It had failed over the years, many times. I was attending college there and the editorials against legal beer always ran something like this.....we cannot have beer sold here, for when our ladies went grocery shopping they should never have to step over passed our drunks in the store! ha ha Yes, that is just how some of these church going people thought. I don't see much difference between the pot hating crowd and the beer hating crowd. The mistake we made with Prohibition is that we should have made the possession of booze a hanging offense, with all offenders being hung in the public square. That would have done it!! Just need to make the punishment, death, to end all use of substances that get people high! I am sure the anti alcohol and anti pot people would volunteer to be the executioners. It would then jive with their other irrational belief systems.
Nope I'm addressing this myth You did post that, right? Then again you assume a K9 unit will not be called in
this is 'political opinions and beliefs.' my opinion is based on my observations. for the rest of your ridiculous rant about prohibition, i have not taken a position one way or another in this thread.
No, I was just hoping you'd say something to the effect of "HA HA HA DUMBASS its 62 % of the state that wants legal weed". It was just a way to ensure you responded to the post with the link so I could prove you'd seen it, then mock you for not noticing all the weed smokers you surely know given those numbers What you ended up doing has less effect than what I was going for with that little rhetorical tactic but I'm still satisfied with the result. No one smokes the reefer, except for those 62% who only want reefer legalized because they smoke the reefer!
^ See above. They've got to have independent reasons. Smelling dope counts. That's why people who move those vac packed bags we were discussing, don't smoke dope in the vehicle or usually on the trip at all. Unless they're what's known as a "crash test dummy" (pretty self explanatory). If they've packed the bag right, a human won't be able to sniff it out where a dog would find it almost immediately. And saying "you've got oregon plates" isn't enough.