so you admit your reading comprehension is substandard. well, i guess you can have a cookie for that.
I did not "Try to claim anything" I did claim - that driving while on pot is no more harmful than listening to the radio while driving. In general - someone driving high is more careful than someone who is not.
Then your observations are not coming from an objective mind, IMO. Your opinions will always be deterministic, and you can believe in no other manner. You of course do not enjoy using alcohol, right? That would make you quite the hypocrite and of course you don't believe people should use that stuff either. I have less problems with people who don't use any drug, including booze, and who are against pot. I can respect those people, whereas, respecting someone who gets high on booze but goes after those that get high on pot, is just basic hypocrisy. Mentally incoherent. I would never want to convert non drug partakers into being a user. But what I do have a big problem with are those people who want to imprision people for exercising the most basic right that freedom is based on. The sovereignty over ones own body, that other folks, perhaps like yourself, would demand to own. And to punish such people with prison or other outrageous punishment for exercising the most basic freedom that God gives man. In this case, for using a plant that intoxicates. And one that does have some medical uses to address human suffering. The position to take on pot is if you don't want to use it, don't. But stay out of the business of others if they want to use it, and mind your own front and back yard. This does not mean that driving under the effect of any mind altering substance should be ok, for it should not. But we have laws for driving while intoxicated and have for a long time. If I get behind someone who is stoned, on any drug, and they are a risk to others, I tend to call the police with the tag number. I don't makes posts about the drug, but the driver or the ones who are putting at risk the lives of others. And I don't use such an incidence as a reason pot or booze should be illegal, nor that anyone who uses either is somehow a POS. Isn't that basically what you are doing? Pointing out that perception does have relevance, IMO.
Agreed but - this does not change the fact that the idea that driving after smoking pot, is in any way shape or form comparable to driving drunk is a preposterous and demonstrable falsehood. That you have some kids having fun - not paying attention as kids are wont to do - and they happen to have smoked some pot - which is associated with a time when kids are having fun (as opposed to driving to work) is what accounts for accidents. Accidents where Pot is blamed as the cause when the cause was not Pot. I don't actually smoke the stuff - I did when I was young the same as almost everyone in my age group.... it is just what you did. You are a little paranoid and thus more careful when driving high. Since there is no significant motor reflex impairment (unlike alcohol) and no perception impairment (unlike alcohol) .. you simply can not compare the two. People have been driving high for decades - and these people do not get into accidents like people who are drunk. That said .. yes . if you take a big hit off a bong you should responsibly wait an hour or so to drive. This "refer madness" faux hysteria however is just that..
All they have to do is say "I'm detecting the smell of cannabis! They don't need your permission to walk around your vehicle with a dog. And I assure you, K9 units can trigger a response from their animal by simply changing the tone of their command But lets just finish this silly myth, plastic bags have a very short containment window before the terpene molecules permeate the plastic. Best way is to "Can your stash" simply take a mason jar heat it up in an oven to 180 and then add your material and then place the seal and ring on the jar and refrigerate for 20 min or so.. The glass and seal will give the transporter the edge, although still not 100%
did you even bother reading the post you replied to? here, let me restate it for you... for the rest of your ridiculous rant about prohibition, i have not taken a position one way or another in this thread. put your glasses on and read carefully this time.
Which is why I used the term ... reasonable amount of harm. Alcohol, Pot, skiing, boating, driving a car, cigarettes and so on fall under the category of "reasonable". Sky diving without a parachute ... not so much.
Reminds of an old joke, "I've never used cocaine and never would. Have to admit it does smell good though."
You sound like a friend of mine who says he drives better drunk. I love the guy...but he's an idiot for thinking that.
You mistake your personal anecdote for some kind of truth about all people who use marijuana. Do we hear you advocating against banning alcohol with the horde's of drunks killing people daily on the highway? No, you've been programmed by your media propaganda and this merely then tickled that pre-existing prejudice. Legalization is much more of a complex issue, first of all is criminalization realistic or just? Absolutely not, our overcrowding problem prisons would then be filled with more non-violent people largely self medicating their mental health issues. Most people with severe mental illness abuse substances, with over 70% of those with bipolar abuse. We need to treat drug addiction and abuse as a health issue, not making these people outlaws for trying to deal with the pain of life. And marijuana isn't physically addictive, the majority who use are not addicted and there are no noted long term health impacts found to be present unless abused at a young age.
You sound like someone who has never smoked weed before, it is totally different than being drunk. But one should still never drive intoxicated by any substance, but I would bet alcohol will continue to be more dangerous given the impairment of judgement which is not as prevalent with marijuana.
The difference is that you can put the cellphone down and be back to normal. Can't do that if you've been using substances.
Your in a remote area with two doctor friends. You need ER care and all you have is each other. One of your friends has been drinking, the other has been smoking some weed. Guess which one you want helping you out? (Preferred answer is neither, but you are gonna die, otherwise, in my example, to illustrate an important point.)
Says the woman apparently not able to read that I did that on purpose and was hoping I could get you to smugly crow that I was a dumbass and the number of, according to you people, certain reeferheads was actually close to double what I had stated. You're still toasty from that contact high eh Mary Jane?
you stated that we “make policy” based on xyz... i am simply stating an opinion based on my observations.
Please please please folks, do -not- carry weed in your car or on your person where it is not legal relying on "the law" or packaging to protect your 4th Amendment rights unless you have a full 360 degree camera system and tape recording device other than your phone. Even THEN don't transport it. In some areas like mine, police are not honorable public servants, work scams such as with towing companies ($350 tow fees for a half mile tow) and local government. If they pack the jails enough cousin Leroy can get a job with the sheriff, clerk's office, etc. Your chances of prevailing in court are slim and none no matter what you think or are told, the deck is stacked against you. And above all, keep your night driving to a minimum whenever possible regardless of what you are drinking, smoking or doing, even totally sober. The difference between what the law says and what actually goes on is a vast ocean. Don't swim there.