Actually, all of those things sound a lot BETTER than the treatment that Jesus/Mohammad have (apparently) in store for Gorn because Gorn dares to demand jury-level of proof before he believes in any particular magic invisible man in the sky. Gorn is awesome, and far more moral/compassionate than Jesus/Mohammad. - - - Updated - - - Yes, in that gospel he killed multiple people (seriously, look it up.) So much for the Prince of Peace....more like the Prince of Pain.
I have no knowledge of how many, if any, detainees were there due to bad intelligence or mistaken identity. I simply acknowledge that it is possible. I also would not stop or condemn the program because of them.
In religious-speak "troll" means "un-answerable". They can't answer the thread, so they automatically attack the thread starter as a "troll". If they actually had a good answer they'd reply with clever come-backs, putting the (obviously ill-informed!) thread starter in his place, and he'd eventually, after many such setbacks, crawl back to reading his "God Delusion" book (by Richard Dawkins), sucking his thumb.....but that doesn't happen, because religions are just myths. Gorn is a champion of truth and reason, but Jesus is a champion of magic, superstition, and above all FEAR.
You talk a good game, my friend, but let's test out your belief that you'd do anything for a loved one. Please tell us your answer to this question: "If a loved one of yours (say, your mother) repeatedly screamed out in agony for you to help them while their flesh was permanently on fire in the lake of fire, are you forgiving enough to forgive them, and compassionate enough to help pull them out of said lake, if you had that power?" Your reply (seeing how you'd do anything for a loved one)? Thanks.
Fantastic, we've finally found a Christian who is moral enough to have removed the horrific OT from his Bible! Congratulations on having as much moral back-bone as a Modern Secular Humanist.
Yes, the Islamic texts are extremely cruel and violent, we can all agree. Not as nearly cruel and violent as the Bible, but still very very cruel and violent. The LORD is a man of war. Exodus 15:3 Fight in the way of Allah. Quran 2:244 Number of Cruel or Violent Passages: Bible 1214 Quran 527 http://dwindlinginunbelief.blogspot...lent-bible-or-quran.html#sthash.8Os7S5GG.dpuf
But for those ppl who say that they would trade places with someone and give up their salvation in stead...I would like to think that I would have the 'love' to do such.......but in fact, spiritually it wouldnt be just for all the others in that position. The soul of OD would be in a different realm than the physical OD and this would be a non-answerable situation---your carnal thinking doesnt compute, as they say. BTW, still waiting for the 'official' WWGCD............ - - - Updated - - - Just used the NT with the name 'Jesus' referred to....sorry, no moral victory there
What I like is how the retorts have been "well what about when Muslims are violent" as if being a different religion suddenly makes torture ok.
I wouldnt say that torture is OK if one is a Christian; but as scripture says, "Man looks on the outside, but God looks on the inside;" ergo, God knows the hearts of men, their thoughts & intentions..." Is it done out of personal pleasure, or for a greater, noble purpose? And as the bumper sticker says, "Christians arent Perfect, just Forgiven." And to use a secular saying, "It's easier to get Forgiveness than Permission"
"We Christians have an incredibly cruel and violent belief system, but if we can just find a belief system that's MORE cruel and violent then we can make some points here....Nazism, that's it, Nazism! Wait - people would RATHER have their lives shortened in the Nazi's Auschwitz than spend infinitely longer than that in even more agony in Jesus' after-life Auschwitz - "the lake of fire", so we can't use Nazism.....drat!.....hmmmmm....Islam, let's try Islam!"
I would forgive the, say, Hindus, for simply making the honest mistake of not bucking lottery-like odds and not picking the (apparent) one true unproven super-hero out of the tens of thousands on offer (throughout history), so I would not send Hindus to Jesus' torture chamber in the sky (or in the center of the earth or wherever the heck it's supposed to be.) What about you...can you forgive Hindus for making an honest mistake, and give them a second chance, because you love them as much as I do?
Great, so they pray nightly to Jesus to change his ways and let moral non-Christians into heaven and to avoid the torture of hell? If not, then they are either immoral/uncaring about other people, or don't really believe that Jesus listens to their prayers.
Torture could possibly be the least of the Christian/anti-Jesus issues set to explode religious conservative brains. It's as if Ayn Rand was Jesus' mama.
That's a horrible attitude to have. When I was a kid, going to a Catholic school, we were never told to do wrong then beg for forgiveness but rather to not do wrong in the first place. Following the golden rule was a big deal. If you're just going to throw out Gods commandments because you know that he'll forgive then why would he even bother laying out rules to begin with? Don't get me wrong I see what you are saying and I see how someone could go through that train of thought, but to me it sounds like somone saying "well I know better than God so I'm going to break his rules to do his will then ask for forgiveness. " That to me is absolutely wrong. In any case thank uou for this good answer! I really was curious and this makes sense to me.
Well, you asked, Cap'n, and this thread is about double-standards, is it not? Speaking of which, when will you be opening a "WHWMSO? - Who's Head Would Muhammad Saw Off?" thread? Oh, but I do look at this from a moral perspective. If pouring water up the nose of a terrorist will save the lives of thousands of innocent Americans I'm willing to get my hands wet. On the other hand, I could take the "progressive" moral approach to this thorny moral dilemma and just dispatch the jihadist to Allah's celestial whorehouse, but it's difficult to get intelligence out of a cloud of pink mist...
My 'personal' beliefs is that Jesus is The Door (per scripture and His words), and that all will pass b4 Him at some point in time. To those who have believed in His words and accepted His work on the cross have, to use the secular term, a "Get Out of Jail free" card as He was their substitute and received their justice for their sins (errors & failings in life) thru repentance and turning from their previous ways. Again, Not Perfect, but Forgiven....scripture says that "we are being perfected" in this life, as total salvation (body, soul, & spirit) is a lifelong process. All others will still stand b4 Him but have to be judged on their conscience (knowing right & wrong) as is said, "God knows the hearts, thoughts & intentions of men." And so a Hindu, esp not having heard nor had a chance to reject the work of Jesus Christ on the cross, will be judged by their 'hearts.' Now for those who have heard the msg of Jesus Christ,and have rejected it, their hearts will condemn them..but in the gray areas of rejection because of child abuse, etc. again, God knows their hearts. I thank God that I'm not 'the judge!'
No matter how flowery you try to dispute it, this is troll thread, no ifs ands or buts. And Gorn is a radical left wing troll, his post history is a testament to that. The majority of Americans are in favor of torturing islamic terrorists, you people just can't come to terms that you are just a part of the progressive faction in this country that is loosing the war of ideals.
Well, I have been out of catechism class for a while, and I did know that archeologists dug up of Gospel of Ayn in the Jordanian desert in 2011, I just didn't put the two together. My bad.
What torture are you referring to? The only thing being tortured here is the truth, and you and the lefties are the ones torturing it.
Jesus approved of torture, so if he's the #1 role model in America then I guess we're going to have to torture. Us Modern Secular Humanists are just going to have to suck it up, and take our high level of morality somewhere else, I guess.
The horrific (and arguably Biblically-approved) torture in the US Senate's big 5 year study that was just released. Expect even more religiously-inspired terrorism because of it. If Christians loved everybody, like Modern Secular Humanists do, then the world would be a better place indeed.
Again, having been raised Catholic myself, scripture says that we are being perfected. (Phil 1:6)'--We will not reach perfection in this life! But we have an 'advocate' one who identifies with our frailties) on our side to plead our case. But per Catholic teaching, a Good Confession requires a conscience turning from one's sins (NOT meaning never sinning again!) or forgiveness by God cant be expected...i.e. 'pet sins' dont get forgiven
So is this master of virtue going to let my moral, scientifically-minded, little niece (she doesn't think that magic is real) into his elitist country club in the sky, or instead see that she gets tortured worse than Hitler could have hoped to torture his worst enemy, in his Nazi-like "lake of fire"? Which is it? I can picture her screaming as I write this.....and I'm too moral to say "ok, I believe in Jesus", because the guilt of me basking in "heaven" while she screams for me to help her would be too much for any moral person to take. But if I was not compassionate, and believed that magic was real, then sure, I could become a Christian.